6 Ways to Choose a Tarot Card

Pick a card, any card!

But is there a “right” way to choose a Tarot card?

No – but there are many different ways to choose one! In my video below, I demonstrate my 6 favorite ways to choose a Tarot card:

*Tip: Always use your left hand when choosing a Tarot card, as that is your intuitive hand.

1) Fall-away Method:
Hold the deck in your left hand and tilt to one side. Part of the deck will fall away, revealing a gap – choose the top card!

2) Cut Method:
Simply cut the deck using your left hand. This is the easiest (and most boring!) way to choose a card.

3) Doreen Virtue’s Method:
Shuffle the cards until you feel its time to stop. Choose the top card. This is all well and good unless you are OCD like me and can never stop shuffling.

4) Card Hand Method:
Fan the cards out like you are playing a mean game of poker, except that the cards should be facing out so you can’t see them (maybe I should have called this one the drunk poker method).

5) Fan-out Method:
Fan cards out on a table, Magician style. Either choose the card your eye is most drawn to, or float your hand over the cards and stop when you feel tingles in your palm.

6) Pop-up Method:
This one’s hard to explain in words – so watch the video (its right at the end).

*A note about “jumpers”: If a card jumps out of the deck when you are shuffling, you must choose that card, or at least leave it out and make sure to include it in the reading. These cards are extra-special!

So tell me (in the comments below)…which method do you like to use? Or, is there a really cool method that I’ve completely overlooked?

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The Emperor Tarot Card for Friday: Be Your Own Boss!

the emperor
Hanson Roberts Tarot

The Emperor is here to inspire you to channel your inner dictator. This sounds kind of bad, but let me explain…

Others in your life may try to push you around today. They will tell you what you should be doing and what you should want. Don’t listen.

Stand your ground and get clear on your rules for life and what you really think is important. You are The Emperor of your own life and its time you stepped into this role without apologies.

Decide to take ownership of your life. You will be amazed at how quickly you begin getting inspiration and guidance. But don’t waste any time trying to convince others of your strength and power – you must believe it first!

Question of the day: what is one Emperor-like thing you will do today? Tell all in the comments below!

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Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

Greetings! I returned home yesterday from my vacation in Alaska and after a full day of laundry, unpacking and doing the usual boring post-vacation stuff, I am excited to get back to my daily readings!

page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Page of Pentacles, one of my faves! This card has come to speak to the student within you – the lifelong learner that loves learning new skills and reading countless books.

Today is the day to fully immerse yourself in learning something for its own sake. Don’t learn to better yourself – learn because its fun, because it lets you be in the moment.

Take an inquisitive approach to problems and challenges today. Do your research before making a decision and don’t assume you know how another person feels.

When it comes to being creative, don’t let your inexperience hold you back. So what if your artwork or music sucks? Keep at it and you’ll get way better than you ever thought possible. Be willing to experiment today!

Today’s question: if you had no fear, what creative skill would you want to learn? Let me know in the comments below…

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Tarot Card for Wednesday: Who IS This Knight of Pentacles?

Shadowscapes Tarot

The Knight of Pentacles shows up today as someone in your life…someone who drives you nuts!

This person (probably a man), is annoyingly sensible, down to earth in a boring way and is a real stick in the mud.

Who is this person in your life?

It could be your romantic partner, a co-worker, a friend or sibling. This person has money, only because they are terrified of spending any and they think everything through….for years.

But one things for sure: they are grating on your nerves with their “but what if?” mentality.

Your role is to support them in moving forward. No, they don’t like to be pushed. But see if you can make them feel comfortable and safe enough so that they can trust in life for once.

Your relaxed, can-do attitude will rub off on them…..eventually.

So who is this Knight of Pentacles in your life? Share it in the comments below!


Today’s reading is a guest post by Veronica Noir, a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin.

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Angel Card for Tuesday ~ Get Rich the Sexy Way

prosperity Ariel
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

How prosperous do you feel right now?

Archangel Ariel is craddling a cornucopia of golden popcorn as she murmurs “your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”

Oh Ariel!

What she’s really saying is that focusing on getting rich won’t necessarily make you feel rich.

Instead, do what you love, love what you do and the rest will follow. Great advice, but how do you do it?

Here’s a juicy secret: when you start indulging the senses, you begin to feel radiant and abundant. Do this long enough and your finances will catch up.

