Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Oracle Card for Friday….Erect Massive Boundaries!

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil, Tarot reading twin. She is a lover of all things mystical and smutty, and between drinking martinis and chasing after boy toys, she hardly has time to write this column. But despite her busy schedule she is about to dish out some “Goddess Guidance” from my Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck….

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Boundaries! Boundaries! Boundaries!

Fuck, I love that word.

Say NO. Just say NO. NO. NO. NO!

I love that word too, and so should you.

Ishtar, while sporting some impressive cleavage, says “love yourself enough to say no to others demands on your time and energy.”  Amen to that.

This weekend, practice saying “no” just for the hell of it. Say no to as many things as you can think of. Even things you want to say “yes” to. Except if its a free drink or a free lap dance….or anything free for that matter.

Okay, let me amend that – just say “no” to all things that will require some amount of effort or sacrifice on your part.

Remember when you were two years old and said “no” to everything just for shits and giggles? Do that! Channel your inner two year old.

By the end of the weekend you may find that you have created a tantalizing expanse of free time, deliciously devoid of annoying friends and demanding family members. Pat yourself on the back! The only downside is there won’t be anyone left to say “no” to.

In the comments below, tell me what you will be saying “NO” to this weekend…..

Oracle Card for Friday….Erect Massive Boundaries! Read More »

Tarot Talk with Christiana Gaudet

I recently had the privilege of chatting with Tarot reader extraordinaire Christiana Gaudet – Certified Tarot Grandmaster and author of Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide. I had tons of juicy Tarot questions to ask and in this interview we touch on some hot Tarot topics like:

Tarot beginners: what you need to know

Doing professional readings: how to know when your ready

How to interpret a Tarot card in a specific position

Do your family and friends hate Tarot? Here’s what to do…

Christiana even shares what it was like to give Tarot readings at a polyamorous community festival!!!! If only my own tarot gigs were this intriguing!

Check out Christiana’s website: http://tarotbychristiana.com/

Leave a comment and let me know which issue/topic really resonated with you 🙂

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Happy Valentine’s Day! A Message from the Virgin Goddess…

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir! By day she reads Tarot, googles inappropriate words and laughs at filthy jokes. By night she slinks through the streets, preying on innocent young men, devouring their souls like a bag of Kettle Chips (Salt and Vinegar). Now she is about to give you some straight up advice on how to live your life…


Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Happy Valentine’s Day!

For a minute I thought Diana’s bow and arrow kind of reminded me of Cupid. Which I had to snicker at because the goddess Diana does not go in for any of that romantic shit.

According to Roman mythology, Diana was a virgin. Not a virgin in the vaginal sense, but a real virgin – a woman unto herself who was totally independent and free from all the silly marriage claptrap.

One day, this dude who was totally into her followed her to the stream where she bathed and hid behind a tree so he could be creepy and watch her. Diana doesn’t miss a trick. She spots him and turns him into a deer and then BAM! A pack of dogs rip him to shreds.

So Diana doesn’t mess around. She means what she says and does what she means.

Her message for today is this: “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.”

So don’t be half-assed about anything this weekend. Don’t be wishy washy. If you need to turn someone into a deer to make a point, then by all means, do it!

Happy Valentine’s Day! A Message from the Virgin Goddess… Read More »

New Tarot Spread for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day – with all it’s plastic flowers, heart shaped boxes, and creepy cupids – is almost here!

I know some of you may dread this day, while some of you might love it. Me, I like Valentine’s for one thing and one thing only….heart shaped chocolates. The way they form to the roof of my mouth as they melt sends shivers down my spine!

Anyhow, regardless of whether or not your in a relationship, we all have a relationship with ourselves. It’s the one relationship we can never leave….ever (shudder!) And I wanted to share a Tarot card spread from my e-book Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships that everyone could enjoy. I didn’t want to leave anyone out in the cold!

So here it is….the Self Love Spread:

self love spread

This Valentine’s, do something romantic and delicious for yourself. I am planning on visiting the new, fancy chocolatier store in my town and then treating myself to a latte and an hour of sketching (or writing) in a nearby coffee shop. Eeeee! I feel seduced already!

In the comments below, tell me all about your Valentine’s day plans …..

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Be Compassionate….to nice people only

fridays with veronicaVeronica is a slinky minx of a Tarot reader who gives awful (yet always practical) advice. She is the The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin and has a passion for telling it like it is, offending others and being way sexier than everybody else. She recently got into her good twin’s box of Doreen Virtue oracle cards and she’s just having a field day….

kuan yin
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

“Release judgments about yourself and others, and focus on the love and light that is within everyone.”

Except for the assholes. Don’t release judgements about them 😉

Kuan Yin busts onto the scene with her message of compassion, but what she’s really saying is you must learn to love all of yourself…even your inner jerk-face.

Then releasing judgments about all the other jerk-faces in your life will be a whole lot easier.

No one is one-dimensional. We all have our wonderful and terrible aspects.

That raging douche-bag who pulled out in front of you in the grocery store parking lot, causing you to slam on your breaks, sending a carton of milk flying off the passenger seat and bursting into your windshield and all over the dashboard and upholstery, also has a really lovable side to him.

Trust me….

Be Compassionate….to nice people only Read More »

Where to Keep Your Tarot Cards When Your Not Using Them

Where do you keep your Tarot cards when your not using them?

