For this week’s reading, I’m breaking out an old deck I’ve had for ages….the Fenestra Tarot – a super pretty deck that I think you’ll love ♥ So pull up a chair and join me as I shuffle the cards and see what the week ahead has in store…
I’m reading with The Light Seer’s Tarot for this week’s reading and I’m mixing things up by incorporating reversals!!! So of course the very first card in the reading is reversed, lol. So get comfy, settle in, pour a cup of tea and let me pull some cards for you and tell you ALL about the upcoming week….
Welcome to part 2 of my 40 part series Minor Arcana Meanings Deep Dives – each week or so we’ll hang out with ONE Tarot card and dive deeply into it’s symbols, meanings and messages – I’ll even give you some journalling questions to help you contemplate and connect with each card. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Diveseries and my Meet the Court Cardsseries.
Today we’re diving into the Ace of Swords – the most clear and powerful sign that you need to seize the day and just go for it, no more waiting around! Let’s get into it…
Suit = pentacles Element = Air (mind, thoughts, intellect, communication) Number 1 – start, beginning, new
New beginning, new idea, first step, mental clarity and focus, moving forward (despite obstacles), taking the initiative, seize the day!, DO IT NOW!
Advice & Messages
When the Ace of Swords appears in your reading, it encourages you to take the initiative on something. Don’t wait to be rescued or for someone else to do it – YOU do it and do it NOW! Go for it and don’t delay or dilly dally.
This Ace reminds you that your point of power is always in the NOW, so don’t waste time regretting the past or worrying about the future – seize the day and don’t let “red tape” or distractions hold you back.
Make sure you pay close attention to any new ideas that pop into your head and jot them down so you don’t forget.
External vs Internal meanings
Internally, the Ace of Swords manifests as focused attention and new ideas, while externally this Ace is experienced as taking action and really going for something or even a new opportunity being presented.
If the Ace of Swords appears reversed, it can signify having difficulty generating new ideas or talking yourself out of all your ideas. It can also suggest having trouble focusing your mind and struggling to take the initiative on anything, succumbing to waiting around for someone else to fix things or for circumstances to change.
Journalling Questions:
♥ What new idea(s) have you recently had?
♥ What are you ready to take the initiative on?
♥ What small step can you take in the direction you want to go?
♥ How can you focus your mind on your goal/task?
Tell me your thoughts!
Did you enjoy this deep dive? How is the Ace of Swords showing up in your life right NOW? Let me know in the comments below…
♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Ace of Cups – a card that’s all about new relationships and the healing power of love, gratitude and acceptance.
This week, I’m using The Cook’s Tarot – one of my favourite Tarot decks! So join me as I shuffle the cards and see what themes, energies and opportunities will emerge for you next week…
Welcome to part 1 of my 40 part series Minor Arcana Meanings Deep Dives – each week or so we’ll hang out with ONE Tarot card and dive deeply into it’s symbols, meanings and messages – I’ll even give you some journalling questions to help you contemplate and connect with each card. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Diveseries and my Meet the Court Cardsseries.
Today we’re diving into the Ace of Pentacles – a new path is emerging for you, a new seed is planted – but HOW will you ensure this seed with grow into a might tree? Let’s find out…
Suit = pentacles Element = Earth (physical, body, health, money, work, material world) Number 1 – start, beginning, new
New beginning, new plan (career, health, money), clarity on your path, taking the first real steps toward something, laying the foundation, planting a seed, potential.
Path = a metaphorical path, series of steps and actions
Archway = passing through something
Hedge = blocking clear view (don’t need to know all the steps yet, just the first one)
Mountain = distant goal, challenge
Hand offering pentacle = a goal, an offering or opportunity
Advice & Messages
When the Ace of Pentacles appears in your Tarot reading, it’s encouraging you to devise a plan, especially one that relates to something physical like home, money, health or work.
There is so much potential with this Ace, but without a plan, you’ll go nowhere! Focus on figuring out what your FIRST step is going to be and don’t stress about the second or third step. This Ace tells you to have a vision, but it doesn’t need to be 100% clear at this stage.
External vs Internal Meanings
Internally, the Ace of Pentacles is about gaining clarity on where you want to go and then formulating a plan by focusing on the first steps that you’ll take.
Externally, this Ace is all about taking that first step!
If the Ace of Pentacles appears reversed, it can indicate difficulty formulating a plan or setting a goal. Perhaps you’re having trouble making a fresh start or getting a clear sense of what direction you want to go in. It can also warn you that you might be wasting a perfectly good opportunity.
If we think of the Ace of Pentacles as a seed, reversed its like a seed that has been uprooted or isn’t being given the proper care and nurturing it needs to grow into something. For example, I want to start writing a novel (that’s the seed), but if I don’t make a plan or make the time to write, I’m not nurturing that seed and it’ll go nowhere.
Journalling Questions:
♥ What seed are you planting? What’s your long term goal? What baby step can you take toward it today?
♥ What new goals are you setting? What first steps are you taking?
♥ What new opportunity is being presented to you?
♥ How does this card show up in your life right now?
Tell me your thoughts!
Did you enjoy this deep dive? How is the Ace of Pentacles showing up in your life right NOW? Let me know in the comments below…
♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Ace of Swords – your ultimate sign that it’s time to seize the day and just go for it! Hop on my mailing listso you won’t miss out!
For this week’s reading, I’m using my newest Tarot deck, The Fairy Tale Journey Tarot. So get comfy and join me as I shuffle the deck and pull cards for your week ahead – let’s see what fresh ideas, new energies and opportunities this upcoming week has for you…
Here is your Tarot reading for your week ahead! I’m using the Prisma Visions Tarot for this reading. Make yourself a cup of tea, get comfy and let’s shuffle the deck and see what new ideas, insights and inspiration the cards have for you….
What does the week ahead have in store? Let’s find out! Join me as I sit down with my Everyday Witch Tarot deck and pull cards for the week and see what themes, energies and ideas the Tarot reveals….
Question: where in your life could use a bit more PASSION?
It could be your relationship, your job, a project your working on or a big life goal that you’re starting to feel a bit meh about, like your workout routine.
For me, it’s my creative writing practice. I like the idea of writing but never seem to actually make the time to do it. I put it in my calendar, I sign up for writing courses, read books about it, but all I’ve written so far this year is some steamy assassin smut – set in a dystopian future full of sensual magic and thirsty witches. But it’s so filthy, I’ll probably NEVER publish it!
Once you’ve figured out where you want more passion,try the spread below….it will help you figure out what’s blocking you from a life of raging inspiration, how to build the passion, ignite it and nurture it so it doesn’t fade away over time.
I got some great results when I tried this spread for my creative writing conundrum…..including the weird idea to start writing with a blindfold on – so I can finally stop worrying about my spelling mistakes!
So dust off your Tarot cards, light the candles and give this one a go….