Today’s card is Faery Tales and the message is all about “letting go, detachment, moving on.”
You are coming out of a sleepy state where you were deeply enmeshed in an illusion of how things were supposed to be.
This may refer to your beliefs about what a romantic relationship should be like (ie: being rescued by a Prince Charming) or even how you thought your life would turn out.
Reality doesn’t match up to the story you have been telling yourself, and thank god for that! Reality, in many ways, is actually much better – its more fluid, interesting and free.
So don’t be afraid to look closely at the “faery tales” you tell yourself. In many ways they only serve to keep you feeling stuck and un-free in your life. When you let go of them, you start to have way more fun!
In the comments below, tell me what myth you have bought into in the past, which may or may not have served you well…
My evil twin Veronica Noir is back with a vengeance and she’s writing about her favorite topic – penis symbols in the Tarot. Why do I let this depraved woman write guest posts on my blog? I will never know…
Have you noticed how there seems to be a suspicious amount of phallic imagery in the Tarot? No? It’s just me? Well anyway…
Wands, swords, scepters, torches, pillars and walking sticks – it seems like anyone whose anyone in the Tarot is triumphantly grasping some kind of pole.
Before you scoff at this idea, I want to you grab your Tarot deck and have a gander. You will notice that nearly every Major Arcana card features someone holding a long, hard object. I am not being crude here – just telling it like it is!
The Minor Arcana cards are no exception to this rule, either. The entire suit of Wands and Swords feature numerous phallus-like symbols on every card.
So what’s with all the phallus’s????? This is a question I have been meticulously pondering all week.
So lets start with talking about what a phallus (aka penis-shaped object) symbolizes.
A phallus represents male energy. Think power, potency, fertility, passion, action and extroversion.
The suits of Swords and Wands are “male” suits. The Swords suit deals with thought/mind/rationality, which are stereotypically associated with maleness in our culture (even though we all know that’s just silly!) And the Wands suit symbolizes passion and action which is, again, is often associated more with masculinity than femininity.
The other two suits in the Tarot – Pentacles and Cups – are female suits. The Cup and Pentacle both symbolize the womb. The suit of Cups is all about emotion, feeling and relationships, while Pentacles is about home, health and the body – all things typically associated with women.
To sum things up, the Suit of Swords and the Suit of Wands represent extroverted qualities – and the penis is the perfect symbol of extroversion since it is literally extroverted. Vaginas and wombs are literally introverted, therefore, the female suits of Cups and Pentacles stand for introverted qualities.
I hope I haven’t lost you in all this rambling about penis and vagina symbols. Anyhow…
Try this:
Ask yourself “what is my relationship to power?” Now, choose a Tarot card. Notice if there is a phallic symbol on your card.
What is the phallic symbol doing? Is it penetrating someone from behind like in the Ten of Swords? Or laying limply on the floor like in the Four of Swords?
How is this symbol being held? Proudly or nonchalantly? Is the phallus a burden like in the Ten of Wands and Two of Swords, or is it something you want to steal, like in the Five of Swords and Seven of Swords?
Some other cool questions to ask are:
What role does passion play in my life right now?
What do I need to know about “taking action” in my life?
How is my masculine energy showing up for me?
Whenever a penis-like object shows up in a reading ask yourself what role it plays in that card. Then relate it to either power, passion or action. And voila! Magical insights explode onto the scene!
In the comments below, tell me what card you chose and what you think the phallus symbol means to you….can’t wait to read these comments 😉
Veronica Noir is a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She lives for cappuccino cheesecake, bitchy cats, eavesdropping in coffee shops, conspiracy theories and the occasional skinny dip.
Yemanya is our Friday Goddess! She represents a golden opportunity that is being offered to you. Her message is: “Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them.”
Exciting opportunities are just around the corner, so stay open minded. If you have felt stuck lately, things are definitely shifting. If you have felt indecisive, soon things will be crystal clear.
Spending time by the water will bring you clarity on a particular issue today – but if you don’t live near water, go to an indoor pool and do some laps – the rhythmic motion of swimming will unlock the solution center in your brain.
On a side note, I want to share an interview I recently did. The beautiful and talented Yoga Goddess Jenny Ravikumar was kind enough to interview me for her blog. Check it out!
The Moon is so full of mystery, raw lust and unconscious power that at times it can be frightening to behold. It represents that part of yourself that is pure animal, wild and free.
Things are not as they seem today, but don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out. Unconscious motives are at play when it comes to relationships at work and at home and its wise to remember that people aren’t as civilized as they appear!
