Two of Swords Tarot Card for Tuesday

The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

The Two of Swords Tarot card suggest that you have a decision to make, but you feel unable to choose, either because you feel you don’t have enough information yet or you have conflicted feelings.

The blindfold signifies the need to shut out outside influences (close your eyes) and go within to contemplate things. Let go of the fear of making the wrong choice and adopt the belief that you simply cannot make the wrong decision – all roads lead you to where you are meant to go.

You can make a pros and cons list if it makes you feel better, but the sooner you get out of your head and into your heart and body, the sooner you will resolve this inner conflict. The Two of Swords Tarot card implies that this conflict is of the mind – over- thinking has got you here and a different approach is needed to solve this dilemma.

Exercise: Let your “mind” drop from your head down into your chest. What decision would your heart make? Now, let your “mind” drop from your heart into your solar plexus/stomach area. What is this part of your body telling you?




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My October Tarot Forecast is Available for Download!

Find out what October has in store!

October 2012 Tarot Forecast using Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

In this reading you will discover:

  • The direction and energies of October 2012
  • How to make the most of these October energies
  • Opportunities and challenges of the next month
  • The gifts and strengths available to us during October
  • How to connect more strongly with your higher self for guidance and decision making

  $9.97 CAD
*your mp3 will be emailed to you within 12 hours of purchasing



This is an mp3 recording of my October 1st Full Moon Reading. This is a general, live Tarot reading that I did via conference call with four participants. The Tarot forecast reading takes up the first 25-30 min and the last 15 min consists of me answering the participant’s questions.
The mp3 is approx 45 min

My October Tarot Forecast is Available for Download! Read More »

Daily Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Trust

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle card reading is all about Trust. This Life Purpose Oracle Card says to “trust your feelings and dreams to guide your career path.”

If you are feeling at all lost or up in the air when it comes to career or life path, go within and listen to the voice of your soul. If you are used to searching for guidance from the outside, in the form of advice and opinions of family members and friends – try tuning that out today.

Make a list of all the things that captivate your interest and then make a list of all the skills, abilities and talents you have. Can you see a way to merge some of the things on each list to create a successful project, goal or line of work? This daily oracle card reading suggests you trust that you have what it takes to make your dreams a reality and trust that you will be divinely guided and supported while you do this.

My Top 5 Areas of Interest are:

My Top 5 Talents/Skills that I LOVE to use are:

*My Full Moon Reading is TONIGHT 7pm Pacific Time! There are still a couple spaces left – click here to sign up.

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Angel Therapy Oracle Card for Friday ~ Emotional Sensitivity

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today I drew the Angel Therapy Oracle card “Emotional Sensitivity” which says: honor and respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all!

If you are feeling particularly sensitive today, nurture yourself and be gentle with your thoughts and feelings. It can be frustrating sometimes when you feel things much more than everyone around you, but don’t let anyone make you feel silly or crazy for having the feelings that you do.

This Angel Therapy Oracle card reminds you that being emotionally sensitive truly is a gift as it helps you with empathy, creativity and self awareness. It might be helpful for you to have some alone time today if you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion, so you will have a chance to process your feelings and perhaps even do a bit of journaling.


Join me this Monday night for my Full Moon Reading to get your monthly forecast for October! Click here to register.

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Five of Swords Tarot Card Reading for Thursday

druidcraft tarot five of swords
The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip Carr-Gomm and Bill Worthington

The Five of Swords Tarot card is an interesting one. The meaning that I got from it was that you have decided to opt out of any kind of competitiveness. You have evolved past the point of needing to “win” or be “right” and make someone else “wrong”.

As you let go of these outmoded ways of thinking and relating to others, others in your life who are used to a more competitive way of operating in the world will take notice. You will be able to create a space for them to be themselves as they sense your lack of ego.

The Five of Swords Tarot card reminds you that you don’t need to make someone the loser so you can be a winner – your self esteem is not dependent on others. This attitude will come in handy today when you are communicating with others – particularly in romantic relationships!



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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Wednesday ~ Yoga

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle card reading is all about Yoga! The message on this card says, “Your life is enhanced by yoga, stretching, and exercising.”

