Six of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Friday!
Today’s daily tarot reading turns up the Six of Pentacles, which brings a message of balance, equality and the importance of generosity.
I have the feeling that most people reading this are very good at showing generosity to others and wouldn’t hesitate to help a friend in need. But how do you feel about accepting help from others? What about accepting compliments?
Today is all about graciously accepting help and kindness from others. You know how good it feels to do something nice for someone, so do someone the favor of letting them do something nice for you!
On a different note, I feel that the Six of Pentacles speaks of the need to balance finances. Don’t be reckless with your spending this weekend and make sure that your inflow and outflow of money is nicely balanced.
Six of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Friday! Read More »