one card tarot reading

Channel your inner cock (I mean rooster!)

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil twin and a Tarot card reading dynamo! She spends her days reading paranormal romance novels, suntanning on her balcony and leering at young male construction workers that are building her neighbors deck. Yum! She is here to tell you what to do with your life – so lets see what she has to say…

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Cock-a -doodle-do! says the Rooster, wake the f*ck up!

Rub the sleepiness out of your eyes and step onto the scene of your life with gusto and snap – it’s time to announce yourself!

You might be thinking “can’t I just phone this one in today and get back to my zombie shuffle?”

The answer is NO!

It’s time to be awake, present and loud. Maybe even obnoxious. Like morning wood.

Live life on purpose today.

Stride (instead of shuffle) down the street, wear bright clothing, don’t try to fit in and make sure you act a little, well…. cocky!

You’ve been passive and non-offensive way to long, silly pants. Who cares if you annoy others?  The roost is yours to rule this weekend 😉

And I hope that wasn’t too much penis innuendo for you.

Channel your inner cock (I mean rooster!) Read More »

Shield yourself from twits

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil twin. She is also many other things: nude yoga practitioner, Tarot reader, ninja-spy, painter, professional napper and erotic fiction writer. Today she gifts you with a reading from my Angel cards…

Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s card is “Shielding” and it suggests that there is someone in your life who is really starting to piss you off.

Perhaps a co-worker who brags about never taking her breaks or a spouse who drapes his sweaty workout shirts on your furniture “to dry before putting them in the laundry hamper.”

Who ever it is, you have the overwhelming urge to erect a massive bubble around you, stick your fingers in your ears and go la la la la la la la!

Ignore those obnoxious twits in your life by finding your “happy place” – creating a bubble of denial where you can immerse yourself in fantasy and daydreaming to your hearts content.

This creates an invisible energy shield and those who seek to drain your energy will find you boring, repulsive and not worth their time. YES!

art of tarot banner

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Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot!

This week, I am unveiling my brand new e-course The Art of Tarot: How to Read a Negative Card in a Positive Light.

Today I want to share my favorite part of this course with you – reading the negative cards as secret desires.

When a “negative” Tarot card (like the 3 of Swords or The Tower) appears in a reading, it can often represent a secret wish or unconscious desire. A desire so dark and so shocking, that our conscious selves just can’t handle it!

Let me show you what I mean:

Let’s say I’m giving myself a Tarot reading and I ask “how can I make my life more adventurous?”

And one of the cards that appears is the 8 of Swords.

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

Ding, ding, ding! Secret desire alert!

Now, there are many different ways I could look at this card, but today I am choosing to see the negative cards as representing my secret desires.

So what dark, undisclosed desire could the 8 of swords represent? And how on earth does it relate to my question?

Here are some possibilities…

1) the desire to be “rescued”

2) the desire to be tied up and blindfolded (very literal!)

3) the desire to remain “in the dark” (blindfold) and powerless (and therefore not responsible for anything)

Out of all these possible “secret desires”, the desire to be rescued feels most likely.

My Interpretation: Perhaps I want my life to be more adventurous, but secretly, deep down, I really want someone to swoop in and rescue me from boredom, whisking me away to be entertained and enchanted. As long as I sit around waiting, my life will never truly be an adventure. I need to acknowledge this desire and then take matters into my own hands.

Now it’s your turn!

Just for fun, let’s pretend your deepest, undercover desire is…..


Universal Waite Tarot Deck

In the comments below, tell me what “secret desire” of yours this Tarot Card might represent. (Can’t wait to read this!!!)

Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot! Read More »

Are you Judging Yourself?

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is an anarchist, International woman of mystery, banana bread lover, frantic scrawler of smut and just happens to be my evil twin/alter ego. Here is her take on the Judgement card…

Housewive’s Tarot

Have you been judging yourself lately?

Do you think you should be thinner, more motivated, more successful and more interesting than you actually are?

Maybe that’s not true. Maybe you should be exactly as you are.

Let me tell you a story.

I once had a job interview for a job I felt I was underqualified for (International Spy).

I had no experience whatsoever and to top if off I was late for the interview – my black Lamborghini broke down on the way there – and by the time I arrived I was panting and sweaty.

Turns out, the interviewer was kind of a perv and my heaving bosom and flushed skin turned him on. And the fact I had no qualifications only inflated his ego and made him feel superior to me. I got the job!

So let me say it again: you are perfect just the way you are. This weekend, release any self-judgements and just enjoy life!

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Advice from The Magician!

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my evil twin who is way more badass than myself. She is 10 x hotter, smarter and crazier than me and every Friday I let her do a one card reading on my blog. Her advice is always dreadful and sometimes even a bit rude. So without further ado…

the magician
Cosmic Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is The Magician and this magician in particular has a real panty-melting stare!

He seems to be encouraging you to put intensity into all that you do today. Don’t half-ass it, don’t be soft, don’t shuffle through it. Go full tilt!

The Magician is all about harnessing energy and then directing it to a specific goal.

If there’s something you want, you need to go after it like a sexual predator. No holds barred. Bystanders be damned!

