The Empress (Thursday) ~ Nurture Your Creativity!

the empress
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

The Empress encourages you to engage your nurturing qualities today – particularly when it comes to nurturing your creative ideas and dreams.

If you have been feeling uninspired lately, ask yourself how can I nurture and care for my creative self?  When you totally ignore your creative, imaginative side, it will shrivel into oblivion.

In the book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron talks about scheduling an artist’s date each week, where you do something to inspire creativity, like visit a museum or go see an artsy fartsy film. Personally, swinging on the swings at the playground down the street works for me!

But if you treat your creativity as a regular part of your life and not just something you can engage with when everything else is done, you will never find yourself creatively blocked again 🙂

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Temperance is Surprisingly Sexy! (Wednesday)

Cosmic Tarot

Temperance is usually a boring, unsexy card. However, in the Cosmic Tarot, this is definitely NOT the case! This Temperance is here to make moderation and balance look delicious!

You need balance in your life, but you will never have it if the idea of moderation seems depressing dull. So how can you make it more appealing?

When it comes to eating, overindulging is never fun. You end up feeling bloated, sick and tired. But when you eat some naughty foods, but mostly healthy stuff and smaller portions, you will feel satisfied and fully of energy. Balance is key.

Of course, this also applies to drinking booze, being lazy, working, shopping, watching TV and surfing the internet, etc. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing at all. A true hedonist knows this! So if you know you need more balance in your life, look to this exotic Temperance for inspiration 🙂

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Ten of Cups (Tuesday) ~ A Dose of Pleasure!

10 of cups
The Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

Today’s Tarot card, the Ten of Cups, is all about pleasure! Is your life full of pleasure and fun? Or do you find yourself stealing scraps of happiness here and there and wishing there was more?

The true message of this card is that we are responsible for our own joy and pleasure. No one else is. As you can see, the water pixie on the left is all alone, yet she is just rockin’ out on that sea anemone! How ecstatic you decide to make your life is entirely up to you.

Don’t wait for someone to come along and brighten your day. If your single, enjoy your life, body and mind to the best of your abilities and it won’t be long before someone is powerfully drawn to you.

If you are in a relationship, notice if you are resenting your partner because they fail to fulfill all your wishes and make you happy all the time. Let them off the hook and make it your mission to make your own dreams come true!

Ten of Cups (Tuesday) ~ A Dose of Pleasure! Read More »

Eight of Pentacles (Monday) ~ Hard Work and Zoning Out go Hand in Hand

8 of pentacles
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Today’s Tarot card, the Eight of Discs (aka Eight of Pentacles) is about working hard and steady at something that is important to you.

Now is the time to put your nose to the grindstone and really focus. Its important to keep your destination or goal in mind, but really its the journey that matters most.

You may find that the days are just flying by and you don’t have enough time to do everything you want to. Relax – you aren’t here only to “get things done”, you are also here to just be.

Let yourself get lost in your work today. And if you can’t do that, then find some kind of craft or hobby that lets you zone out and forget your mind for a while!

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5 Quirky Decks That Look Really Cool

I am always on the lookout for new Tarot decks, even though I need another Tarot deck like a hole in the head! These Tarot decks really caught my eye…they are all a bit bizarre, but there is something fascinating about them 🙂

The Housewives Tarot

housewives-tarotThis crazy 1950’s housewife inspired Tarot deck will crack you up. Created by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum, it features horrid items like jellied salad, sewing machines and greasy haired men.

It reminds me of my grandmother’s old Woman’s Day and Family Circle magazines which, incidentally, featured douching ads on nearly every page. Apparently douching was big back then. I wonder if this deck features any feminine hygiene products? I will find out soon because I ordered it and its in the mail as I write!!!

Click here to check it out on

The Housewives Tarot





The Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot


Like all cat-themed decks, this Tarot deck looks downright hilarious and bizarre. But that’s what I love about cat decks!

Upon taking a closer look at these cards online, I realized there was more to them than just a bunch of cats dressed in silly outfits. Each card has appropriate symbols and it looks like a very readable, fascinating deck.

This deck is high on my list of must-have Tarot decks!

Click here to buy on Amazon

The Halloween Tarot

halloween-tarotAs a Halloween lover, this deck appealed to me immediately. Tarot and Halloween go together like Boursin cheese and a crusty baguette and I am kind of surprised there isn’t more Halloweeny-themed Tarot decks out there. Unless you count all the gothic, vampire decks, which I suppose are pretty Halloweeny.

The Halloween Tarot has creatively incorporated Halloween symbols like pumpkins, ghosts, bats and imps into the four suits, replacing the standard pentacles, cups, swords and wands.

I plan on getting this deck before next Halloween so I can do some special Halloween readings!

Click here to check it out on


Zombie Tarot

zombie-tarotI couldn’t believe it when I saw there was a Zombie Tarot! Interestingly, it was created by Paul Kepple, the same guy who created the Housewives Tarot.

I am not really into zombies or dead things – I find the whole concept really repulsive, although I have a friend who is completely obsessed with zombies. So if you are sick like that, then this deck was made for you!

