Nine of Cups ~ Give to Yourself First!
Veronica Noir is a Tarot reader, dominatrix, exhibitionist and the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She has an unhealthy addiction to online shopping, watching kitten videos on YouTube and of course, trolling for younger men and lying about her age! Here are her words of wisdom…

When I read Tarot cards, I like to make up pretend dialogues in my head.
I picture the chick in this card going “This had better be that gold plated vibrator I asked for and not some cheap crap from Wal-Mart again!”
And he’s all like “Open it bitch!”
Ahhh, the spirit of giving. How do you feel about receiving gifts? Pretty good?
What about receiving gifts (or help) from total strangers? Or those with less money than you? Or those with more money than you?
Giving and receiving can be fraught with tension. But the real question is: how do you feel about giving to yourself?
Make today a You-Day. Pamper yourself like never before. Take yourself out to lunch, buy something luxurious and impractical and take an hour long bath – but don’t be stingy with the hot water!
Once you are generous with yourself, you can be generous to others. Or you may choose to continue just being generous to yourself…that’s okay too – I don’t judge!
Nine of Cups ~ Give to Yourself First! Read More »