Page of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Monday

crystal visions tarot page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Monday’s card, Page of Pentacles, comes to us from the Crystal Visions Tarot Deck, reminding us that we are on the right path, but there is still much we need to learn in our chosen field.

This Page is all about study, learning and apprenticeship, but it refers to both formal and informal study. If you have been thinking about switching careers or branching out and trying something new, it means that studying this new information and learning new skills will be an important step for you.

Take action toward your goals today by looking into courses, programs or teachers that could help you along your new path. Or even start by getting a book on your chosen subject/field and begin doing your own research.

Make sure whatever you are investing your time, money and energy in is something that brings you joy and really captivates your interest. The process of learning should be just as exciting as your idea of this new career. Don’t waste time studying something that holds little interest for you just for the sake of getting a “good” job after.

Enjoy the journey, not just the fantasy of the destination!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun ~ Ace of Wands

fenestra tarot ace of wands
Fenestra Tarot by Chatriya

This weekend will be all about ceasing opportunities as they arise – particularly opportunities for taking action in a creative, passionate way.

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of fertility – of being open to the flow of ideas and creative energy and having the inspiration and drive to create something new.

A new beginning is on the horizon and this will become clear over the weekend and early next week. You are beginning a new phase and will have access to new energies and guidance.

Ask yourself what you feel most excited about right now? What kinds of topics seem to give you limitless energy? This is where you will want to be investing your energy at this time. When a new opportunity arises, ask yourself those questions. Does the opportunity excite you? Do you feel energized at the though of it? If so, you will know you are on the right path!

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Daily Oracle Reading for Friday ~ Freedom (Hina)

Ascended Masters Oracle Doreen Virtue
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

This Friday is all about embracing Freedom!    If you were free to do whatever you wanted today and nothing could stop you, what would you do?

Hina, the Goddess on this card, challenges you to truly appreciate your freedom in its many forms. Often we live with the illusion that we are trapped inside our lives and have to do things out of a certain sense of duty. Hina calls bullshit!

Hina is here to remind you that you have the freedom to create change in your life and to manifest what you truly desire. Somewhere, in an alternate universe, you too are a powerful goddess like Hina and can strut about doing whatever the hell you want. The only difference is that you have forgotten this aspect of yourself. So close your eyes right now and begin to remember…..

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Daily Tarot Reading for Thursday ~ Five of Water

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot

This card is from the Osho Zen Tarot to remind us that we all find ourselves clinging to the past from time to time. However, sometimes we do this subconsciously without really realizing how we are creating unhappiness for ourselves.

Today you will have the chance to catch yourself doing this and to really question your mind and its silly behavior. You might catch yourself re-hashing a conversation you had with someone or feeling vexed about some old disagreement or wrongdoing.

You may be able to laugh at your mind or ego, especially when you realize it is creating stress for you when in reality, there is nothing to get upset about. It’s in the past!

Today, pay special attention to how often you think about the past and ask yourself why. Do you have unfinished business? If so, what can you do today so that you can move forward in your life? When we cling to the past we miss out on the present moment – which is where all the awesomeness is!!!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Wednesday ~ Guidance (Three of Rainbows)

osho zen tarot guidance
Osho Zen Tarot ~ Three of Rainbows (Guidance)

Today’s card is Three of Rainbows (Guidance) from the Osho Zen Tarot. Wherever we are and no matter what we are doing, we always have access to higher guidance. Whether it is our higher self, angels, spirit guides, god or goddess, we can tap into that guidance whenever we feel the need for support and wisdom.

This card has come up because you have been receiving guidance recently and at the time you may have wondered if it was your imagination. Perhaps you felt a calm, loving presence in the room or heard a voice or saw an image that held significance to you. These are all signs for you, letting you know that you can call on your guides/angels anytime.

Hands on healing such as Reiki, Healing Touch or other forms of healing come to mind with this card and I feel like the overall message is that when we engage in healing we have an easier time hearing guidance from the other realms.

Exercise: Try channeling healing energy on yourself by placing your hands on your belly, thighs or head. Close your eyes and breath deeply. Imagine that you are drawing white light down through the crown of your head into your body and out through your hands. Place your awareness in your hands and notice how they begin to heat up. Do this for a couple of minutes and then notice how you feel afterwards.

