Striving for Balance? Don’t Bother! ~ Tarot Card for Friday
Veronica is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She spends her time penning smut, sipping martinis, and planning her next seduction. Let us read what she has to say about the Six of Pentacles…

Today we have the Six of Pentacles (again!) and it appears that “balance” is what it’s all about. But don’t be fooled. Striving for balance is overrated.
Contrary to popular belief, imbalance is the natural state of affairs. Think of a pair of testicles. One must always hang lower than the other, lest they be squished together during the act of walking (moving forward).
And this is how you need to start thinking of your life – like a pair of testicles. Stop striving for perfect balance.
You hear a lot about “balance” these days – about eating a balanced diet, about living a balanced life, balance, balance, balance! And its all bullshit.
Striving for perfect balance is useless and, in my humble opinion, totally unnatural. But here’s the funny thing – if you just do what you feel, eventually things even out and balance themselves.
For example, yesterday I spent an entire day lying on my couch, reading Scandalous Liaisons by Sylvia Day, eating peanut butter-cornflake squares and drinking syrupy, German white wine.
But today I am just humming along with my work like a skanky ferrari, getting shit done, eating my greens and doing yoga.
So stop striving and just go with the fucking flow already!
Striving for Balance? Don’t Bother! ~ Tarot Card for Friday Read More »