Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

The Most Important Step in Learning Tarot

What do you think is the most important step in learning how to read Tarot cards? Do you think it’s…

a) Learning the Tarot card meanings?

b) Getting the right deck and book?

c) Opening to your intuition?

In my own humble opinion, it’s NONE of these things. I strongly feel that the most important step in learning how to read Tarot cards is this…

Spending time just looking at your deck and familiarizing yourself with your cards.

The funny thing is, this important step often gets overlooked because Tarot newbies are in such a rush to start learning the meanings and doing readings.

But I’ll say it again – the most important thing you can do when you first get your Tarot deck is to just sit there and go through the deck, taking your time to observe each card.

Why is this so important?

Spending time getting to know your cards lets you get a big picture view of your Tarot deck. It also helps you connect with your deck and feel like your Tarot cards are a familiar thing.

Getting your first Tarot deck can be a confusing and overwhelming experience, but spending time just observing the cards helps you get more comfortable with them.

Most people want to dive into learning the Tarot meanings first. I get it. I was like this too. But that’s like going on a first date with someone you’ve just met and expecting them to spill all their secrets right off the bat.

Trust needs to be built before secrets can be revealed, whether it’s a relationship with a person or a Tarot deck.

Try this!

Choose your most and least favorite Tarot cards:

The Housewives Tarot

1. As you go through your Tarot deck, notice what cards strongly appeal to you and set those aside. You’ll also want to set aside the cards you really dislike.

2. Go through your “Likes” pile and choose the card you like the most and do the same thing with your “Dislikes” pile, picking the one you dislike the most.

3. Compare and contrast your favorite Tarot card to your least favorite. How are they different? How are they similar?

4. Find out what your favorite Tarot card says about you and what your least favorite Tarot card says about you!


Group your Tarot cards into 5 suits:

1. Separate your Tarot cards into 5 groups – Majors, Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

2. Spend time looking at each group and comparing and contrasting each group. You will notice that each group has a particular feel and perhaps even it’s own color scheme. What symbols re-appear in the Suit of Wands? What symbols re-appear in the Swords, etc?

3. What suit do you relate most strongly to? Here’s a fun quiz to get you started!


Group your Tarot cards by number:

Leave the Major Arcana out for this one and group the Minors according to their number. Look at each grouping and notice the similarities and differences in the imagery. Do particular numbers seem kind of crappy? Do some seem really happy?

All the 2’s from the Everyday Witch Tarot


Look at all the Court Cards:

Crystal Visions Tarot

1. Group all the Kings together, all the Queens, etc, until you have four groups of four.

2. What kind of a vibe do you get when you look at the Kings? How about when you gaze on the Queens? Knights? Pages?

3. Do any particular Court Cards stand out to you? Which ones and why?

Court cards can be tricky! When you’re ready to go deeper, here’s some helpful exercises:

Why the Court cards are so hard to read (and what you can do about it)

Court Cards: Learn the Once and for ALL!

Well, that should give you enough to work with for the next year 😉 so I’ll leave you to it!

But first, I want to know…

What has been the most important step in learning Tarot for YOU? Tell me all about it in the comments below!

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Quiz: Which Court Card Are You?

In my world, Summer isn’t Summer without holing up in a tent or tree fort and doing personality quizzes!

Back when I was 13, my friend and I spent the whole Summer hanging out in her little brother’s tree fort, putting on skanky makeup and doing sex quizzes in Cosmo. No wonder I’m so messed up now.

So in the spirit of that, I decided to make you a quiz. And since my Tarot Summer School course Learn the Tarot Court Cards is now available, I decided to make this quiz all about Court Cards!

1. You’re planning your next vacation – ooh la la! What option is most attractive to you?

a) Camping and hiking in the wilderness. You love nature…and crapping in the bushes.

b) Visiting a big glitzy city and going to intellectual bookstores, plays and museums

c) Something near water – either a luxury cruise or a surfing trip

d) A spiritual retreat in the desert where you can watch for UFOs and go on drumming trance journeys.