Take the time to really enjoy that cappuccino cheesecake – close your eyes and devour it like its a hot young lover you will never see again.

Walk barefoot in the grass and pretend you don’t give a shit about stepping on a bee or spider.

Watch the sun set and don’t talk.


Today’s reading is a guest post by Veronica Noir, a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin.

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Tarot Card for Monday ~ From Responsible to Debaucherous!

Wildwood Tarot

Do you feel like your dragging yourself uphill with a pile of junk on your back?

The Ten of Bows (aka Ten of Wands) only appears when you have an unhealthy case of “responsibility”.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to take care of everyone and do everything yourself. You just don’t. So stop it!

Life is not supposed to be hard work all the time. F**k that sh*t!

The glowing fire at the top of the hill suggests that there will be rewards from all your efforts and drudgery.

But you know what?

There’s an easier way to get there – you don’t need to take the path of blood, sweat and tears.

And if there isn’t an easier way, there is a more enjoyable way.

For example, if the dude in this card had a flask of green apple schnapps with him, he could stop and rest every five minutes, making the journey a little cheerier – slower, but cheerier.

So what can you do today to turn your “responsible” drudgery into a debaucherous party?


Today’s reading is a guest post by Veronica Noir, lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin.


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Tarot Card for Friday: How The Tower Can Spice Up Your Life

the tower
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Happy Friday…it’s The Tower!…dun dun dun

I’m not a pervert, but The Tower is strikingly similar to the Ace of Wands from yesterday, if you know what I mean 😉

What I mean is that is very phallic (penis-like) and this is pretty significant in my opinion.

Are you sufficiently “turned on” by life? Does your life excite you and light you up?

Or do you find yourself drudging through the day, just waiting until The Bachelor or Keeping up with the Kardashians comes on at 7pm?

If you aren’t exploding with creativity and lust for life, somethings wrong.

And when this happens, you will subconsciously create situations in your life that will shake you awake and force you to live differently.

Today could be one of those days where you suddenly wake up and think “what the f*&k am I doing with my life?!”

This is a good thing! Questions like this lead to miracles.

If you feel like talking about yourself today (and who doesn’t?), tell me in the comments below: when was the last time you felt truly excited by life?


Today’s reading was a guest post by Veronica Noir, who is a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin.

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Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot!

ace of wands robin wood
Robin Wood Tarot

In all its phallic radiance, the Ace of Wands graces us with it’s presence today! I daresay those sunflowers look suspiciously testicular.

Moving on….

New beginnings! Fresh ideas! Planting seeds of awesomeness!

Today is a great day to fertilize your dreams and start taking those first steps toward making it happen.

Write your bright ideas down and make plans to carry them out. Not all of them will grow into greatness, but one of them just might.

Sexy times are in the air today! Fertility is raging. So if you don’t want to ruin your life with children, take precautions. Otherwise, have a field day!

In the comments below, tell me what “new beginning” you are most looking forward to in your life?


Today’s reading was a guest post by Veronica Noir, a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. 

Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot! Read More »

Tarot Card for Wednesday: How The Devil Can Set you Free!

Authors Note: For the next week, my evil twin Veronica Noir will be taking over doing the daily readings for me while I take a blogging break. Her reading style is a little different from mine – she’s a total bitch, has a depraved mind and her vocabulary is like something straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey – so as you can see, we are total opposites.

I will not be responding to any comments posted here over the next week, but I can’t wait to read them all when I return to my blog! I will resume my regular readings next Thursday. But until then….I will leave you in Veronica’s good hands 😉

Warmest Regards,
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

The Devil is one of my favorite Tarot cards!


Because it nudges you toward freedom by revealing how you are giving away your power.

Plus its the kinkiest card in the Tarot.

The Devil Tarot card comes up whenever addictions are an issue. So ask yourself: What am I addicted to right now?

Perhaps you are addicted to getting others approval, buying Tarot decks (wink!), eating coffee cheesecake or cyber-stalking hunky male celebrities.

Whatever it is, it doesn’t enhance your life as much as you think it does. Your addiction will hold you back, eat up your free time and drain you of energy and creativity.

But don’t try to stop…that never works! Instead, imagine what your life could be like without this addiction and take things from there.

So….if your in the mood to divulge, tell me what “addiction” is keeping you stuck in a rut in the comments below….

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