My Tarot & Oracle Deck Collection (updated 2019)!

Here’s something that probably won’t surprise you…..I have a lot of Tarot and oracle decks. I used to be hopelessly addicted to buying decks, which led me to amass quite a collection, but then about three years ago I reached my limit and the cravings stopped. It felt like I’d been gorging myself on a Tarot deck buffet and now I was finally sated.

Now I will only buy a deck if I absolutely LOVE it and desperately WANT it, which only happens once in a while (Everyday Witch Tarot, Spirit Keepers Tarot, Mystical Cat’s Tarot and the Cook’s Tarot are all good examples).

However, my collection keeps growing! I am very fortunate to have deck creators gift me their decks in exchange for a review and so even though I’m no longer a Tarot deck shopaholic, I’m still adding to my collection all the time. So I thought I’d share some of the decks I’ve acquired since my last deck collection video!

Decks shown (in order):
Everyday Witch Tarot
Wildwood Tarot
Mystical Cats Tarot
Pastel Tarot
Cook’s Tarot
Dark Mansion Tarot
Spirit Keepers Tarot
The Light Visions Tarot
The Prisma Visions Tarot
Intuitive Tarot
Hip Chick Tarot
Heart & Hands Tarot
Circle of Life Tarot
The Luminous Void Tarot
The Simple Tarot
Mystic Meg Tarot

Keep in mind this isn’t my entire collection – that would be one long, never ending video! These are just my recently acquired decks.

And here are my newest oracle decks…

Decks shown (in order):
Vintage Wisdom Oracle by Victoria Moseley
Animal Allies Oracle cards by Jessica Swift
Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer
Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck by Rosie Aronson
Spirit Cats by Nicole Piar
Duality Deck by Tanya Bond
The Power Deck by Lynn V Andrews

For all my other deck collection videos, here’s a comprehensive list.

I want to hear from YOU!

What Tarot and Oracle card decks are in your collection? Let me know in the comments below…

My Tarot & Oracle Deck Collection (updated 2019)! Read More »

The most unethical Tarot spread ever….for Valentine’s Day!

We all know it’s wrong to use Tarot to pry into other’s private thoughts and feelings. But it’s Valentines! So here’s a deliciously unethical spread that breaks all the rules.

Whose your crush? Do you want to plumb the depths of their psyche to discover their kinky secrets? I bet you do! Want to find out the best way to  become irresistible to them? Read on…

It’s my personal belief that we can’t really find out what someone else is thinking via Tarot cards. I just don’t buy it. It’s the main reason I refuse to read about people other than my client when I’m giving readings (I say it’s because of my ethics, but really it’s because I can’t). I just can’t. I’d be making shit up!

So the spread below was created within the spirit of giggly fun and silliness. And maybe also perversion…

Print this! (PDF version)

The most unethical Tarot spread ever….for Valentine’s Day! Read More »

Tarot Reading for Feb 11 – 17

For this week’s reading I’m using a classic deck – the Morgan Greer Tarot. Despite the fact that it’s Valentines Day on Thursday, I don’t say anything remotely romantic in this reading. But if it’s romance, you’re looking for, you might like my new Valentine’s Day Tarot spread. Okay, now onto the reading….

Have a great week!

Tarot Reading for Feb 11 – 17 Read More »

Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread: Ignite Your Love Life!

I know it’s trendy to be all emo say “I hate Valentine’s Day!” but you know what? I fucking love it. I love heart shaped chocolates and the heart shaped boxes they come in. I love flowers, stupid frilly lingerie and the color pink.

What I don’t love is bouquets of red roses. I once dated guy who loved to buy me bouquets of red roses like it was this big deal and he was so amazing for doing it but then he’d go and act all paranoid and controlling, like an insecure jerk. So in my books a dozen red roses = asshole.

I decided I wanted to create a new Valentines Day Tarot spread this year – it’s pink, it’s loaded with hearts and it’s for EVERYONE – regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or not. And if you have absolutely no interest whatsoever in attracting a partner, just substitute erotic life for love life, because we can all have an erotic life, right? I hope so!

Print this! (PDF version)

Have a fabulous Valentine’s Day and don’t eat too many heart shaped chocolates!

Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread: Ignite Your Love Life! Read More »

The Dark Mansion Tarot Review

The Dark Mansion Tarot is an independently published deck by Krzysztof Wasiuk and Magdalena Kaczan (artist). Based on the Rider Waite style, this is a high quality, one of a kind Tarot deck, reminiscent of Tim Burton movies. At the time of this review, it comes in three different versions – standard version, limited edition and large edition. Warning: this is as close as I’ve come to finding the “perfect” Tarot deck!


  • Delicious feeling card stock
  • Delightful, atmospheric artwork
  • Super-easy to read and work with


  • Absolutely nothing! (This doesn’t happen often)

First impressions…

I first unboxed this deck on Christmas Eve after I’d enjoyed a delicious holiday dinner with my family. I’d just had a few tokes and was high as a kite when I first laid eyes on these cards. As I looked through the deck like a glassy-eyed zombie, I thought oh my god! This deck is incredible! It feels like butter in my hands, ooooh! The cards seemed to be speaking directly to that place inside me where my mind and soul meet. It was a magical experience. I was on the cusp of a full blown Tarotgasm!

Then I thought I’m probably just high, I bet it won’t be as spectacular tomorrow. But I was wrong. The next day I looked at this deck while I was stone cold sober and still thought oh my god, this is one of the coolest decks I’ve ever seen!

The Basics:

I have the standard version, which is what my review is based on. This deck also comes in a fancier limited edition which has larger cards, thicker card stock and a fancier, velvety finish and comes in a wooden box. There is also a large version. Honestly, the quality of the standard version is so good, I can’t imagine needing an even better quality version, but it’s there for you if you want it.

Box – the deck comes in a sturdy, cardboard box (pictured at the top of this page). It’s a nice, pretty box that is perfect for storing your cards in.

Card Stock – Superb! Good quality, luxurious card stock with a lovely matte finish. Print quality is top notch and the colors really pop. One nice thing I noticed – unlike my other decks that have a black background, this deck doesn’t get the little white chip marks on the edges. I’ve been shuffling and using these cards quite heavily for over a month now and they are still black as night!

Card backs – I love the card backs so much! They are cute and mysterious all at once (see below for a picture).

Size – Cards in the standard version are 12 x 7.4cm (a nice size for shuffling). I’m interested to see what the large version is like as I love big decks for their view-ability, but like smaller cards for their shuffle-ability.

LWB – there is no little white book with this deck.

What I love…

I really, really, really love the style of the art. Artist Magdalena Kaczan has done an outstanding job here. This deck feels like it was well thought out and meticulously crafted with lots of attention to detail.

I know a deck is special when each card just radiates a particular vibe or persona and with The Dark Mansion Tarot you really do feel like you’re entering into some other world when you’re reading with it. The art reminds me a bit of Tim Burton movies, especially The Nightmare Before Christmas (one of my faves!) as it has this really cool atmospheric, Halloweeny feel to it, but not in an overpowering sort of way.

How does this deck read?

Like a charm! I used this deck for my 2019 Tarot forecast reading and I used it steadily for most of the private readings I did in January, as well as my own personal readings. The Dark Mansion Tarot sticks close to the Rider Waite style imagery, making it feel familiar and very easy to read with.

I especially liked the Court Cards, which were brimming over with personality and spark. Court Cards can be tough to read, but I found them a joy to read in this deck.

Who is this deck for?

Everyone. Beginners will have an easy time due to the fact that it’s similar to the Rider Waite in terms of symbolism and imagery. But this is no boring, Rider Waite clone, so I’m sure seasoned Tarot fans will find much to love about this deck!

I’ve seen a lot of Tarot decks over the years and I’ve become a bit jaded and numb. I rarely get all heart-pounding excited about a deck – but I sure did when I saw The Dark Mansion Tarot. This one’s special and I know it will be one of the most used decks in my collection.

Buying options

The Dark Mansion Tarot can be purchased right here:

The Dark Mansion Tarot Review Read More »

Tarot Reading for Jan 28 – Feb 3

Holy crap, it’s almost February! I haven’t even set my New Years goals yet…! I guess I’d better get on it 😉 For this reading I’m using the Hip Chick Tarot.
Note: the middle card is called “Creator” and I get all confused in the reading and say that in a Rider Waite deck it’s The Empress. It isn’t! It’s actually The Magician.

Have a wonderful week 🙂

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