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Daily Tarot Reading for Tuesday ~ Knight of Cups

knight of cups fenestra tarot
The Knight of Cups from The Fenestra Tarot

The Knight of Cups rides in to inspire you to listen to your soul’s yearnings and follow you dreams.

This Knight holds his desire and vision in high regard, despite what those around him might think. He lets his intuition, gut feelings and emotions guide him on his journey, while his intellect takes a back seat.

I feel like this card speaks most strongly to those who are creatively inclined – whether you are a visual artist, writer, actor, dancer, singer or musician.

The message is to keep going where your interests lead you and don’t forget to feed your creativity by doing things that inspire you to create. Visit an art gallery this week, go to a movie and write a review of it or dance like a crazy person to some new music – whatever gets your creative energies flowing!

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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Milky Way

Milky Way Earth Magic Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

The message of today’s card is to step back and look at things from a larger perspective.

When you look up at the night sky and see how huge the universe is, it is hard not to feel insignificant. But I feel that what this card is saying is you should not feel insignificant, but your problems should.

Tonight, look up at the stars above you (unless you live in a perpetually cloudy place, like me!) and feel the relief that comes with realizing how unimportant your problems are in the greater scheme of things.

The message I got when meditating on this card was this: everything is temporary, in constant flux, and we are all connected. Things are constantly being created and destroyed, but we are all one, all the time. We all have an important role to play. We are all a divine piece of this universe. The more aligned we are with the present moment, the more high quality our work will be.

Have a beautiful Monday!


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Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun ~ Queen of Fire!

Queen of Fire Angel Tarot
Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue

The Queen of Fire is the weekend card, which ensures that your weekend will be full of fun and excitement. I get such a strong feeling with this card that I think its influence will be felt all week long.

Now is the perfect time to tap into your naturally confident and warm sides. People will find you exceptionally charismatic and bold this weekend, so don’t hold back!

If you are doing anything social, don’t waste time with boring small talk, instead ask people what you really want to know and express yourself without overly censoring and worrying about others opinions of you.

The Queen of Fire is daring, passionate and has a cheeky sense of humor. Her fierce independence may intimidate some, but she has a blast no mater where she goes and really lives life to the fullest. If you embody this Queen you are guaranteed to have more fun this weekend!

This weekend is the perfect time to start new art projects (particularly ones that my be a bit risque or “artsy fartsy” in nature) and to get your career goals in order. The caption on this card says “stretch your wings and fly! Don’t underestimate yourself. Assert your independence and creativity.”

How will you assert your independence and creativity this weekend?

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Daily Tarot Reading for Friday ~ Silence

osho zen tarot silence
Silence from the Osho Zen Tarot

Silence and peacefulness come when we give up trying to control everything and make things happen – even for just a moment.

This card invites you to let go of anything that is bothering you and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. When you let go, even just a little bit, you allow your life to flow naturally and this is when magical things can happen!

When you let your mind become calm and clear, like the surface of a calm lake, you create a space in your life, almost like a pause, in which you can either turn your gaze inward or just enjoy being yourself and being alive.

Affirmation for today: Everything is unfolding exactly as it should

When you say this affirmation to yourself, really believe it and notice what happens to you. Do you physically relax? Do you feel lighter and more free?

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Daily Tarot Reading for Thursday ~ The Hermit

Tarot of the Pagan Cats The Hermit
The Hermit from The Tarot of the Pagan Cats

You are a journeyer on the path of life and The Hermit comes to tell you that only the light of your own consciousness will show you the way.

No one else can fix your problems or make you become enlightened – this is something you must do for yourself. We are so used to giving away our power to an outside authority and accepting others rules that listening to our higher self and following our own rules can feel foreign to us.

I feel like this card has two messages today. The first is for those who have made their own paths and have chosen not to take the well traveled ones that society has laid out for us. Like the cat in the picture, you are an independent soul. Perhaps you have chosen not to marry or have children, or you are self employed in what others would consider an unusual profession, or you just feel like you don’t really “get” most people and the way they live their lives. You are here to inspire others – to shine a light on what was once darkness and to be living proof that happiness is created from within. You may not realize it yet, but you are forging a path for others to follow many years from now.

The second message is for those who feel drained and overwhelmed by all the activity and social interactions in their lives right now. It is time to retreat and spend time alone. Meditate, go for nature walks, don’t answer the phone or the door and take a break from email and the internet. This will renew your spirit and give you a fresh, clear perspective on life.

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