Weekly Tarot Forecast Videos

Tarot Reading for the Week Ahead!

I used my Dream Enchantress Tarot for this reading and I have to say I am really liking this deck. I think I may write a review of it. I have had it a while so that “honeymoon” period is over and it is turning out to be a solid deck, not just for readings but for creative writing experiments and Tarot meditations.

Okay, enough about that and onto the reading. So what kind of excitement does this upcoming week have in store? Quite a bit, I should think…

Have a good week ๐Ÿ™‚

Tarot Reading for the Week Ahead!

Tarot Forecast for the Week Ahead…

The upcoming week looks very flowy and emotional (in a good way!) – I can’t remember the last time I got all water/cup cards in a weekly reading. It should be an interesting week, that’s for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰

I am curious to know what your take on this reading is – what do you feel is the significance of all the Water cards??? Feel free to dish out your two cents in the comments below!

Tarot Forecast for the Week Ahead…