6 Ways to Choose a Tarot Card
Pick a card, any card!
But is there a “right” way to choose a Tarot card?
No – but there are many different ways to choose one! In my video below, I demonstrate my 6 favorite ways to choose a Tarot card:
*Tip: Always use your left hand when choosing a Tarot card, as that is your intuitive hand.
1) Fall-away Method:
Hold the deck in your left hand and tilt to one side. Part of the deck will fall away, revealing a gap – choose the top card!
2) Cut Method:
Simply cut the deck using your left hand. This is the easiest (and most boring!) way to choose a card.
3) Doreen Virtue’s Method:
Shuffle the cards until you feel its time to stop. Choose the top card. This is all well and good unless you are OCD like me and can never stop shuffling.
4) Card Hand Method:
Fan the cards out like you are playing a mean game of poker, except that the cards should be facing out so you can’t see them (maybe I should have called this one the drunk poker method).
5) Fan-out Method:
Fan cards out on a table, Magician style. Either choose the card your eye is most drawn to, or float your hand over the cards and stop when you feel tingles in your palm.
6) Pop-up Method:
This one’s hard to explain in words – so watch the video (its right at the end).
*A note about “jumpers”: If a card jumps out of the deck when you are shuffling, you must choose that card, or at least leave it out and make sure to include it in the reading. These cards are extra-special!
So tell me (in the comments below)…which method do you like to use? Or, is there a really cool method that I’ve completely overlooked?
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