Under the kitchen sink in a ziploc bag? Or on a bed of angel feathers and pixie dust?

But most importantly….

Does how you store your Tarot deck effect the accuracy of your readings?

I get asked these two questions all the time and I often hear from people who feel really guilty that they have been keeping an old deck in a dusty box in the back of their closet for years.

So here’s where I keep my Tarot and Oracle cards:


This is my “tarot cubby-hole” in my coffee table. And yes, that box on the bottom is also full of decks!

As for my Tarot decks that are well loved, but just having a little rest, they reside in here:


This is a special Tarot box that my dad carved for me. Have a peek inside….



I also store my incense in here, which makes my cards smell very mystical!

And another special Tarot box my dad made me…..


tarot box 3This one’s also stashed with smelly incense and awesome Tarot decks!

I even have some of my decks stored on my bookshelf (which is totally boring, but I like the way the boxes look!)



If I am using a deck quite frequently (like everyday), I will just keep it on my coffee table with a quartz crystal on top:

tarot deck with crystal (2)
My beloved Mystic Meg Tarot

Of course if you live in a busy household full of nefarious children and pets, you might not want to leave your cards just sitting out. My partner is the only other person in my home and he has no interest whatsoever in my cards! So I know they’re safe on my coffee table.

Should you wrap your Tarot deck in silk or is it okay to leave it in it’s original box?

I like to wrap mine in silk, but since I only have a couple silk cloths, the rest stay in their original boxes, which is perfectly okay. Actually, if you have many Tarot decks, they are easier to find if you keep them in their original boxes!

I have some of my decks in little mesh and cotton bags, which were actually lavender sachets that I emptied out and converted into Tarot bags.

So if you have a Tarot deck that’s collecting dust somewhere…

Ask yourself if you really want to keep it. Are you neglecting it because you don’t really like it? If so, donate it to the thrift store, give it to a friend or if you live in an apartment building, leave it down in the lobby and someone who is meant to have it will.

Now go buy yourself a new deck, whose images and energy make you happy. You can check out my recommendations for ideas.

But if its just lack of time and/or Tarot know-how that is keeping you from playing with your Tarot cards, then by all means, dust them off and go listen to my free, 10 minute tutorial to help you connect with your cards and give yourself a reading (even if you have absolutely no idea what you are doing!)

Now for the real question: will your readings be effected by how you store your Tarot deck?

Yes and no. How you feel about your Tarot cards will effect your readings. So if you feel disconnected to your Tarot cards, and as a result keep them in an old junk box in your basement sandwiched between your New Kids on the Block cassettes and a stack of yellowed Harlequins, then yes, your Tarot readings with that deck will be super shitty.

But if you keep your cards stashed under your coffee table and feel great about it (like me!) then you have nothing to worry about.

You don’t need to wrap your cards in silk and keep them somewhere sacred in order to have a good reading experience. But if doing so makes you feel good about your cards, then do it!

What’s important is that you feel good about how your storing your Tarot deck. So if you feel guilty about how you treat your cards, its time for a change. Start treating your Tarot deck like a treasured guest and notice how your readings improve.

So now I want to know – how do you store your Tarot cards? Tell me everything in the comments below 🙂

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The World: “Skip the babyshower and go to Vegas”

fridays with veronica
Veronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

the world 2
Morgan Greer Tarot

You are a multifaceted creature – never forget it! That is what The World is sayin’ to me today.

There are many different aspects to your personality and who you are, so don’t let yourself get pigeonholed into any silly “roles” or “personas” – the world is wide open!

Lets take a gander at this card, shall we? The naked lady in the center is dancing inside an ovally, egg shaped space – and if that’s not blatant vagina symbolism, well then I don’t know what is! And she grasps a phallic object in each hand (lucky bitch).

There is something wonderfully hermaphroditic about The World and its message is that you must be both receptive and active in order to truly be Queen (or King) of your surroundings.

Make a to-do list AND meditate. Let go of trying to control everything AND make a plan of action. Say YES to things that make you feel open and free (like a trip to Vegas!) and NO to things that make you want to crawl back in bed (like a friend’s boring baby-shower).

You get the idea! Open yourself to the world by opening up to all aspects of yourself without judgement.

Because I am nosy, I want to know…how will you be expressing your “masculine” and “feminine” sides this weekend? Tell me in the comments below!

angel card e-course 2

The World: “Skip the babyshower and go to Vegas” Read More »

Take action on those hot ideas you have!

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She is a new age vamp who bellydances, reads Tarot and eats men for breakfast. Let’s see what diabolical advice she has for us today…

brilliant idea
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Believe it or not, but you’ve had some ideas lately. Some may even call them “brilliant”. Although personally, I think that’s a bit of a stretch.

They’re okay. Your ideas are okay. In fact, they are pretty darn decent.

But if you don’t act on your ideas, they become like farts on the wind. Like a dream that you remember when you awaken but don’t bother writing down….your ideas are in danger of fading away, never to be remembered again.

Do something dammit! Take action!

That yellow angel on the unicorn isn’t just mucking about with that lightning bolt – he means business! And its time you began taking yourself (and your ideas) more seriously.

Write it all down, make little mini-action steps and for heaven’s sake, don’t let other people’s ridiculous opinions pollute your mind. This week is about YOUR ideas!

Take action on those hot ideas you have! Read More »