Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot!

ace of wands robin wood
Robin Wood Tarot

In all its phallic radiance, the Ace of Wands graces us with it’s presence today! I daresay those sunflowers look suspiciously testicular.

Moving on….

New beginnings! Fresh ideas! Planting seeds of awesomeness!

Today is a great day to fertilize your dreams and start taking those first steps toward making it happen.

Write your bright ideas down and make plans to carry them out. Not all of them will grow into greatness, but one of them just might.

Sexy times are in the air today! Fertility is raging. So if you don’t want to ruin your life with children, take precautions. Otherwise, have a field day!

In the comments below, tell me what “new beginning” you are most looking forward to in your life?


Today’s reading was a guest post by Veronica Noir, a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. 

Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot! Read More »

Tarot Card for Wednesday: How The Devil Can Set you Free!

Authors Note: For the next week, my evil twin Veronica Noir will be taking over doing the daily readings for me while I take a blogging break. Her reading style is a little different from mine – she’s a total bitch, has a depraved mind and her vocabulary is like something straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey – so as you can see, we are total opposites.

I will not be responding to any comments posted here over the next week, but I can’t wait to read them all when I return to my blog! I will resume my regular readings next Thursday. But until then….I will leave you in Veronica’s good hands 😉

Warmest Regards,
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

The Devil is one of my favorite Tarot cards!


Because it nudges you toward freedom by revealing how you are giving away your power.

Plus its the kinkiest card in the Tarot.

The Devil Tarot card comes up whenever addictions are an issue. So ask yourself: What am I addicted to right now?

Perhaps you are addicted to getting others approval, buying Tarot decks (wink!), eating coffee cheesecake or cyber-stalking hunky male celebrities.

Whatever it is, it doesn’t enhance your life as much as you think it does. Your addiction will hold you back, eat up your free time and drain you of energy and creativity.

But don’t try to stop…that never works! Instead, imagine what your life could be like without this addiction and take things from there.

So….if your in the mood to divulge, tell me what “addiction” is keeping you stuck in a rut in the comments below….

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Six of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

six of cups
Robin Wood Tarot

The Six of Cups suggests you help a friend out today. Someone in your life is in need of your love, attention and emotional support.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone today and lend them a helping hand. This could be in the form of a compliment, heartfelt encouragement or sharing your expertise.

The other message I get from this Six of Cups is that past memories (good ones) will show up unexpectedly this week, catching you off guard.

It will seem like these memories come from out of the blue and have no real meaning, but they do – look for the deeper significance to these happy memories and you will discover your own, personal key to joy.

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The Seven of Cups Wants You To Commit Already! ~ Tarot Card for Monday

seven of cups
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Seven of Cups says “make up your f*&king mind already!” You tell yourself you are contemplating things but really you just don’t want to make a commitment to anything. 

Choices, choices, choices! If you choose the cup with the sexy fairy you can’t choose the one with the beckoning castle. But you need not see things this way.

By going down a certain path, more options will present themselves – there are no dead ends here. Making a choice will not close as many doors as you think. Be bold today and make a concrete decision – you won’t regret it!


The Seven of Cups Wants You To Commit Already! ~ Tarot Card for Monday Read More »

What to do When Your Tarot Reading Makes No F*%king Sense!

We’ve all been there before. You ask a question, draw a Tarot card and low and behold the Tarot card you choose makes absolutely no f#*king sense.

What to do? It can be tempting to just reshuffle and redo the reading, but chances are the second reading won’t make any sense either….and you will feel like you kind of cheated.

Yesterday I did a three card Tarot reading for myself regarding launching my new Life Purpose Coaching services. I asked for insight into what my potential clients deepest concerns and needs were. The three cards I got were:

Hanson-Roberts Tarot

At first, I wasn’t sure what to make of this miserable trio. The Knight of Pentacles made a bit of sense, but the Seven of Swords and Five of Pentacles had me confused.

I was about to walk away from the reading, but then I remembered a technique that I mentioned in a previous blog post about “encore cards”….

