Nine of Swords ~ Tarot Card Reading for Thursday

nine of swords
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Nine of Swords has appeared today to tell you to stop worrying! That only makes things worse!!! You need to get it together and put things in perspective today.

Even if your worst fear manifested, chances are it would not be as awful as anticipating that fear. The guy in this card is looking up at the sky with dread and thinking oh no, here it comes, here it comes!

This card is all about learning to manage your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings and together, these are what create your reality in many ways. So its important for you to master your thoughts and what better way to do this than create situations for yourself so you can “practice” this.

There are many different ways to manage your negative or fearful thoughts. I have found The Work of Byron Katie to be quite helpful, as well as Tapping.

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Peace of Mind ~ Oracle Card for Wednesday

peace of mind
Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card is Peace of Mind and it has two meanings.

The first message is that if you are troubled by anxiety and worry, do what you need to do to get some “peace of mind”. This fairy is spending time in the woods, so perhaps going for a nature walk may calm your nerves today.

The second message is that, no matter how tempting it may be to give someone a piece of your mind, it won’t give you the peace of mind you are craving!

If you feel the need to share your opinions and viewpoints, do so in a non-judgemental, non-aggressive way, as they are likely to be better received this way and won’t cause you any extra stress later on down the road.

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Judgement ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s card is Judgement and it is all about reinventing your life by listening to your “inner calling”.

You are gifted with the ability to discover your destiny, your true purpose, simply by following your bliss and moving in the direction that you feel pulled. So where do you feel drawn today?

Remember that it is never too late to start doing what you have always wanted to do. As soon as you start following your passion, magical things begin happening – doors begin opening, you meet people and life has a new spark to it.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait until you feel totally passionate about something to take action. Simply do what seems most interesting and appealing to you right now and this will lead you to all the big, important, awesome stuff!

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Ace of Swords! Tarot Card for Monday

ace of swords
Robin Wood Tarot

What a great way to begin the week! The Ace of Swords swoops in today to encourage you to cease the day, take on the challenge and cut away all that holds you back.

A fresh new beginning is being presented to you, but it is entirely up to you to take that first step and accept what is being offered. The Ace of Swords could represent a new job, a new project, a bright idea, a course or workshop…

Don’t let the usual things hold you back today. Just notice them – but don’t give them any power. Better yet, cut away the cords that bind you, so you can move forward in a fearless, free fashion 🙂

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Oracle Card Reading for the Week Ahead

This week is the perfect time for doing some deep contemplating about how you can create more joy in your life, what your “message to the world” is and how you can beautify your surroundings.

The two major questions to ask yourself this week are:
1) How can I make more room for fun this week? (Hint: ditch boring social engagements)

2) If you had 1 min to speak to a crowd of 1,000 people (1,000 attentive people, who are listening to every word you say and not jerking around on their iphones), what would you say? What message would you deliver?

Bonus question: How could you deliver this message another way? For example, through painting or writing. And how could you make the delivering of this message FUN and joyful?

Feel free to share in the comments below!!!!

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What Do You Look For in a Tarot Deck?

Note: all links in this article are my affiliate links

I am often asked “how do I find the right Tarot deck?” and I always say just pick a deck that you are drawn to.

But today I want to go deeper with this…

As someone who has many, many Tarot and Oracle card decks – most of which I hardly use -I am obviously drawn to different decks a lot! Perhaps too much. But I have noticed that I go through phases in regards to the type of decks I enjoy and so I have come to this conclusion:

The kind of Tarot deck you are drawn to says a lot about you and the what’s happening in your life!

I went through a phase a few years ago, where I was very attracted to busy decks like the Paulina Tarot and Shadowscapes Tarot. As long as there was a whole crap-load of stuff going on in every card, I was into it!

ace of wands...
Paulina Tarot

At the time I was going through a very exploratory phase in my life – trying lots of new things, traveling, taking classes and switching jobs – so this made perfect sense. Now I tend to be captivated by simple Tarot decks, whose cards express their message without any rambling or chitter chatter, like the Mystic Meg Tarot.

Tarot cards with simple art make me feel like I have enough breathing room to relax and let my intuition come into play. When I was first getting into Tarot I felt that more symbols and “stuff” on a card meant more information. Now I feel that less is more.

I feel that my newfound lust for Tarot simplicity reflects my efforts to de-clutter my life, as well as my recent irritation with people who talk too much and never get to the point!

So for those of you who want to know how to pick the right Tarot deck, I would suggest that you notice what is going on in your life right now. Are you in a state of transition or are you comfortably settled? Ask yourself what am I wanting more of? Do you want excitement, adventure and thrills or comfort and relaxation?

Tarot Tip: Choose a Tarot deck that reflects your life and the things you want more of.

So, with this in mind, what do YOU look for in a Tarot deck? Have you noticed yourself being attracted to particular types of Tarot/Oracle cards? What do you think this says about you? Tell me all about it in the comments below!!!

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The Star ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

the star
Robin Wood Tarot

The Star Tarot card is one of the most magical cards in a Tarot deck, and it has appeared today to bring you a special message.

Just like Tuesday’s card (Waterfall), the message today is that life can be effortless and easy. Stop trying so hard and everything will flow into place. Surrender the urge to orchestrate everything!

When you relax and let go, that is when your divine star-like nature emerges. You are at your best when you trust in life and allow things to unfold in their own time.

You don’t have to try harder to have a powerful effect on the world around you – you just have to get out of your own way. And know that when you are relaxed about life, inspiration, ideas and creativity flow to you like never before – you will never have to worry about being “blocked” or running out of ideas again!

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Two of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

two of swords
The Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Swords, from the Paulina Tarot. It’s decision time again! And its also time to stop being so annoying indecisive! This is not a life or death situation, so don’t feel like you have to mull things over for eternity.

The real issue here is that you have a hard time trusting yourself. Yes, you ARE capable of making the right decision and if you happen to make the wrong one, you are capable of fixing things and getting back on your feet again.

If you want to wait until you have more information to go on, that’s fine….just don’t wait forever. You may be trying to make this decision with your intellect, when consulting your heart is all that’s needed. Your mind is great, but it can only get you so far.


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Transformation ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

Osho Zen Tarot

Transformation from the Osho Zen Tarot (aka Death) has arrived to help you usher in all the new, exciting changes that are happening within you. Have you felt lately as though you were almost changing overnight?

The sleeping face on this card indicates that much transformation occurs during your sleep. You probably don’t realize just how much learning and growth you experience through your dreams.

In a way, sleep is like death – it gives us a chance to release the old and start fresh again the next day. You can use your sleep to re-program your life.

For example, spend a few moments before bed focusing on all the positive things that happened that day and dreaming about what you want to bring into your life and how you want to feel. When you awaken, spend a moment lying in bed, just feeling the life force within you radiate with positive energy. This is one of the most wonderful ways to start your day!

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Oracle Card Reading for Tuesday

Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer

Today’s Oracle card is Waterfall ~ Effortless and it is here to remind us that life is not supposed to be difficult. If you find yourself struggling and striving, remember that there is a different way….

Take the path of least resistance, let life flow, and you will be surprised at how much you “get done”. If there is something you want to accomplish today, ask yourself “what is the easiest, most relaxing way I can do this?”

Another message I get with this card is that there is a trickle down effect that is always happening. The little things we do today can have a big impact later on. So take baby steps toward your goals and know that in doing so, you are actually taking great strides toward your dreams!

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