Read more about this deck on Amazon


The Kitchen Tarot

KitchenTarotThis deck really caught my eye! It isn’t as bizarre as the others, but its wildly creative. Artist Susan Shie has put a culinary spin on the Tarot by associating each Major Arcana card with something kitchen themed.

For example, The Heirophant is a fridge and The High Priestess is a teapot. Her art is super yummy – I love love love it all. You can read more about her art and Tarot deck right here. The cards are actually prints of her quilts (first I thought they were paintings, but no!)

The Kitchen Tarot is only the Major Arcana – the full deck is not yet completed and according to her website, probably won’t be for quite some time. So I will wait patiently….

Check out the Kitchen Tarot on Amazon

Do you own any of these decks? If so, what is your experience with them?And are there any wild and crazy decks that you’ve come across lately? Let me know in the comment section below…

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The Star ~ Tarot Card for Friday (Let go of Fear!)

Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

The Star is the Tarot card for Friday! The message for today is loud and clear – you are the star of your own life, so let go of fear and trust that everything is unfolding as it is meant to.

The lady in this card seems very comfortable with her star-like nature – she is confident in herself and she  has no hesitations about emptying both of her cups. She knows they can be refilled anytime.

The Star is asking you to trust in life, let go of trying to orchestrate things and really embrace the universe’s unlimited abundance.

If you feel burnt out today, relax and surrender your worries and hopes to a higher power. Everything will make perfect sense by next week.

The Star ~ Tarot Card for Friday (Let go of Fear!) Read More »

Oracle Card for Thursday ~ Celebrate the Mundane!

three graces
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

The Three Graces from the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle want you to celebrate and have fun today. No matter what is going on, throw a little party – even if its just for yourself!

The message on the card reads “cooperative ventures with friends, joy, sharing, new partnerships that are fun.”

The emphasis is on fun today. Ask yourself just how much fun can I have today? If you have a dull day ahead (for example, going to work, sitting through meetings or talking with boring people), challenge yourself to bring a spirit of mischief, joy and celebration to it.

Maybe this means you will wear something flashy, like a hot pink feather boa? Or perhaps you will send your friends pretty cards just because (and include a heartfelt note inside). Whatever you do, remember that the mundane, everyday life is worth celebrating 🙂

In the comments below, share what you will be doing today to bring an element of fun to the day?
(I am going to bake my man-friend a special cake with a silly message on it for no reason at all!)

Oracle Card for Thursday ~ Celebrate the Mundane! Read More »

Ace of Pentacles ~ Wednesday’s Message is Go for it!

ace of pentacles
Robin Wood Tarot

I love this card! The Ace of Pentacles is about getting clear on where you are going and starting down a fresh new path.

Set a new goal today if it feels right. Tend to any “weeds” on your path – like anything that might hold you back on going full steam ahead.

You will have newfound clarity today on a particular issue and its now time to begin taking action toward something that feels extra important to you. Something that lights you up like a Christmas tree!

It’s time to put your excuses aside and give yourself permission to shine. You have what it takes to make it happen! If you are worrying about money, a solution is on its way. All around, this is a great card with a beautiful message.

In the comments below, feel free to share what goal you will be setting today 🙂
The goal I set is to put the finishing touches on my upcoming e-course (The Art of Reading a Negative Card in a Positive Light) so it will be ready by July 1st!

Ace of Pentacles ~ Wednesday’s Message is Go for it! Read More »

The High Priestess ~ Go Within Today!

the high priestess
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The High Priestess of the Paulina Tarot comes to you today in all her mysterious femininity, reminding you of your own power and mystique.

Her body is made up of eyes, suggesting you look inward at what is inside you. Don’t be overly concerned with what’s going on outside of you today. Since the outer is a reflection of the inner state, go within.

That is the secret that this Mona-Lisa-esque High Priestess is here to tell you. Don’t overlook what’s happening within you. If you are at war with yourself, you will create battles in your daily life. If you feel emotionally blocked, your life will also feel “stuck” in many ways.

You are full of mysteries just waiting to be explored and practices like meditation, journalling, creative writing and yoga all help you do this. So carve out some “me-time” this week and rock out 😉

The High Priestess ~ Go Within Today! Read More »

Oracle Card for Monday ~ Unbelieving the Limiting Myths

faery tales
Wild Wisdom of the Faery by Lucy Cavendish

Today’s card is Faery Tales and the message is all about “letting go, detachment, moving on.”

You are coming out of a sleepy state where you were deeply enmeshed in an illusion of how things were supposed to be.

This may refer to your beliefs about what a romantic relationship should be like (ie: being rescued by a Prince Charming) or even how you thought your life would turn out.

Reality doesn’t match up to the story you have been telling yourself, and thank god for that! Reality, in many ways, is actually much better – its more fluid, interesting and free.

So don’t be afraid to look closely at the “faery tales” you tell yourself. In many ways they only serve to keep you feeling stuck and un-free in your life. When you let go of them, you start to have way more fun!

In the comments below, tell me what myth you have bought into in the past, which may or may not have served you well…

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