The World Tarot Card ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Monday

The card that I drew for today, Monday, is The World tarot card. Oneness, connection and completion are the themes of this card and I feel like this will also be the theme for the entire week.
Today it will be important to notice how we are connected to all of existence. It is common to go through the day feeling very separate and cut off from others and from life in general. But The World tarot card comes as a reminder that this is not true – it is only how we may choose to experience things.
In order to feel more connected and at one with the world, get into a feeling state of love for yourself, your surroundings and the planet as a whole. I found this Oneness website that really helps me do just that. This is a really wonderful way to start each day!
The other message I got with this card is that we are quickly approaching the end of a cycle and getting ready to begin a new one. Approach this with a sense of calm, peacefulness and celebration – enjoy all the new challenges that this has to offer and let yourself fantasize and dream about the kind of world you want to live in. Everything starts with a vision!
Have a wonderful week, everyone!!!
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