Be aware that what you desire and feel drawn to has to do with survival instincts more than anything else. Pay special attention to your dreams right now and write them down if you can remember them upon waking.
Question: When you look at this card, what are you drawn to first? What does that symbol mean to you? Post it in the comments below!
The Knight of Cups gallops into the scene, like a knight in shining armor. Although he actually is a knight in shining armor…and he’s even carrying a bouquet of flowers and a goblet of wine (or something).
This guy is a diehard romantic and he is here to remind you not to let this part of yourself fade away. Don’t stop following your heart and living life like its an adventure. Some may say your airy-fairy, but who cares?
When deciding where to go or what to do today, listen to your gut feelings and your heart’s desires. Today is the day to let your chattering mind take a backseat and go on pure intuition. Life is way more fun that way!
If you could be this romantic, unicorn riding knight just for today, what would you do differently? Let me know in the comments below…
The Secret Doorway oracle card, from the Wild Wisdom of the Faerie deck, is all about “Working with intuition, Second sight opening, Dimensional doorways.”
The stars and planets have aligned and now is the right time for you to really explore your natural-born intuitive gifts. No more excuses!
Sign up for that class or even start your own psychic group, if that idea appeals to you. You won’t realize how psychic you really are until you let go of your inhibitions and start practicing.
Here’s a fun psychic challenge to try: get a magazine and, with your eyes closed, open to a random page and place your hand over it. Attempt to “see” with the palm of your hand and record your observations. Then open your eyes and see if the image you saw in your mind was similar to what was on the page.
Monday’s Tarot card is the Seven of Swords and it suggests you are trying to sneak away from something.
It can be tempting to shirk responsibility for something, especially if that something feels out of your comfort zone and a bit scary.
Normally I am all about shirking responsibility, but this time it feels like you need to persevere and not give up just because something is difficult.
Most importantly, don’t run from your thoughts today….observe them carefully because they hold the key to what is really going on with you. Examine your thoughts as if they were a sly intruder who has snuck into your mind and is plotting mischief!
In the comments below, spill the beans on what it is that you are avoiding today…
Here is my Oracle card reading using the Tao Oracle (love these cards!)
This week looks like it could be a mix of relaxation, contemplation and a sprinkling of self doubt here and there, with a 50% chance of a minor freak out toward the end of the week.
I was standing in line at the grocery store yesterday, reading Star magazine (my trusted news source) when an idea for a really fun Tarot exercise came to me.
Do you ever wonder why you are fascinated by particular celebrities or fictional characters? I do. And I figured there had to be some deep, twisted psychological explanation for it. So I decided to consult my Tarot cards to get the juicy deets…
Step One:
Ask yourself what celebrity/fictional character do I find most fascinating? (or, which celebrity do I have a crush on?). Then, go through your Tarot deck and pick out 1-3 cards that best represents this person. These are the qualities that you are powerfully drawn to, whether you realize it or not.
If you don’t care about celebrities or fictional characters and have no idea who anyone is, then you can substitute a real person in your life – preferably someone you feel drawn to and find extremely intriguing. Like the long-eyelashed mailboy at your office, or the neighbor’s wife. Or your spouse, I guess.
Whoever it is, ask yourself who they would be in the Tarot. Are they the bright eyed and bushy tailed young man in The Fool? The stuffy, constipated Emperor? The dorky juggler in Two of Pentacles? Or perhaps a combination of the three?
Step Two: Ask yourself what that Tarot card means to you right now.
What significance does it have in your life?
Does this Tarot card embody the traits you wish you had?
Or the things you are missing in your life?
How do you express the energy of this card in your life right now?
If you have chosen more than one card, look for repeating symbols and similarities
When I did this Tarot experiment, I picked James Bond as my fascinating fictional character (the Daniel Craig version). I am intrigued by the way he coldly kills people, rides motorbikes on rooftops, heartlessly kills people, jumps out of moving trains and kills people, all without giving it a second thought. So sexy!
The three Tarot cards that, for me, represent James Bond are The Moon, Five of Wands and Eight of Cups.The Moon because he is so mysterious, Five of Wands because he always seems to be in a tussle with someone, and the Eight of Cups because he is always scampering off into the night after bedding some foxy lady.
Without boring you to tears with the details of my personal life, I will say that these three cards accurately reflect what’s going on for me right now.
The Five of Wands represents an inner struggle of conflicting interests (I want to do this… no, I want to do that), Eight of Cups reveals that I am indeed turning my back on something and The Moon illustrates my desire to keep my life very private and my feelings hidden.
In the comments below, tell me what celebrity (or person) you chose and what cards you picked to represent them and why….can’t wait to hear!!!!