Tarot Reading for Aug 27 – Sept 2
Let’s see what the Tarot has to say about the upcoming week…..
I’m using the Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot for this reading 🙂
Have a great week!
Tarot Reading for Aug 27 – Sept 2 Read More »
Let’s see what the Tarot has to say about the upcoming week…..
I’m using the Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot for this reading 🙂
Have a great week!
Tarot Reading for Aug 27 – Sept 2 Read More »
Guess what? I’m having another Tarot party!
Last weeks Tarot party was so much fun (plus I screwed up and broadcasted on the wrong Facebook page which resulted in some people missing out)…. so I’ve decided to do it all again!
This Tuesday (Aug 28) at 12 noon (PST) I’m throwing a Tarot party via Facebook Live, right over here.
This time I’m going to just dive right into the one card readings and skip the chit chat – so if you’d like a one card reading, please come 🙂 Heads up – I won’t be able to give everyone a reading but I’ll try to give as many as I can in one hour.
If you’ve never taken part in a Facebook Live event before, here’s how it works: at 12 noon PST on Tuesday, hop on over to this page – you’ll see me live on video blabbing away about Tarot. You’ll be able to interact with me via the comments so you can ask questions, etc.
You can RSVP to this event right here. And if you can’t be there live, the video replay will stay on the event page for at least a few days after, so you’ll be able to watch at your leisure.
See you at the party!!!!
Summer Tarot Party 2.0 (free one card readings) Read More »
Summer is a great time to do a mid-year check in! Where are you at? Where are you going? What do you need to focus on right now?
If you’re like me you were so busy being sick over New Years that you forgot to have any resolutions. Then maybe you set a couple of goals in February but can’t for the life of you remember what they were. It’s okay. This spread will fix everything 🙂
 1. Card to Represent YOU - This card should be randomly chosen (as opposed to consciously choosing a card) and it represents where you're at right now.
2. Let go of... - This is what you need to release and let go of.
3. Replace it with... - This card tells you how you can let go and what you need to bring into your life.
4. Strongest Influence - What is having the strongest effect on you right now. It might be a person, belief, energy, etc. This can also represent energies and opportunities for you to tap into.
5. Message from Spirit Guides - What your Higher Self and Spirit Guides want you to know and understand.
6. Where to Direct Your Energy - What to focus on, where to put your attention and/or the area of your life that needs the most attention right now.
7. Aspect of Self to Heal & Grow - This is kind of similar to card #6. It shows you what parts of yourself you need to be tapping into and working with.
I'm super nosy and I want to know what card you got in position #6 - where will you be putting your energy from now on? Feel free to share in the comments below 🙂
Summer Check-In Tarot Spread Read More »
Here is your Oracle Card reading for the week ahead! I am using the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards for this reading…
Have a lovely week!!!
Oracle Card Reading for Aug 20 – 26 Read More »
I’m in the mood for a party…..a Tarot party!
So this Friday (Aug 17th) at 12 noon (PST) I’m throwing a Tarot party via Facebook Live, over on my Facebook page.
Join me for some fun Tarot chit chat while we discuss hot new Tarot decks and fun Tarot exercises. I’ll be doing free one card Tarot readings for anyone who wants one, so you don’t want to miss it!
If you’ve never taken part in a Facebook Live event before, here’s how it works: at 12 noon PST on Friday, hop on over to my Facebook page – you’ll see me live on video blabbing away about Tarot. You’ll be able to interact with me via the comments so you can ask questions, etc.
If you can’t be there live, the video replay will stay on my page for at least a few days after, so you’ll be able to watch at your leisure.
Can’t wait to party with you on Friday! Be there or be square 😉
Live Tarot Party! (Get a free reading) Read More »
I must have cats on the brain this week, because it’s no longer enough to be surrounded by kittens, now I must also use my Mystical Cats Tarot deck!
Have a good week 🙂
Tarot Reading for Aug 13 – 19 Read More »
I always tell people that the key to being a good intuitive tarot reader is relaxation, because insights and ideas can’t enter your head when it’s a solid block of anxiety.
But what if you just can’t relax when you’re giving someone a Tarot reading?
Being all chill and laid back doesn’t come easy to everyone, myself included, and sometimes giving a reading can feel as awkward as dancing in public when you were thirteen.
Here’s a sad confession: despite all my years reading Tarot cards, I still occasionally struggle with this and relaxation exercises only take me so far.
But then I discovered a totally new way to kick back and put my critical “but you’ll screw this up!” part of my mind on pause. No, it’s not weed, it’s even better….I created my very own alter ego.
Now when I’m caught in the throes of self-consciousness, I ask myself what would Veronica do?
So before we go any further, let me introduce you to my alter ego Veronica Noir…
Veronica is everything I’m not but wish I could be – fearless, slutty and independently wealthy with a hankering for day drinking, younger men and eating chocolate for breakfast.
At first I used to hide behind my alter ego whenever I wanted to write bitchy tarot readings or blog posts about dicks, but pretty soon Veronica went from part-time nom de plume to full fledged alter ego status.
An alter ego is basically a fearless, naughtier version of yourself! Tapping into your alter ego gives you permission to kick back, explore, play and make mistakes – which is exactly the kind of attitude that helps unlock your intuition and heighten your Tarot reading abilities.
In order to be a great Tarot reader you need to know how to let go, relax, shift gears. Stepping into your alter ego self helps you do this. Think of it as a relaxation tool, but way cooler.
The good news is you don’t need to create an alter ego because your alter ego already exists inside of you. You just need to uncover it.
1. Who would you be and what would you do if there were no rules or consequences?
For example, if sleeping around and copious day drinking didn’t result in chaos and problems (for me), I’d probably do it! Therefore, Veronica does it… All. Day. Long.
2. What are your guilty pleasures and true desires?
And don’t feel you have to get all weird and kinky here – just be honest with yourself. What do you really want?
The answers to these two questions make up the backbone of your alter ego. From there you can exaggerate and embellish to create a character, adding in little details like clothing style, hobbies, career, etc.
Once you’ve got your alter ego all fleshed out, try drawing a couple Tarot cards for yourself. How would your alter ego read these cards? What would they say? Have fun with this. Use a notebook and pen if it helps you.
During your next reading, if you find yourself stuck or nervous, try asking “how would my alter ego see these cards?”
I want to be clear: I’m not suggesting you go all drama student and start channeling your alter ego in a really over the top way. I’m just suggesting you allow your mind to become playful and elastic, letting go and seeing where it takes you!
Who is your alter ego and did this exercise help you limber up your Tarot reading muscles? Tell me all about it in the comments below 🙂
I am using the Hezicos Tarot for this week’s reading…and yes, there are KITTENS in this video. My last foster cat Graycie got adopted and I just got four feral kitties, which means I now live in a five cat household!
Have a great week 🙂
Tarot Reading for Aug 6 – 12 Read More »
I’m doing this week’s Tarot reading with my Tarot of the Pagan Cats. I figured it was fitting since I’ve still got a couple cats (probably pagans!) staying in the cat hotel in my basement…
Have a fantastic week 🙂
Tarot Reading for July 2 – 8 Read More »
I am using my Paulina Tarot deck for this reading and I am joined by two lovely, semi-wild felines…
Have a lovely week 🙂
Tarot Reading for June 25 – July 1st Read More »