Silence….the most beautiful sound of all?
Veronica is my evil twin/alter ego and queen of Tarot. She loves breaking rules, saying “NO!” to those gross food samples at Costco and waking up at 10am on a Thursday knowing she’s got NOTHING on the agenda for the day! Here’s her take on the Four of Swords…
Guess what time it is? Spa time!
You’ve been working your hands to the bone, burning the candle at both ends and maybe even smiling at people you hate and laughing at crap that’s not even funny, just to appear agreeable.
Time to nip that shit in the bud and start living life like it was meant to be lived…..Veronica style!
You’re in need of some serious downtime, where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy the sound of people not talking.
You might need to leave your home to experience this – go to the spa or book a session in one of those infrared saunas. Nothing beats being totally naked and sweaty inside a hot box with psychedelic lighting and nature music.
Or, if you choose to stay home, draw the blinds, dim the lights, toss some sliced cukes on your eyeballs and enjoy the inward journey to YOU!
Tell me (in the comments below)… will you unwind and chill this weekend?
Silence….the most beautiful sound of all? Read More »