The Emperor – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 5 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The Emperor – perhaps one of the most misunderstood figures in the Tarot. Everyone thinks he’s a stuffed shirt, but he’s actually quite the rebel!

Have your pen and notebook handy, grab yourself a drinky-poo and get comfy….


Father archetype, authority, sovereignty, power & control, stubborn, maverick, rebel, trailblazer.


Ram’s heads (Aries- aggression, war), Throne, long beard (wisdom, experience)

The dark side of The Emperor

Being overly stubborn, inflexible and rigid. Wanting power and control over others, to compensate for feeling powerless and out of control on the inside.

1. Sovereignty

The Emperor, in his highest, most positive expression, has complete power and authority over himself. He lives by his own value system and set of rules – always doing things his way. Forging his own path, he becomes a trailblazer and some may even see him as a bit of a rebel.

Journalling questions:

♥ Where in your life have you been a bit of a rebel?

♥ How comfortable are you with self governance? Are you always looking for a set of rules or a formula for doing things?

♥ What values and rules do you use to “self-govern”?

2. Stubborness

There’s a time and place to be stubborn and dig in your heels, but sometimes this can be a fault if you’re totally inflexible all the time. The wise Emperor knows when to be stubborn and when to be flexible. The unwise Emperor derives his sense of self from maintaining a “my way or the highway” attitude at all times, closing himself off from people, experiences and growth.

Journalling questions:

♥ How stubborn are you? How has it served you?

♥ How has it stunted you? (Think of an example of when you were stubborn and later regretted it).

3. Power & Control

The Emperor is all about stability, power and control. A wise and healthy Emperor is a master of himself who practices self control and cultivates inner power. A dysfunctional Emperor lacks self control and inner power and so he seeks power and control over others, becoming an oppressive dictator who is obsessed with draconian laws and mandates.

Journalling questions:

♥ What is your relationship with power and control like?

♥ When you are put in a position of authority, how do you feel?

♥ When someone else is in the position of authority, how do you react?

The Wisdom of The Emperor

The Emperor advises you to turn your desire for power and control toward development of your self, not the control of others. If you notice yourself wanting to change or control others, it’s time to check in with yourself and observe how you’re using your own power.

The wise Emperor tells you that when you focus on developing the power within, as opposed to power over others, you become empowered and sovereign. This makes you capable of walking your own path, charting your own course and being a wayshower to others – becoming a powerful figure in your own right!

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Emperor? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Hierophant – stuffy and uptight on the outside, but a fascinating wealth of knowledge on the inside!

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New Halloween Tarot Spread!

Things got a little wild while I was doodling on my ipad the other night and I ended up creating a brand new, sexy Halloween Tarot Spread…

Print this spread (PDF version)

Halloween always feels like New Years to me – a chance to start fresh and set new intentions. It’s also a good excuse to bust out my Tarot deck and do one of those in-depth readings where I light candles, lay out crystals and get super witchy!

Hope your Halloween is cozy, magical and full of Tarot adventures 🙂



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The Empress – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 4 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The Empress – the sensual and luscious mother-goddess of the Tarot!

Grab a pen and notebook, make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and let’s settle in together….


Creativity, abundance, fertility, nurturing, receptivity, allowing, going with the flow, relaxation.


Garden, stream, female symbol, relaxed pose.

The Darkside of The Empress

Lazy, entitled and unappreciative. Wishing to be supported by others while reclining on her chaise lounger eating bonbons.

1. Abundant Creativity

The Empress is abundantly creative – whether it’s through her body (fertility) or in a more artistic sense, she knows how to be in the flow of energy! Her endless creativity is a result of her abundant mindset – there is no such thing as lack in the Empress’s universe.

Journalling questions:

♥ What do I want to birth into the world?

♥ What do I want to create right now?

2. Nurturing

The Empress’s power lies in her ability to nurture….without being overbearing. When she nurtures something – with her body, actions, thoughts, love, time and energy – it is sure to grow and flourish! But she gives her creations the freedom to grow in whatever direction they wish.

Journalling questions:

♥ What am I nurturing in my life?

♥ What would I like to grow? What actions, thoughts, words and feelings will help nurture that?

3. Receptivity & Allowing

Being open to receive whatever life has to offer, while allowing things to unfold in their own time is the secret power of The Empress. She doesn’t rush or demand or specify how things must be – she allows and then chooses. She’s like a hippy-dippy gardener who lets her garden grow wild, weeding from time to time and watering the flowers she wishes to grow.

Journalling questions:

♥ In your life, are you the uptight gardener or more like The Empress?

♥ If you were tapped into this “allowing” energy, what would you do differently?

The Wisdom of The Empress

While The Magician makes things happen by his intentions and actions, The Empress sits back and lets the abundance of the universe to flow to her – then she decides what to nurture. She chooses.

The Empress isn’t passive, she just doesn’t lift a finger or break a sweat. And once she envelopes something in her nurturing embrace, allowing it to grow and flourish, she lets go and allows it to take on a life of it’s own.

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this exercise? What is ONE way you can channel your inner Empress today? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Emperor – possibly one of the most misunderstood characters in the Tarot. He’s not as uptight and bossy as you think, I promise!

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Unboxing Zeke’s Arcana Tarot Cards!

Join me as I unbox Zeke’s Arcana – a vibrant, otherworldly Tarot deck that is surely one of the most unique decks in my Tarot collection!