2. Your favorite way to connect with someone is to:

a) Have sex with them

b) Discuss literature, politics and film

c) Share feelings and emotions and cry a lot

d) Do things together that you’re both passionate about


3. Your favorite mode of transport is…

a) Walking. You like to have both feet on the ground!

b) Flying. Stale peanuts, screaming babies and getting groped by TSA’s  is your fave!

c) Boat! Ferries, yachts, rowboats, catamarans, kayaks, cruise ships – as long as it’s on water, it’s awesome!

d) Astral travel. But if that’s not possible, a car will do.

4. What best describes your personality?

a) Practical, down to earth and stable. You enjoy good food, a comfy home and the company of friends, family and pets. You crave a simple, yet delicious life.

b) Smart, focused and goal oriented. You love to plan, love to read and love to have stimulating conversation with intelligent people. You don’t have time for drama or fluff but often find yourself in a depressive mood.

c) Intuitive and empathetic, you are in tune with your emotions and the emotions of others. Strangers like to tell you their life story because they sense your sympathetic ear a mile away.

d) You’re passionate and creative and live your life according to your own rules! You follow your bliss and sometimes burn the candle at both ends, but your life and work has meaning for you.

You’re only halfway through this quiz, but I want you to tally up your answers so far. The answers to the last four questions will determine what suit you are most aligned with.

If you answered…

Mostly A’s – You resonate most strongly with the suit of Pentacles! You’re a practical person who is very authentic and “real”. You love the good things in life like sex, food and relaxation and most of your struggles (and you’re achievements) are in the realms of finances and health.

Mostly B’s – You resonate powerfully with the suit of Swords! You have a strong intellect and a way with words. You shine the most when you feel mentally stimulated and focused – this is when you morph into a powerhouse who gets shit done! Most of your big life challenges (and rewards) are in the realm of communication and mental health.

Mostly C’s – You are most strongly aligned with the suit of Cups! You’re touchy feely, have a developed sixth sense (whether you know it or not) and others seem instantly comfortable around you. You make an excellent counsellor, mentor, artist or Tarot reader. Most of your challenges (and joys) tend to be in the realm of relationships and emotional expression.

Mostly D’s – You are powerfully aligned with the suit of Wands! You’re a passionate little firecracker and you’re not afraid to go after what you want. You’re different from the masses because see the BIG picture and understand how everything is connected. You’re biggest challenges (and successes) are in the realm of spirituality and creativity.

Okay, now let’s continue…

5) When it comes to life, your goal is to:

a) Be the BEST at everything (or at least be the best you can be)

b) Help, understand and connect with others

c) Explore and have adventures! There are SO MANY experiences you are dying to have!

d) Learn. You are a student of life.


6) In relationships you’re good at:

a) Calling all the shots

b) Being empathetic and nurturing

c) Bringing the excitement and thrills!

d) Being unstable, indecisive and just generally fucking things up


7) When you dislike someone, you:

a) Fire them

b) Keep it classy and treat them with respect – giving in to your baser instincts will only make you look weak

c) Challenge them to a contest you know you will win

d) Avoid them


8) You acquire ten million dollars! You immediately:

a) Invest it, buy some real estate and maybe, just maybe, indulge in some hookers n’blow

b) Donate some to charity, help out friends and family, quit your day job and devote your life to helping others

c) Travel! Maybe buy a motorbike or yacht and set out on the adventure of a lifetime.

d) Go back to school and learn something valuable. But blow the rest on stupid stuff.

Okay, now tally up your answers to questions 5 – 8. These will reveal whether you’re a King, Queen, Knight or Page!

If you answered mostly…

A’s – You’re a King! You’re a natural born leader and you love running the show. You’re confident most of the time and when you’re not you’re really good at faking it. You know yourself well which is why you exude such power and sensuality. But don’t be surprised if you attract needy losers who need to be micromanaged – they are helplessly drawn to your willingness to tell them what to do. Most find you inspiring and some find you irritating – but that’s the name of the game when you’re the top banana!

