Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Unboxing the Tarot of Why!

Join me as I unbox my newest Tarot deck, the Tarot of Why by R Campbell!

Created while on tour with Cirque du Soleil and originally only intended for personal use, R Campbell decided to print multiple copies of the deck at the urging of a co-worker. And I’m glad he did! Have a look and see what makes this deck so special…


To purchase the Tarot of Why: https://tarotofwhy.com/

From the start, this deck fascinated me. Many of the court cards are bursting with character and the little details and symbols seem to beckon me down a rabbit hole of self discovery and intuitive exploration.

So far, I’ve only done a couple of readings with this deck and they have been very intriguing to say the least, but stay tuned as I’ll be using it in this week’s reading forecast video!


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Unboxing the Oracle of the Essences!

Every once in a while a deck comes along that totally takes me by surprise and makes me go oh yeah, I just know I’m going to be using this deck for years to come!

That’s how I feel about the Oracle of the Essences by Monica “The Enchantress.” Join me as I unbox this deck, share my thoughts and do a quickie reading…

To purchase this deck: https://www.theenchantress.com.au/product-page/2nd-edition-oracle-of-the-essences

I’m going to use this deck in my weekly forecast reading video and I can’t wait to see how it reads!!!


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Unboxing the Chakra Wisdom Tarot!

The Chakra Wisdom Tarot is a new Tarot deck by Tori Hartman (the woman behind the Chakra Wisdom Oracle!). It’s a unique deck that blends chakra stuff with Tarot stuff – what’s not to love?!

Join me as I crack open this deck for the first time to share my first impressions and do a sample reading…

You can purchase this deck on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2VLyTyn (my affiliate link)

Check out Tori Hartman’s website for more info!

*After doing this unboxing video, I did a few readings with the deck and it really surprised me in it’s complexity and depth. I found that the chakra colors on the cards really helped me add a whole extra dimension onto each card, getting further insights and tidbits.

I can tell this will be a deck I reach for time and again 🙂

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Elfin Ally Oracle Unboxing Video!

One of my favorite pleasures in life is waiting for things in the mail! I’ve been looking forward to unboxing the Alfin Ally Oracle by Kathy Crabbe and sharing my first impressions with you…

To purchase the Elfin Ally Oracle: https://www.kathycrabbe.com/

This deck is a delight! It has an innocent and whimsical vibe and is so easy to work with. It would make a wonderful gift, even for someone who isn’t used to doing card readings because it is just so easy to use. And it would be a wonderful addition to your spiritual toolbox or deck collection 🙂

My favorite thing about this deck is that it beautifully combines the faerie and animal realms, helping me feel a stronger connection to both. Can’t wait to use this deck for my future readings!

Elfin Ally Oracle Unboxing Video! Read More »