At the time of making this video, this deck is still in it’s kickstarter phase:

Zeke’s Arcana succeeds at being wildly trippy and colourful while also being very readable and easy to work with.

The artwork, done by Julia of Zeke’s Lunchbox, is fascinating and sometimes bizarre, which really shakes your intuition awake and makes you look at the images, instead of just going through the motions of a reading.

I have to say that I was surprised by how quickly I’ve formed a connection with these cards – while I liked the look of this deck from the start, it isn’t the usual style I’m drawn to, so I was curious how it would read…

On my first reading (which I do near the end of this video), it was like the cards could read my mind! It really felt like I was having a conversation with someone who is really clear and direct – it was almost eerie, but in a good way 🙂

If you want to see more of this deck, check out the artist’s website and  YouTube channel – she’s got some really fun art videos and videos showcasing her Tarot deck.

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The High Priestess – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 3 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The High Priestess – perhaps the most mysterious and secretive card in your Tarot deck!

You might have already seen this video because I originally uploaded it way back in February 2021. After making this video I felt inspired to do a whole series – it just took me 7 months to get my shit together!

Have your pen and notebook handy, grab yourself a bevy and get comfy….

The book I mention in this video is Tarot for Transformation by Andy Matzner (a great Tarot book full of journal prompts and Tarot wisdom – I highly recommend it!)


Intuition, dreams, inner mysteries, psychic realms, the subconscious & unconscious, cycles, secrets.


The veil of pomegranates, the ocean/water, moon, scroll.

The dark side of The High Priestess

Destructive secrets, hiding something, gate keeping as a form of power (not protection).


1. The Subconscious

The High Priestess guards the gateway to the subconscious/unconscious – our mysterious, hidden realms that even we don’t fully understand. Dreams, hypnosis, automatic writing, meditation and shamanic journeying are all are ways to access the subconscious parts of ourselves.

Journalling question:

♥ What methods help me tap into the hidden realms of my mind?


2. Intuition

The High Priestess reminds us to honour our intuition, as it is the voice of the soul! Our intuition connects us to our inner wisdom and to the unseen realms of energy and spirit – when we honour our intuition, we move through the world with more ease and purpose.

Journalling questions:

♥ What is my relationship with my intuition like?

♥ How can I honour my intuition more in daily life?


3. Cycles & Rhythms

The moon, the seasons, the menstrual cycle, night and day, birth and death – everything is cyclical, everything has a rhythm to it. The High Priestess wisely reminds us that trying to fight the natural cycles and rhythms will result in imbalances being created, and she encourages us to honour our rhythms whenever we can.

Journalling questions:

♥ What cycles and rhythms can I identify in my life?

♥ How can I better honour my natural energy cycles?


The Wisdom of The High Priestess

The High Priestess reminds you that there is more to you than you think! Your intuition is the key that will unlock the secrets of your soul and unconscious self and by honouring our natural cycles and rhythms, we can tap into our true power.


Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The High Priestess? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Empress – the languid, sultry queen of the garden!

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The Magician – Tarot Meanings Deep Dive!

Welcome to part 2 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The Magician – sexy, sneaky, seductive and powerful, he has a wealth of wisdom to share with us!

Have your pen and notebook handy, grab a cup of tea and settle in….


Manifesting, making it happen on the physical level, director of ideas & energy, conduit between physical and energetic worlds, illusion and trickery.


Hand positions (one pointing up, one down), infinity loop above head & ouroboros (snake biting it’s own tail), cup, wand, pentacle and sword on table.

The Darkside of The Magician

Illusion & trickery, dark seduction – think cult leaders, deceitful politicians, pyramid schemes and dishonest advertising.

1. Manifesting

The Magician is a master at creating things out of thin air and making it happen! He knows how to tap into the world of inspiration and ideas AND bring those ideas into physical form. His secret is having his words, thoughts, energy, feelings and actions all in alignment with his goal.

Journalling questions:

♥ How good are you at manifesting (on purpose)?

♥ Think of something you tried to manifest, but couldn’t (and something you DID manifest) – differences?

♥ Think of something you want to manifest – are your emotions, actions, thoughts and energy all in alignment with your goal?

2. Direction

The Magician is like a conductor who directs energy and ideas to where they need to go. His message is that you are powerful and how you choose to direct the forces in your life determines the direction you go in.

Journalling questions:

♥ Do you see yourself as the director of your life? Are you in the drivers seat? (you may find you’re in the drivers seat in some areas, but not others)

♥ What can you do TODAY to step into your power more fully? (example: make a list, set a goal, get organized, take action)

3. Illusion & Trickery

The dark side of The Magician is that he can be a real trickster and master at creating seductive illusions that threaten to re-direct your energy and sap your power.

Journalling questions:

♥ What illusions have you fallen for? (example: pyramid schemes, self help gurus, fuck boys, advertising)

I was once convinced by a very convincing sales woman that a package of bath salts would “change my life!” and “create massive shift”. They did not. Oh well. At least it was just bath salts and not a cult.

The Wisdom of The Magician

The Wisdom of The Magician is that you are a conduit for energy and ideas whether you realize it or not. Your power lies in your ability to be intentional and in alignment with your mind, heart, body and spirit.

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Magician? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into The High Priestess – the guardian at the gates of your inner mysteries!

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