Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Live Tarot Reading Party! (Replay)

Last night’s Tarot party was a success! Well, after the first livestream had no sound, that is. If you were there live, thank you for joining me ๐Ÿ™‚ I always have a blast giving these quickie, one card readings.

If you’d like to watch the replay, here it is!

If you’d like a full, private Tarot reading, I’ll be offering them until July 31st ๐Ÿ™‚


Live Tarot Reading Party! (Replay)

Unboxing the Amenti Oracle Deck!

One of my favorite parts of what I do is unboxing fabulous new decks and sharing the experience with you! Join me as I slowly reveal the magic that is the Amenti Oracle by Jennifer Sodini…

You can purchase this deck on Amazon (my affiliate link) or from the Amenti Oracle website.

My favorite things about this deck:

  • Clean, modern style artwork
  • Egyptian symbols
  • The “feather heart” concept behind this deck
  • Matte finish on the cardstock
  • A wonderful deck for self readings and inner work

I have yet to try this deck while reading for someone else but I’ve done some great one card readings on myself, which have led to some interesting insights and discoveries! I look forward to further exploring this special mystical deck and I plan to use it in my next weekly reading video, so stay tuned ๐Ÿ™‚


Unboxing the Amenti Oracle Deck!