The Moon! ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

the moon tarot card
Robin Wood Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is The Moon. This is one of the most mysterious cards in the Tarot…and I love that! Similar to Tuesday’s reading, this card is all about that which is hidden.

Perhaps you feel as though you need to know the whole story or you need a clearer view of where you are headed. But know that the path ahead will be revealed to you at the right time and not all at once.

Trust your instincts when it comes to decision making today, as your instincts will not guide you in the wrong direction. There are two dogs in this card – a wolf, representing your wild, animal self (your true desires) and a domesticated dog wearing a collar (the part of you that goes along with social convention). Notice that both dogs howl at The Moon!


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Four of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card, the Four of Pentacles, suggests you are grasping your money tightly. Its tax time, so this makes sense! You may be feeling the pinch…but this card suggests lightening up a little 🙂

The pixie in this Four of Pentacles card is above a pile of golden coins suggesting she is much richer than she feels. This is an important thing to remember: poverty (and abundance) is a state of mind.

If you are feeling broke or anxious about money, try to shift your energy from poverty to abundance. You can do this by trying something out of the ordinary…..

If you normally spend sensibly, buy yourself something luxurious and extravagant (like fancy soap or that overpriced coconut milk ice cream at the health food store). If you are a little out of control with spending money, see if you can start saving a little change each and every day.

This will help you feel more abundant, which will in turn help you attract more abundance into your life.

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Fog ~ Oracle Card for Tuesday

earth magic oracle cards
Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer

Things are not as clear cut as you’d like them to be today. The fog has rolled in and you are clamoring for clarity. Relax – you don’t need to know everything right now. Take things one step at a time.

If you find yourself thinking that you need to have it all figured out before you take the first step, you will never go anywhere! Sometimes you don’t need to know your destination before you set out. You just have to start walking.

Sure, things seem murky and confusing now, but the fog will eventually lift and everything will be as clear as day. But don’t think that this temporary fogginess is a good excuse to just sit there and do nothing! Put one foot in front of the other and keep on going – you’re almost there.

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Adept of Chalices ~ Tarot Card for Monday

knight of cups
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori

Today’s Tarot card is the Adept of Chalices from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. This card is most commonly known as the Knight of Cups in most Tarot decks.

When I first turned this card over, I thought it said “Adept of Challenges”! But I do see this card as representing challenges – creative challenges and our ability to navigate them with ease and grace.

Creative solutions will flow to you today without you even trying. That is the secret to solving any problem right now – don’t try too hard, let things flow in their own way and you will be propelled along with very little effort on your part.

Like this deck? Check out my review of these cards…

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Tarot and Timing: How to Predict When Something Will Happen

When will my finances improve? When will I meet my soul-mate? When will I get a better job? When will I know my life-purpose?

These are the questions many people, including myself, ask when they approach the Tarot cards. Everyone wants to know when!

But can our Tarot cards even give us this kind of information?

Yes and No. Let me explain…

Because the future is not set in stone, determining when something will happen is tricky. We create our lives and the world around us by our thoughts, feelings and actions which gives each of us an immense amount of power!

Sometimes we get scared of our own creative power and revert to the belief that the future is already pre-determined and we have no real effect on what happens.

When we take this view, we get to absolve all responsibility for our lives. Life just becomes this thing that happens to us – and our only real power is in knowing when certain things will occur, so we can either relax or plan ahead.

I firmly believe that the idea of a pre-determined destiny is a load of crap!

Therefore, I do not believe the Tarot is a tool that can be used to accurately predict the timing of events (I know many readers will disagree with me here), but rather a tool to help you understand how you can manifest what you desire.

If you want to know when you will meet the right romantic partner, a Tarot reading can suggest how to meet this person and what could possibly be standing in your way. However, the reading probably won’t reveal the the month or day that you will find true love.

Let me show you what this theory looks like in action:

3 card tarot reading
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

These are the Tarot cards that came up when I asked for insight into when I would find the right house to buy.

I think most of us have asked our Tarot cards when something will happen, only to get a confusing answer. But here is a little secret:

If you just slightly change the wording of your question, you can gain a wealth of clarity and insight!

Instead of asking when will _______ happen? 


what do I need to do in order to make _______ happen?


how can I manifest ________ more quickly?

