ten of wands tarot card

A Faptastic Suggestion from Veronica

veronica 2

My evil twin Veronica was feeling lazy today, so she’s recycling an old reading she did over a year ago….but oh my God, it’s one of my favorites! I hope you like it too….

10 of rods
Hezicos Tarot

Ah yes! The Ten of Rods (aka Ten of Wands) – a warning for you to plug your ears to the siren call of wanting more.

Here’s a depressing equation:

feeling empty + wanting more = taking on lots of  responsibilities, roles, hobbies and friends to make your life more meaningful and important + realizing your still empty, but now your also exhausted = resentment x 100

I was always crappy at math, so the above equation may not make sense to you, but that’s not the point.

The point is, all your roles and duties will only weigh you down on the adventure of life!

Do you know someone who is always informing you of all the different roles they play? For example, a friend who says shit like “I’m a wife, mother, sister, chef, girl guide leader, janitor, blah, blah, blah” and you all you can think is holy fuck, when do you have time to fap?

While the Urban Dictionary defines the term fap as “the onomatopoeic representation of masturbation”, I would like to extend that definition to include all activities that are pleasurable but ultimately serve no purpose – like watching Entertainment Tonight, googling hot celebrities, organizing your nail polish collection – stuff like that.

Make time to fap. A life without adequate fap time will only foster resentment.

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10 of Wands ~ You Are Not Your Responsibilities (Friday)

10 wands
Tarot of Mermaids

The Ten of Wands has come today to tell you to stop identifying so much with your responsibilities and “busy-ness” – they don’t make you who you are.

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed, but fear that dropping a few responsibilities will make you a lesser person? Or that you won’t be as important if lots of people aren’t relying on you?

If so, you might be missing the point. This scantily clad mermaid has her back turned on the chest of coins, in favor of gazing off onto the horizon – probably wondering when her big break is coming.

The message here is that joy and satisfaction don’t come from lots of doing and striving, but from noticing what you already have and simply just being in the moment. Now if only I could take my own advice ;)…

If you feel this reading applies to you, feel free to share in the comments below.

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Tarot Card for Monday ~ From Responsible to Debaucherous!

Wildwood Tarot

Do you feel like your dragging yourself uphill with a pile of junk on your back?

The Ten of Bows (aka Ten of Wands) only appears when you have an unhealthy case of “responsibility”.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to take care of everyone and do everything yourself. You just don’t. So stop it!

Life is not supposed to be hard work all the time. F**k that sh*t!

The glowing fire at the top of the hill suggests that there will be rewards from all your efforts and drudgery.

But you know what?

There’s an easier way to get there – you don’t need to take the path of blood, sweat and tears.

And if there isn’t an easier way, there is a more enjoyable way.

For example, if the dude in this card had a flask of green apple schnapps with him, he could stop and rest every five minutes, making the journey a little cheerier – slower, but cheerier.

So what can you do today to turn your “responsible” drudgery into a debaucherous party?


Today’s reading is a guest post by Veronica Noir, lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin.


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Ten of Wands Tarot Card: Why It’s Okay to be Lazy

ten of wands tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Ten of Wands and it here to tell you to lighten up and stop taking on more responsibility than you need to!

You may feel crushed by the weight of “society”, but know that it is mostly you who is piling all this pressure on. Your best self will not shine through if you are feeling limited and exhausted by all those tedious daily tasks. Time for a break!

If you have a guilt complex you may feel like you need to be busy in order to be “good” – or that unless your work is hard and stressful, you are lazy and therefore a bad person. This is total BS!

The Ten of Wands is here to tell you that you are taking on more than is necessary. The world will not collapse if you stop doing everything and taking care of everyone. Give yourself permission to play hooky today 😉

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