The Most Important Step in Learning Tarot
What do you think is the most important step in learning how to read Tarot cards? Do you think it’s…
a) Learning the Tarot card meanings?
b) Getting the right deck and book?
c) Opening to your intuition?
In my own humble opinion, it’s NONE of these things. I strongly feel that the most important step in learning how to read Tarot cards is this…
Spending time just looking at your deck and familiarizing yourself with your cards.
The funny thing is, this important step often gets overlooked because Tarot newbies are in such a rush to start learning the meanings and doing readings.
But I’ll say it again – the most important thing you can do when you first get your Tarot deck is to just sit there and go through the deck, taking your time to observe each card.
Why is this so important?
Spending time getting to know your cards lets you get a big picture view of your Tarot deck. It also helps you connect with your deck and feel like your Tarot cards are a familiar thing.
Getting your first Tarot deck can be a confusing and overwhelming experience, but spending time just observing the cards helps you get more comfortable with them.
Most people want to dive into learning the Tarot meanings first. I get it. I was like this too. But that’s like going on a first date with someone you’ve just met and expecting them to spill all their secrets right off the bat.
Trust needs to be built before secrets can be revealed, whether it’s a relationship with a person or a Tarot deck.
Try this!
Choose your most and least favorite Tarot cards:

1. As you go through your Tarot deck, notice what cards strongly appeal to you and set those aside. You’ll also want to set aside the cards you really dislike.
2. Go through your “Likes” pile and choose the card you like the most and do the same thing with your “Dislikes” pile, picking the one you dislike the most.
3. Compare and contrast your favorite Tarot card to your least favorite. How are they different? How are they similar?
4. Find out what your favorite Tarot card says about you and what your least favorite Tarot card says about you!
Group your Tarot cards into 5 suits:
1. Separate your Tarot cards into 5 groups – Majors, Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.
2. Spend time looking at each group and comparing and contrasting each group. You will notice that each group has a particular feel and perhaps even it’s own color scheme. What symbols re-appear in the Suit of Wands? What symbols re-appear in the Swords, etc?
3. What suit do you relate most strongly to? Here’s a fun quiz to get you started!
Group your Tarot cards by number:
Leave the Major Arcana out for this one and group the Minors according to their number. Look at each grouping and notice the similarities and differences in the imagery. Do particular numbers seem kind of crappy? Do some seem really happy?

Look at all the Court Cards:

1. Group all the Kings together, all the Queens, etc, until you have four groups of four.
2. What kind of a vibe do you get when you look at the Kings? How about when you gaze on the Queens? Knights? Pages?
3. Do any particular Court Cards stand out to you? Which ones and why?
Court cards can be tricky! When you’re ready to go deeper, here’s some helpful exercises:
Why the Court cards are so hard to read (and what you can do about it)
Court Cards: Learn the Once and for ALL!
Well, that should give you enough to work with for the next year 😉 so I’ll leave you to it!
But first, I want to know…
What has been the most important step in learning Tarot for YOU? Tell me all about it in the comments below!
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