Tarot Spread: Unlock Your Sexy, Sacred, Sensual Self!

Inspired by The Empress and her languid sensuality, this spread will help you discover (and then draw out!) your sacred sexy side – basically a requirement for Summer ๐Ÿ˜‰

There’s 2 steps to this spread – first, shuffle your cards and ask your Tarot deck “what cards best represent my sexy, sacred and sensual side?” and choose 3 cards. Place them at the top of your reading table and then whip out your Tarot journal and jot them down. You may want to also jot down a few words for each card. For example, I got The Queen of Wands here, so I wrote down creative, confident, passionate, quirky.

Then, move on to the 4 card spread below and choose 4 more cards….these cards will tell you how to call in this side of yourself, what could be blocking your innate sexiness, what actions will free up this fun side and how to anchor in your new, sensual energies.

If you follow the advice of your cards, you’ll reach a whole new stratosphere of natural, sacred sensuality!!!! Woohoo!!!

Because I’m super nosy, I want to know – what 3 cards did you initially draw? TELL ME in the comments below…..
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Tarot Spread: Unlock Your Sexy, Sacred, Sensual Self! Read More ยป

Tarot Reading for July 22 – 28

I wanted to read with a “summery” Tarot deck for this week’s reading and my mind immediately went to the Erotic Fantasy Tarot….which really isn’t as smutty as the title would suggest!

So let’s shuffle the cards and see what fresh ideas, wisdom and advice the Tarot has for you this week….

Have a good week ๐Ÿ™‚

Tarot Reading for July 22 – 28

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread….Ever!

I love a good 3 card Tarot spread and this one is quickly becoming one of my faves. You can use this Tarot spread for a general reading, for a specific question or to look into a specific area of your life (like love, career or spirituality).

*TIP for Tarot Rebels: if you can’t stand the confining nature of Tarot spreads, don’t use this spread as a spread – instead, ask your deck “what cards do I need to see?” and draw 3 cards….then, look for the “mirror card”, the “challenge” card and the “helper” card. Trust me, they’ll be there!

So make yourself a cup of tea, give your Tarot deck a shuffle and have fun with this spread.
As always, Happy Tarot Reading โ™ฅ
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread….Ever!