B’s – You’re a Queen through and through! You classy, poised and have a heart of gold. You love teaching and helping others and those who confide in you know you’ll take their secrets to the grave. You have the confidence, focus and determination to make real changes in the world, minus the lust for power and fame. A true Queen indeed! But keep in mind that it’s okay to be selfish every now and then – you don’t have to be a Mother Theresa all day everyday. Geez!

C’s – You’re a Knight! Chances are you can’t sit still for long before you find yourself lusting for action and adventure. You love getting out there and having new and exciting experiences, especially when you’re after a challenge of some sort. Commitment is like death to you – unless you’re committing to a life of wild thrill seeking. But there’s more to you than meets the eye – you’re on a mission and that mission is meaningful to you. Your motto is: Don’t just stand there, bust a move!

D’s – Good golly, you’re a Page! What you lack in experience you make up for with enthusiasm – in ALL areas of life 😉 You’re happy as long as you’re learning something new and having new experiences. Sometimes you mess up and doubt yourself, but that’s okay. You’re good at picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, learning from your mistakes and moving on. You’re an optimist most days and possess the valuable ability to see things with a fresh set of eyes.

Now, combine your suit with your Court card type to learn which specific court card is most strongly aligned with your personality!

Most importantly, share your results in the comments below! Which court card are you? Do you agree? Disagree?

Quiz: Which Court Card Are You? Read More »

Tarot craft: Make Your Own Tarot Jar!

This afternoon as I was reading Andy Matzner’s The Tarot Activity Book, I was inspired to try one of his Tarot projects: creating my very own Tarot display jar!

I’m going to give you a run-down on how it went…but first I want to tell you about Andy’s book.

The Tarot Activity Book is just that – a whole book full of Tarot crafts, journalling exercises and fun activities, none of which involve reading the cards – which is refreshing.

Tarot’s usefulness extends far beyond the realm of readings and this book helps you use Tarot in ways you’ve never imagined.

One of the activities in his book is to make a Tarot mason jar. Mason jars have become trendy ever since hipsters started drinking green juice out of them with straws. A cafe in my neighborhood started using them as lightbulbs and the place became an instant hipster haven. Hordes of plaid, beards and tuques suddenly began beating their door down! It was wild!

Step 1: fill mason jar with salt or sand

You only need about 1″ of salt or sand. You could use soil if you’re really earthy, or that pink Himalayan sea salt if you like pretty shit.

This is to provide a base to put stuff in later.


Step 2: decorate the jar

I skipped this step because I’m lazy and also because I just knew it would end up looking like crap.

Andy suggests using acrylic paint to pretty up the inside or outside of the jar or even gluing bits of fabric or papers on it. Someone good at crafts would do a good job of this – me? Not so much. I know my limits.

Step 3: choose a Tarot card to go in the jar!

The Star from Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot

This is the best part. I chose The Star because it helps me remember to relax and let go and stop trying to control everything and everyone.

If you’re trying to manifest something, you could choose a Tarot card that represents what you want to bring into your life.

Or, if you want to channel a particular card’s energy, like the Queen of Wands or The Empress, you could choose that for the jar.

OR… if your a fan of doing daily one card draws, you could put your daily draw card in your jar and change it up each day.


Step 4: Put nice objects in the jar

Choose some objects that relate to your chosen Tarot card or that are special to you and place them in the bottom of the jar, around the card.

I chose some pretty colored crystals, but you could use jewelry, sea shells, flowers, and other trinkets.

My cat decided to help me with this step by knocking all my crystals off the table, one at a time…


Step 5: Illuminate! (optional)

Put a battery operated candle or string of lights in your Tarot jar to create a magical glow!

I first used a string of fairy lights for my Tarot jar but I didn’t love how they seemed to obstruct my view of the Tarot card. A smaller string would have been ideal.

I then tried using a real tealight and this was a terrifying disaster! I almost burnt my Tarot card and the flame was so bright it also seemed to obstruct the card.

I think the best option is one of those fake plastic tealights that use a battery. It will create a soft glow without turning your jar into a Tarot inferno!

Unfortunately I didn’t have any battery powered tealights on hand, so I’m just making due with the show-stealing string lights until I find some.

