free daily tarot

3 of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

wildwood tarot
Wildwood Tarot

The Three of Swords Tarot card is the card of the day and it comes to remind us that letting go of hurt and resentment, whether from the past or present, is what will positively shift our spirits today.

The strongest message I get with this card is that when past hurt is not resolved or released, it re-manifests itself in our present lives. The players may be different, but the feelings are the same.

Any present betrayals of the heart are here to help you heal the past events as well as the current ones.

You may also get some clarity around your relationships today, as the Three of Arrows (aka Three of Swords) is all about seeing the heart of a relationship with a steady, focused gaze. Remember to treat yourself with the same kindness and gentleness that you show to others today 🙂




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Seeker of Chalices ~ Tarot Card for Monday

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot

The Seeker of Chalices is the card for today. Its time to come out of your shell! Don’t hold back any longer – follow your heart and let your inspiration and creative yearning guide you.

I feel like this card speaks specifically to those wanting to express their connection to spirit in an artistic way. Like channeling through painting or writing, or even studying the psychic arts as a way to help others.

You may feel like your emotions are running strong today and you aren’t sure what to do with them. Channel your emotions into your creativity today!

Feeling emotional is almost like visiting another dimension – you have access to ideas, perspectives and visions that you wouldn’t normally have. Your creative and emotional potential is high today – the challenge is learning how to use it!


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The Great Wheel ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

The Great Wheel is today’s Tarot card and it signifies a completion of some sort. It’s time to celebrate what you have achieved and begin looking forward to a fresh start.

Today you have an enhanced ability to renew yourself and reinvent your life. That sounds pretty big – I know! What you visualize today could end up coming to fruition by months end – so focus your attention on what you do want, not what you don’t want.

You may feel as though there is a lot of excitement building around you and ideas, opportunities and interesting people are coming at you from all directions! The key to dealing with this increased energy is to stay centered – breathe and observe, but don’t get sucked into the craziness!


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Eight of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Eight of Pentacles is the Tarot card for today and it is all about hard work! (zzzzzz) But more than just about hard work – its about making sure that if you are working hard you are working toward something that has meaning for you.

Today is all about buckling down, getting focused and being truly productive. The reward from this intense dedication is in the work itself – putting your energy into creating something worthwhile.

You are making enormous headway right now, but you won’t realize it until later on down the road. There is a time for dreaming, planning, action and celebration and right now you are in the action/creation stage of things. Its a great place to be!

Just make sure that your goal has personal value to you and that you take regular breaks to renew your creative energy – its easy to get caught up in “getting things done” without seeing the big picture.

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Five of Flames ~ Tarot Card for Thursday!

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

Today’s Tarot card is Five of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. This card comes as a reminder that there is power in numbers and when a group comes together with a mission and clear vision, miracles can happen!

If you find yourself a part of a group today – either a group of coworkers, family or friends – be prepared for some differences of opinion and minor squabbles. But know that once you all find a common goal or purpose, those differences will melt away.

Get in touch with what is really, truly important to you in this situation. Find a way to express it to those around you and invite them all to do the same. Once you all find that common ground, the energy of the group will build momentum and powerful shifts can be achieved.



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Eight of Cups Tarot Card for Monday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Eight of Cups is today’s Tarot card and it comes with the message of moving on and seeking greater fulfillment. You know what you need to let go of and as you do so, this will help create space for new energy and abundance.

I get a strong sense that this card is related to clearing clutter! If you are feeling bogged down by stacks of paper and other clutter in your living and work space, take an hour or more to clear things out.

Sometimes its hard to let go of things – you might have an emotional attachment to the “junk” that is kicking around your life. So for each item of “clutter” ask yourself how much pleasure you get from it. This will help determine what needs to go and what can stay.

Look into Feng Shui and creating sacred space this week. Once you have let go of all the useless junk you have been holding onto, you will be amazed at how light and free you feel….like you can take on the world!

Join me for a Twitter party tomorrow night (Tuesday) for a chance to my 2013 Tarot Workbook!!!!


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Strength ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

The Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

Happy Friday! Today’s Tarot card is Strength from the fabulous, shiny new Sirian Starseed Tarot. The message today is a powerful one, just like the image on the card. Living your passion takes strength and willingness to align with your rebel spirit.

When you decide to “follow your bliss” and live your passion, it might not always be easy – a certain kind of fierceness is required. Others may not totally support your vision, you may have to make some financial sacrifices to do what is important to you and there will be times when you want to give up….

When you feel that way dig deep and reach for your inner Tiger or Tigress. Touch the flame of awareness that burns bright in the center of your soul and know that you are capable of things way beyond your wildest dreams!

Check out my latest review of the Sirian Starseed Tarot.

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Two of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Cups from the beautiful Paulina Tarot. The Two of Cups is all about making connections with others, coming together for a common cause and enjoying partnerships – romantic, business and otherwise!

You may talk with someone today who shares your vision or who shares your passion for a particular hobby. Partnering with this person on a project could be exciting and beneficial for you.

You could also find that your romantic relationship is entering an easy, delightful phase. As you celebrate all your successes with your partner, you will start to notice the support and unconditional love that is radiating from him/her.

Today, choose to honor and celebrate your relationships – whether they are romantic partnerships, friendships, partnerships with colleagues – even the friendship you have with your pet. All of this will allow you to live more deeply within the heart – the first step to living fearlessly!

If you are in a relationship, try out my new Love Tarot Card Spread….

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Ace of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card appears today to celebrate a new beginning in your life. This card is confirmation that you are on the right path, moving along nicely and your future vision couldn’t be any clearer at this point.

Things are finally falling into place for you and this will help you establish a sense of confidence in the future and the direction you are taking. Ground your vision and dreams in reality by recording your ideas in a journal and taking small steps towards them each and every day.

Your enthusiastic energy will inspire others today but beware! – those who are unstable and highly  emotional may be drawn to you since being in your presence makes them feel supported and balanced. If this feels okay for you, radiate calmness so that others may develop a feeling of trust in life. But if this feels unpleasant to you, use your intuition to set boundaries and create an environment that nourishes you. Just because you have your shit together, it doesn’t mean you have to be a support system for those who do not!

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The Sun ~ Tarot Card for Thursday!

the sun tarot card
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Tarot card for Thursday is…..The Sun! This Tarot card is a good luck omen and shines positivity and joy on everything you do today. Don’t be afraid to approach things with a childlike interest as this will give you a totally new experience of life.

Look on the brighter side of things and make full use of your sense of humor today. Being able to laugh at life will help transmute any worries or struggles you are having. Look for joy today – don’t wait for it to find you!

Find ways to engage your “inner child” this week, such as painting, craft projects, singing in the shower, daydreaming and writing stories just for fun. Today is all about enjoying being alive – so laugh, play and relax!


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