If a Tarot card does not make sense in the context of the reading/question, notice which symbol your attention is drawn to first. Then, ask yourself what that symbol means to you.

When I did this for the Seven of Swords, my gaze was drawn to the little birds flying in the sky (which is weird since its the least obvious thing in the card!). To me, these birds represent having a “bird’s eye view” and understanding the big picture and how things connect.

The snowflakes in the Five of Pentacles jumped out at me and in my opinion they represent uniqueness and understanding one’s unique gifts and talents. Suddenly, these cards were making total sense in the context of my Life Coaching question!

After I had this epiphany, the traditional card meanings made complete sense as wellSeven of Swords was trying to tell me that my potential clients would need help with making thoughtful, practical plans.

The Five of Pentacles was showing me that overcoming “poverty thinking” would be a theme and the Knight of Pentacles was displaying the importance of moving forward with deliberate intention and thoughtfulness.

Now it’s your turn! Think back to the last time you did a Tarot reading that left you scratching your head. If you remember what card(s) you got, recreate the spread and try this technique. Or…simply ask a question, draw a card and intend for it not to make any sense – then you can test out this Tarot trick! 😉

Feel free to share your results in the comments below!!!

What to do When Your Tarot Reading Makes No F*%king Sense! Read More »

Oracle Card for Friday: Unleash Your Inner Hedonist!

beauty's truth
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Today’s Oracle card, Beauty’s Truth is all about the importance of sensuality in your daily life. Pay attention to your five senses today – really taste your food, smell the air, listen to beautiful music and delight in being totally present!

Be a total hedonist today – buy yourself fresh flowers, read a trashy novel in the bath (instead of vacuuming) and eat something sinfully delicious for dinner.

Pleasure seekers get a bad rap, but enjoyment of life and feeling good is the best way to truly transform this planet.

Be playful today, like the pink fairy on this card – and delight in your innate sensuality. Your not being selfish, you are helping bring more joy and cheer to the world, starting with yourself!

In the comments below, tell me ONE joyful/sensual thing you are going to do today….

Oracle Card for Friday: Unleash Your Inner Hedonist! Read More »

Ten of Wands Tarot Card: Why It’s Okay to be Lazy

ten of wands tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Ten of Wands and it here to tell you to lighten up and stop taking on more responsibility than you need to!

You may feel crushed by the weight of “society”, but know that it is mostly you who is piling all this pressure on. Your best self will not shine through if you are feeling limited and exhausted by all those tedious daily tasks. Time for a break!

If you have a guilt complex you may feel like you need to be busy in order to be “good” – or that unless your work is hard and stressful, you are lazy and therefore a bad person. This is total BS!

The Ten of Wands is here to tell you that you are taking on more than is necessary. The world will not collapse if you stop doing everything and taking care of everyone. Give yourself permission to play hooky today 😉

Ten of Wands Tarot Card: Why It’s Okay to be Lazy Read More »

Visualization ~ Oracle Card for Wednesday

Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Oracle card message is Visualization and it is a reminder of the power of visualizing our goals and desires.

If there is something that you would like to have, do or be, visualize it happening – notice what it feels like, looks like and tastes like. Create a clear, shimmering picture of your dreams realized.

Doing this for just a couple minutes a day will lift your energy, which is the first step in creating major shifts in your life. Remember that everything that is created was first imagined and visualized – in fact, visualization is creation on the etheric plane!

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Four of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

paulina tarot card meanings
Paulina Tarot

Are you ignoring a golden opportunity? Today’s Tarot card, the Four of Cups, suggest you might be! Your expectations may be very high, which is good, but don’t forget to look beyond appearances.

Something that might seem totally boring could actually turn out to be a delicious experience! So if you find yourself feeling a bit closed off to people or to trying new things, loosen up a bit.

Something will be presented to you today and you will be tempted to turn away or just ignore it – but look again, think twice and don’t be so quick to say “NO!” this time.

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