daily tarot reading

Stop Procrastinating! Seven of Cups (Monday)

7 of cups
Druidcraft Tarot

There is a difference between contemplation and procrastination. So are you processing things or are you stuck? The Seven of Cups Tarot card suggest you might be stuck!

So many choices, so many different paths you can take, but don’t spend forever in that glazed over, spaced out state of overwhelm and indecision. Take action!

You keep thinking that a great idea will smack you over the head eventually….but you might be waiting a while. The sooner to take some kind of action, the better. Then you will have more ideas, insights and solutions than you will know what to do with.

So what are you waiting for? Get crackin’!

Stop Procrastinating! Seven of Cups (Monday) Read More »

3 of Swords ~ Snap Out of Your Pity Party!

3 of swords tarot card
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Your head and your heart are intimately connected and the Three of Swords Tarot card wants to remind you of that. Your thoughts deeply effect how you feel about yourself and how you relate to others right now.

The Three of Swords usually comes up when you are causing yourself unnecessary emotional pain. What kind of thoughts are running through that head of yours today? How are they are making you feel?

You may be taking things a little to personally right now – like reading too much into something someone said and then playing it over in your mind and feeling all sad and glum. Slap yourself out of this funk! It is a waste of time!


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Wheel of Fortune ~ You Are the Captain of Your Ship!

wheel of fortune tarot card
Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

You are the captain of your own ship! That is the main message of this Wheel of Fortune. Don’t fall prey to the belief that you have no control over your circumstances, because you do.

However, if you don’t realize that its you at the helm, life will feel chaotic, random and confusing. But its time for you to take the wheel and steer your ship into sunny harbors!

Today is a good day to be deliberate in everything you do. Where do you want to sail to? Write it down! Make a plan. Be conscious of every choice you make today – what you choose to think, eat and do. Who you choose to interact with and how you choose to feel. And begin to recognize yourself as the captain of your life.

Wheel of Fortune ~ You Are the Captain of Your Ship! Read More »

Judgement – Busting Through Your Blocks Today!

cosmic tarot judgement
The Cosmic Tarot

Today’s card is Judgement. When you hear you true calling, you know its time to bust though your blocks like cardboard boxes!

Sure you have things standing in your way and holding you back – like fear, crummy beliefs, blah blah blah. But when you are called upon to do important work that aligns with your life purpose, those blocks don’t seem so insurmountable anymore.

Today you will make some headway toward overcoming a certain fear or taking a big step forward in the direction of your divine life purpose.

Ask yourself this: What will help you take that giant step forward? What do you need to do, know or understand?

Judgement – Busting Through Your Blocks Today! Read More »

Knight of Cups: Bust out Your Paintbrush and Pack Your Bags! (Friday)

knight of cups tarot card
Robin Wood Tarot

Its time to get artsy fartsy! The Knight of Cups is all about following your heart and honoring your inner creative.

Get your feet wet and do something arty – go to a dance class, make a collage out of magazine clippings or, if your really crazy, paint a mural on your bedroom wall. Don’t be afraid of making a mess today.

In romance, this Knight of Cups encourages you to wear your heart on your sleeve and just go for it. You may regret it later, but not as much as you will regret holding yourself back.

If you have the opportunity to travel or go on some kind of adventure this weekend, do it! It will help you charge full steam ahead toward a life that enchants and thrills you.


Knight of Cups: Bust out Your Paintbrush and Pack Your Bags! (Friday) Read More »

The Devil shows you how to swap bad habits for good ones (Thursday)

the devil tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Devil is today’s Tarot card and he prances by to tempt you with your secret desires, the fulfillment of which will not bring you the freedom that you are truly craving.

The Devil represents those addictive behaviors that are comforting to you, but ultimately keep you stuck in a negative pattern. Like boredom snacking, binge eating, smoking, procrastinating, shopping or a million other so-good-their-terrible-for-you activities.

Become aware of what these kinds of habits do for you (on a positive level) and then get crafty in finding ways to get those things in a different, more healthier way.

For example, if you like snacking on candy because perhaps that is the only tasty spot in your day, try creating more tasty spots – like eyeing up sexy young joggers at the park while you eat a healthy lunch. Or opt to go for an after dinner gossip fest/walk with a friend instead of watching TV. What juicy new habits will you be bringing into your life this week?


The Devil shows you how to swap bad habits for good ones (Thursday) Read More »

The Nine of Cups: Two Messages! (Wednesday)

nine of cups
Cosmic Tarot

The Nine of Cups is here today to speak to you about fulfillment and what it means to you. What would it take for you to feel fulfilled? And how do you know that what you think you want is what you really want?

This card has two meanings:

The first is that it can symbolize a happy, delightful time in your life where relationships flow easily and communication is strong. If this sounds like you, sit back and let the good times roll.

But if your thinking ummm no, that’s not me, then the Nine of Cups can represent a need to question your desires and that which you are working towards. Are you pursing particular goals out of fear? When you imagine yourself finally achieving your goal, do you feel a little bored? Be honest!

Question of the day: Have you ever pursued a goal that deep down you didn’t even want, simply because you lacked imagination and fearlessness at the time? Tell me all about it in the comments below!

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The Moon ~ What Secrets Are You Keeping?

the moon tarot card
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Moon appears today to represent secrets and the role secrets play in your life. Sometimes you keep secrets and other times you simply choose not to reveal everything. But there is a part of you that remains hidden from others.

Ask yourself how you feel about secrets – does sharing them make you feel closer to another? Do is make you angry when others keep things from you? Does keeping them make you feel vulnerable (they may get discovered!) or powerful (you know something others don’t)?

Think of one secret that keep closely guarded (and tell me all about it in the comments below) – just kidding!!! But ask yourself how it feels to keep this secret – is it zapping your energy or does it give a stronger sense of self?

Today is the day to examine and perhaps even celebrate your hidden, secretive aspects.

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The Hermit ~ Be a Trailblazer (Wednesday)

hermit tarot card
The Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

The Hermit has appeared today because you feel a certain sense of aloneness in your life. Not necessarily lonely – but this feeling that you are having to walk this path alone and figure things out by yourself.

At times this exhilarates you and other times it saddens and frustrates you. But know that others have also walked this path before you (note the odd stone faces in the ground!) and while you cannot see them, their spirit is with you.

And know that others will walk your path after you and in this sense you are a trailblazer and a wayshower for the future. Which is really exciting!

But the main message is that any sense of loneliness is an illusion – so don’t let it hold you back. Instead, keep moving forward even if you aren’t really sure where you are going. You only need to know the next two steps – not the next 2,000.

The Hermit ~ Be a Trailblazer (Wednesday) Read More »

Four of Cups ~ Adventures Await! (Tuesday)

four of cups
Cosmic Tarot

Sometimes luxury and comfort creates boredom. The dude in this card seems to have it all – a flask of wine, fresh fruit, leisure time and a low body fat percentage – and yet he is still unsatisfied!

Are you too comfortable with your life? Do things feel a bit too easy and predictable? Do you crave risk, excitement and the chance to break out of your comfort zone?

What you may not realize is that opportunity surrounds you. The blue guy moping on the river’s edge could jump on that horse and explore the mountains in the distance, yet he sits there lamenting like a bored teenager on Summer break.

What amazing adventures are you closing your eyes to? Today, look closely at your life and ask how you could make it more interesting? (Unless of course, its already too interesting for you to handle!)

In the comments below, tell me what adventures you secretly want to go on, or one thing you can do today to make your life more “jazzed up”?

Four of Cups ~ Adventures Await! (Tuesday) Read More »