Use Yoga today to calm down, energize and connect with your body and your self. Yoga is an excellent aid for releasing energetic blockages in the body and developing a calm, clear and peaceful mind.

I think that keeping our energetic bodies, such as our chakras, in balance is a major challenge for many of us and Yoga can be extremely helpful with this. However, any kind of regular exercise will help with this, although Yoga is particularly effective.

Set aside some time today to do yoga, or some other form of exercise or meditation. Here is a wonderful yoga video to get you started:




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Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Reading for Tuesday!

The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

Today I drew the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card, which is all about abundance and the importance of feeling wealthy and comfortable.

Right now, take a moment to celebrate what you have – particularly that which you enjoy. This will let you get into that abundant state of mind, allowing even more abundance to be drawn to you. It’s a wonderful way to start the day.

The message I get from the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card is that abundance means having choices in life and being free to do as you choose and not because you need the money. It does not mean vast amounts of material wealth, but having the freedom to choose your own path.

Ask yourself: would I be doing my job if I wasn’t getting paid for it? Then ask yourself: What work would I be doing if I didn’t need to work for money?

A few years ago I decided that I wasn’t going to do anything only for the money – there had to be some other draw. This is perhaps the worst get rich quick plan ever, but it certainly guarantees that my work is always in line with my values, passions and life purpose. I have not always, 100% stuck to this philosophy, but I use it as a guide when deciding where to put my time and energy.

Today is the last day to sign up for the Full Moon Reading on Oct 1st at the discounted price! Find out what’s in store for the month of October…


Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Reading for Tuesday! Read More »

Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Goddess

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card reading turns up the Goddess card – one of my favourites!!! The message on this card is: Express your Divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities.

Regardless of whether you are a man or woman, today is the day to celebrate your “feminine” qualities and right brain thinking. The right brain is expansive, creative and perceives connection among all things. Enjoy expressing these qualities, as well as nurturing those around you, including yourself.

If you are feeling stuck or indecisive, try shifting to right brain thinking. Your intuition will be heightened today, so take advantage of it! The main message I get with this card is that there is always a different way of perceiving and experiencing things – today is the day to celebrate your connection with feminine energy and right brain thinking!

Here is a brilliant video that I recently watched that explains how the right brain works:

Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Goddess Read More »

The Devil Tarot Card for Sat & Sun

The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington

This weekend’s Tarot card is Cernunnos (aka The Devil) from the Druidcraft Tarot. The Devil Tarot card brings with it a message about the importance of awakening.

It is time to wake up! Now, more than ever, spiritual awakening is becoming an important focus for many of us. The Devil Tarot card symbolizes that state of unawareness that we can often find ourselves in.

It is very common to go through your days in a kind of mental slumber, not really noticing what’s going on and not seeing the big picture. There is a saying that “ignorance is bliss”, as if becoming awakened is a horrible experience to be avoided!

The Devil Tarot card also symbolizes all the things that keep you feeling limited and oppressed. The less aware you are of what these things are and how they operate, the more effect they will have on you. This card indicates that you will have an opportunity this weekend to gain more awareness in your life, becoming more awake than you were before.

The final message of this card is that becoming awakened is nothing to fear – it is only once you are wide awake that you will truly be able to step into your power.


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Queen of Swords ~ Tarot Reading for Friday!

crystal visions tarot queen of swords
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Today’s Tarot card, Queen of Swords, encourages you to tap into you intellectual side and use your gift of sharp perception to create clarity and action in your life.

The Queen of Swords gets things done. She can cut through “red tape” like no other and transform a situation in a heartbeat. The message today is that there is a little Queen of Swords in all of us and when we connect with our inner Queen we can see things clearly and know what we want and how to get it.

The two key words I get with this card are clarity and communication. It might help you to be blunt today when communicating with others – don’t beat around the bush. The challenge that this Queen of Swords brings is saying what you mean, but in a way that is compassionate. If you often fear that being honest about how you feel will hurt another’s feelings, today is the day to take a risk – ask yourself: how will this other person benefit from my honesty?


Queen of Swords ~ Tarot Reading for Friday! Read More »