So going back to the Tarot cards above, If I were to ask how can I find the right home quickly and easily? The Six of Rods would suggest that I focus on moving forward and visualize success, while the Ace of Wands encourages me to prepare for a new beginning. The Two of Cups emphasizes the importance of keeping my relationship strong and being on the same page with my partner when it comes to home-hunting.

So now I have a wealth of helpful information at my fingertips! The Tarot is wonderful for showing us the steps on our path toward a particular event of goal, but not so great at providing specific time-frames of when that event/goal will materialize.

However, there are some exceptions…

 Aces almost always suggest that positive change will happen very soon.

 Notice if the cards suggest a particular season. For example, Nine of Pentacles seems very summery, as does the Three of Cups. This can suggest that what you are asking about will likely come to pass during the Summer months.

 The number on the card can also indicate the number of days, weeks or months that will pass before something occurs. This is especially true if you get more than one card with the same number on it.

Now its your turn! I want you to ask your Tarot cards about the timing of something, using the suggested questions above and share your insights in the comments below. How did re-phrasing your question help you get deeper understanding?

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King of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Friday

king of swords
Robin Wood Tarot

The King of Swords blasts into our day in the form of an overly rational friend or negative naysayer. Take these people with a grain of salt and stay true to your own beliefs about what is true for you.

You probably have a close friend or family member who says things like “be realistic” or “don’t get your hopes up” or “its nice to dream!” If you get frustrated by this, take a breath and remember that this is only them expressing their own view about how the world works.

An interesting thing to remember is that there is no right way to think – we simply create our own experiences based on our beliefs and mindset. You have the power to shape your life experience based on your own worldview. To each his own!

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Detoxification ~ Oracle Card for Thursday!

fairy oracle cards
Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card is from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards and it says Detoxification. Today is all about being healthy and getting rid of all those crappy toxins!

Exercise, sweat it out in a sauna, have a hot bath with essential oils or use a skin brush to get your circulation going. While all of this may sound a bit superficial, it will get your energy moving and help you raise your vibration.

Be conscious about what you eat today. Don’t eat more than your body needs and don’t eat any junk. Try to have a day where you eat mostly raw, fresh fruits and veggies and skip the caffeinated drinks. Drink Rooibos tea instead of coffee.

The more you detoxify, the clearer you are to receive spiritual guidance from your guides, angels and higher self and the more energy you will have for enjoying life!

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Eight of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

eight of cups
Shadowscapes Tarot

Today you may find yourself craving deeper meaning in the work that you do. The Eight of Cups signifies a need to dive deep beneath the surface, as you are no longer content to frollick in the shallow waters.

You may feel tempted to quit your job or scrap a project and just start all over again. But ask yourself this: do you really want something different or just something deeper?

The fact that you are searching for this deeper understanding and connection shows that you are progressing spiritually. What once brought you satisfaction now makes you question the whole point of it. This is a good thing!

Don’t be afraid to search for the deeper meaning of things – just remember to dive deep, rather than swim away just to avoid things.

*Read a review of the Shadowscapes Tarot – the deck I used for today’s reading!

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Seven of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

shadowscapes tarot
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Seven of Cups is today’s Tarot card and it is all about balancing your ability to fantasize and daydream with your ability to take action and make it happen.

There is a battle between your sensible, lets-make-a-plan side and your oh look! a shiny object! side. These two aspects of yourself can work in harmony, assisting one another or they can be at odds.

Indulge your dreamy, creative side to get ideas and inspiration, but then center yourself in your mature, methodical self to get the job done. Keep a notebook for ideas that pop into your mind, but keep your attention on the task at hand.

If you overlook this, you run the risk of starting many projects and never finishing them!

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Follow Your Dreams ~ Oracle Card for Monday

healing with the angels oracle cards
Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card message is loud and clear: follow your dreams! But what if you aren’t totally sure what your dreams are? What if you are struggling to distinguish between your own dreams and the dreams of others?

You are probably well aware of the dreams that your family may have for you. And you may have a clear understanding of what you “should” do in society’s eyes….but what do you truly want to do?

Part of your purpose this week is to unravel all your hopes, dreams and desires and figure out which one’s are just fantasies of the ego (like being super-famous), family/social expectations (things that don’t light you up, but you keep hoping they will) and those that are truly all your own.

You can’t “follow your dreams” if you have no idea what they are – so take some time today and really ask yourself….what ARE my dreams?


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