Six of Cups shows you how to play…
Veronica is a free spirited tramp who loves to eavesdrop in coffee shops, lead young men astray and of course…read Tarot! Since she’s my evil twin/alter ego, I let her spew her mystical ramblings every Friday on my blog…

When was the last time you engaged yourself in the spirit of play?
When you were six?
This particular Six of Cups reminds me of all the times I have visited the beach and observed children absorbed in adventurous play….
While their parent just sits there – a grumbling, defeated lump on the beach – affixed to their iphone.
This weekend, get outside and play…
Write scandalous messages in the sand, draw body tracings with chalk (like someone was just murdered in your driveway) and paint pictures of little unicorns and butterflies on your face!
Sure, your friends and neighbors will deem you mentally unstable but who cares? You will feel ALIVE!
Six of Cups shows you how to play… Read More »