One way to do this is to notice what your “energy drains” are. If your exhausted all the time, you sure as f*ck aren’t going to feel like goal setting.

For me, my energy drains are: boring people, grocery shopping, The John Tesh radio show and reality TV.

What are yours? Tell me all in the comments below!

Advice from The Magician! Read More »

The 9 of Swords…and why you need to nap more

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my crazed evil twin who reads Tarot, takes long naps and eats men for breakfast. Always sarcastic, slightly witty and a true hedonist, lets hear what she has to say this week…

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Do you ever notice how crows are nefarious little birds? Always watching and plotting and much smarter than you suspect.

That’s because they use their minds for crafty, up to no good behavior and that is what you should do.

You have a crafty, nefarious mind too, but sometimes it uses you and not the other way around.

If your mind is going a mile a minute and just won’t shut the fuck up while you try to fall asleep at night, then you need to get your ass in gear.

Your mind is a tool. Use it. But don’t let it rule you!

Speaking of sleep, this weekend is a good time to catch up on some beauty sleep, one of my favorite hobbies.

Here are my tips for a good nap:

  • Convert your bondage blindfold into a sleep mask to block out the pesky sunlight
  • Always nap alone. Kick your boy-toy out of your bedroom for once!
  • Nap with your head at the foot of your bed – this is so you don’t associate your beauty nap with night time sleep and it just makes things so much more interesting.

Have a napilicious weekend 🙂

The 9 of Swords…and why you need to nap more Read More »

Nine of Wands: Start Aiming Lower…

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is a Tarot reader extraordinaire, serial man-eater and my evil twin sister. She likes telling people what to do, loudly saying the F-word at the grocery store and deeply inhaling sage smoke – its cleansing, right? Here is her weekly dose of Tarot guidance, just in time for the weekend…

9 of wands
Housewive’s Tarot

Success is sweet because once you are high up, you get to look down on everyone.

But then you start to fantasize that everyone’s out to get you, trying to knock you down and stomp on your face.

Success is stressful!

But nothing says zen-bliss like mediocrity. Sometimes its nice to just aim for blandness, middle of the road, average and unimpressive.

Sliding in under the radar is the most underrated, hedonistic pleasure.

“Reach for the stars!” annoying people say.

I like to reach for the glow in the dark stars on my bedroom ceiling that were haphazardly stuck on by the previous resident of my apartment. I know I can reach those!

So my advice for this weekend is this: keep your expectations low and no one gets disappointed!

Nine of Wands: Start Aiming Lower… Read More »

Get a little “me-time” this weekend…

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil twin, alter ego, and a real maverick of sorts. She spends her days swanning about her apartment, writing smut, eating cheesecake and god knows what else. On Friday’s she does a horrifically unhelpful reading for you to enjoy…..

the hermit
The Housewive’s Tarot

Today’s message comes from The Hermit.

Spend this weekend soaking in the tub, ordering take out, eating chocolate and reading filthy romance novels.

Oh wait, I just remembered its Easter Weekend. F##K!

I guess your supposed to spend time with family, cook a boring dinner and humor everyone.

Well, no matter what you do this weekend, be sure to squeeze in a little me-time – if anything, it will keep you sane!

Get a little “me-time” this weekend… Read More »

What you should do this weekend…

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my terrible alter ego to whom I give free reign for a few minutes on a Friday, so she can write this reading for you. Her advice is always bad, so be sure not to take it ;)…

the fool
The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahony

The Fool is here to say It’s okay to be an idiot if it means you get to have an adventure!

Being smart is overrated and always leads to boring evenings spent watching TV with safe, dull people.

Have you been wearing mostly beige, black and brown lately? Time to color it up! buy a crazy scarf in a bright color or wear some sky blue tights (even if your a guy).

Do something different this weekend – go on a mini adventure. Pack some smelly cheeses in a sac along with grapes, crackers and wine. Take it to the park along with a blank notebook and pen.

Then, plunk yourself down on a grassy knoll and pen some erotic fiction as you proceed to get drunk in public and gorge yourself on cheese.

Gosh, just writing this I am getting so excited for the weekend! I can’t f#$*ing wait!

If you are trying to make an important decision, don’t ask yourself if its the right decision, ask if it will lead to thrills and adventure.

Now is not the time to play it safe. Be reckless, be wild and enjoy it!

What you should do this weekend… Read More »

Terrible Advice for Your Weekend…

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my horrible alter ego. She reads Tarot Cards, writes dirty books and can make a mean cappuccino cheesecake! She loves giving shocking, offensive advice via this weekly blog…

five of cups
Housewives Tarot

Sometimes shit just doesn’t go your way.

But you always have the choice of rolling with it or digging in your heels and getting really, really pissed.

Personally, I like the second option best. Why does everything have to be positive, anyway?

Everyone’s always quick to say stupid shit like:

“look on the bright side!”

“every cloud has a silver lining!”

Fuck that. I like to revel in my misery.

So this weekend, if you feel grumpy, embrace it! Don’t try to run, don’t try to put a positive spin on it. Really immerse yourself in it. Play it for all its worth!

If you don’t allow yourself the decadent luxury of unchaperoned suffering from time to time, how will you ever know true happiness?


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