The Emperor Tarot Card for Friday: Be Your Own Boss!

The Emperor is here to inspire you to channel your inner dictator. This sounds kind of bad, but let me explain…
Others in your life may try to push you around today. They will tell you what you should be doing and what you should want. Don’t listen.
Stand your ground and get clear on your rules for life and what you really think is important. You are The Emperor of your own life and its time you stepped into this role without apologies.
Decide to take ownership of your life. You will be amazed at how quickly you begin getting inspiration and guidance. But don’t waste any time trying to convince others of your strength and power – you must believe it first!
Question of the day: what is one Emperor-like thing you will do today? Tell all in the comments below!
The Emperor Tarot Card for Friday: Be Your Own Boss! Read More »