Step 6: Display your Tarot jar!

Proudly display your Tarot jar somewhere you’ll see it, like your desk, bookshelf or bedside table.

Whenever I look at my Tarot jar, I’m reminded that there is order in the chaos and that everything is working out the way it needs to. It’s okay for me to let go and trust…

Check out The Tarot Activity Book!

If you liked this crafty Tarot exercise and find yourself thirsting for more, Andy Matzner’s book has lots to offer. With almost 100 Tarot activities and exercises, this book helps you go beyond readings to develop a whole new dimension to your Tarot journey.

Check it out on Amazon


Show & Tell…

My challenge to you is this:

  1. Decide what card you want to feature in your own Tarot jar and tell me in the comments below…
  2. Create your own Tarot jar and then hop on over to my Facebook page and send me a pic! I can’t wait to see what you create!!!

Good luck and have fun 🙂

Tarot craft: Make Your Own Tarot Jar! Read More »

Are you keeping secrets? You should be!

Veronica Noir is my evil Tarot reading twin. Man-eater by night, day drinker by day, Tarot reader on Fridays. She’s hear to ejaculate some spice and deviousness into your life!

high priestess
Housewives Tarot

Secrets are the spice of life! I love them. Nothing spruces up a boring party than hearing a delicious secret…or revealing one of your own!

People who say things like “secrets are toxic” or “secrets ruin relationships” don’t know the art of juicy living.

But don’t fret about those basic peeps – leave them to their ham sandwiches and polyester shirts, because you’ve got thrills to give and a life to live!

This Summer is all about secrets – and you can’t have secrets if you just behave yourself all the time 😉

So get out there and do things that need to be hidden, things you wouldn’t want just anyone knowing about. Before you know it you’ll be a beacon of mystery, living a life of scintillating drama and bliss!

Please note: Veronica is taking the rest of the Summer off and will return in September with renewed snark and sass.

Are you keeping secrets? You should be! Read More »

How to Read Tarot for Yourself (When You’re Feeling Emotional)

Have you ever been told you shouldn’t read Tarot for yourself when you’re upset or stressed out?

This is because your brain (and intuition) are effected by strong emotions and it can make for a biased, unhelpful reading.

But here’s the thing: this is when you really want to do a reading! Who waits until their life is perfect and stress-free to do a reading? NOBODY!

And while there are other ways to deal with stress and uncertainty, like binge watching Glow on Netflix, scarfing a whole box of shortbread cookies and yelling at your boyfriend, doing a Tarot reading might actually be the healthiest option.

So the challenge is this: how do you read Tarot for yourself when you’re feeling upset, excited or stressed out? How do you stop your desires, fears and emotions from biasing a reading?

Luckily, there’s a way!

Step One: Instead of reading about your specific issue, ask yourself how do I want to feel in this situation?

A couple of months ago I was dealing with a painful and frightening health issue. I was faced with having to make a big decision regarding surgery. Because I felt so charged up about my health, I knew it would be impossible to do an unbiased reading about it.

When I asked myself how do I want to feel (in relation to my health issue)? The answer was calm and clear. I wanted clarity as to what steps I needed to take and I wanted to feel calm and relaxed about it all.

Step Two: Once you’ve identified how you want to feel, ask your cards: What do I need to do to feel ____________? Then draw a card.

The card I got when I did this was the Four of Wands.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot

To me, the Four of Wands is about community and coming together. It seemed to be telling me to reach out to the community of people who’ve experienced the same thing as me and gather information and support.

So that’s what I did! Afterwards I felt calmer about the whole thing and clearer about what decision is right for me.

The key is that you are doing a reading about how to feel the way you want to feel in relation to your issue – but not about the issue itself.

You aren’t asking what should I do about my problem? What do I need to know? What’s going on here? – you are simply asking how can I feel the way I want to feel?

It’s a very empowering act and it allows you to pull yourself out of the drama of your problems and make strides in a positive direction.

So next time something is bothering you, try this Tarot exercise and see what happens!

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