how to read tarot

How to Answer a Specific Question with a Tarot Card

Picture this: the candles are lit, Nag Champa incense is wafting about the room, a cozy fire is crackling in the background (or if your like me, your “fireplace” dvd is crackling in the background), and your hunkered down at your dining room table, giving your best friend a Tarot reading…

Your friend asks something typical like “Is Gary my soulmate?”

You roll your eyes, draw a card and…WTF?! It’s The Heirophant.

“F*ck!” you think. “What on Earth does that mean?!”

the hierophant tarot card meaning
Card image is from The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

Of course, you know exactly what The Hierophant means all on its own, but you have no idea what it means in relation to the question being asked.

Reading Tarot can sometimes feels like deciphering hieroglyphics. All you want is a clear answer and instead you end up feeling more and more confused!

This actually used to happen to me ALL THE TIME. And if I am being 100% honest with you, it still happens every now and then 😉 But luckily I have gotten my shit together and come up with some handy dandy ways to get around this annoying issue.


Tip #1: Put on Your Glasses

Have you ever heard that expression “looking at the world through rose-tinted lenses”? You want to look at the confusing Tarot card through situation-tinted lenses. Let me explain…

When you get a Tarot card that just doesn’t make sense, picture yourself calmly sliding on a pair of glasses, like Corey Hart in his Sunglasses at Night video…

Now imagine that these are magic glasses that will help you see the Tarot card in light of the particular issue.

So for the reading I mentioned earlier, you would put on your “soulmate searching” glasses and ask “in regards to finding one’s soulmate, what message does this card have for my friend?”


Look at the Tarot card:

Let go of the traditional card meaning for a sec and just see what pops into your head. Notice what symbol your attention is drawn to. Doing this gives your intuition a chance to come out and play.

Example: When I do this for The Hierophant (above), I suddenly notice that there are two identical pillars, two identical monks side by side and two keys crossed. This makes me think aha! soulmates! but then there’s that pesky Hierophant coming between them. So I might say that there is soulmate possibility, but there is a powerful force keeping them apart right now.

But what if The Hierophant had come up in a reading about career/life purpose?

As I slide on my magic glasses, I notice that this card really exudes authority and tradition. This could suggest your life purpose is to be an authority figure of some type, but it may require years of formal study. Or it could mean your life purpose will be intimately intertwined with spirituality.


Look at the “traditional meaning”:

Now that you’ve unleashed your intuition, it’s time to indulge your intellect! Take a look at the traditional card meaning through your magic glasses and see how it relates to your question.

According to the little white book that came with my Universal Waite Tarot deck, The Hierophant means “marriage alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the querent has recourse.”

So how could I bend this definition to shed light on the question “Is Gary my soulmate?”

Well, well, well! I might say that marriage to Gary would make sense in a socially acceptable, conform to society kind of way. Perhaps she really wants Gary to be her soul mate because marriage to him may solve many of her problems. But ultimately, this will make her feel trapped. This doesn’t really answer the question, but it does suggest that rushing into marriage isn’t necessary.


Here’s my demonstration of how to read a Tarot card in many different contexts:


Tip #2: Practice Looking at Each Tarot Card in Many Different Ways

Let’s take The Chariot. What might it mean if it came up in a reading about career? About love? About health?

Typically The Chariot is all about moving forward, success, etc, but what if it appears in the “things that are blocking me” position in a reading?

Doing this will require you to really ponder each card, its symbols and even look up the meanings in your book. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Consider both the negative and positive aspects of the card.

Card image is from The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

The Chariot:
Career – advancing quickly
Love – triumph, success in romance
Health – health is improving, but keep things balanced
Block – too driven, need to slow down and relax
Negatives – too focused on “success” and getting to the destination, parts of the self being in disagreement (especially if the horses are going in different directions)


Tarot is meant to be flexible. When you first learn Tarot, its all about memorizing the specific card meanings, and this can put you in a rigid frame of mind. But as you develop your reading skills, the challenge is in using the context to bend and grow the card meanings.

This exercise helps your mind get used to looking at a Tarot card from all angles and contexts.


Tip #3: Don’t always expect your Tarot cards to give you a clear answer!

Sometimes a Tarot card will be the doorway to discovering your own solutions and answers, but it will not be the answer itself.

The images on a Tarot card may lead you on a trip down memory lane, steer you into a particular train of thought or an idea may be sparked. So don’t go chucking out your cards if they don’t make sense right away! Be willing to explore 🙂

Let me know what you think!

♥ What happened when you tried out this technique?

♥ Do you have a favorite trick for reading a Tarot card in a specific context?

Tell me in the comments below!

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The World: “Skip the babyshower and go to Vegas”

fridays with veronica
Veronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

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Morgan Greer Tarot

You are a multifaceted creature – never forget it! That is what The World is sayin’ to me today.

There are many different aspects to your personality and who you are, so don’t let yourself get pigeonholed into any silly “roles” or “personas” – the world is wide open!

Lets take a gander at this card, shall we? The naked lady in the center is dancing inside an ovally, egg shaped space – and if that’s not blatant vagina symbolism, well then I don’t know what is! And she grasps a phallic object in each hand (lucky bitch).

There is something wonderfully hermaphroditic about The World and its message is that you must be both receptive and active in order to truly be Queen (or King) of your surroundings.

Make a to-do list AND meditate. Let go of trying to control everything AND make a plan of action. Say YES to things that make you feel open and free (like a trip to Vegas!) and NO to things that make you want to crawl back in bed (like a friend’s boring baby-shower).

You get the idea! Open yourself to the world by opening up to all aspects of yourself without judgement.

Because I am nosy, I want to know…how will you be expressing your “masculine” and “feminine” sides this weekend? Tell me in the comments below!

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The World: “Skip the babyshower and go to Vegas” Read More »

How to See YOUR Life in the Cards

Let’s get personal.

Did you know that each card in your Tarot deck symbolizes a particular event, person, place or thing in your life?

Here’s a little Tarot trick that will help you remember the meanings of each Tarot card AND connect to your Tarot deck like it was your long lost twin. Major bang for your buck.

Now snuggle up with a hot mug of chai and let me share this trick with you and tell you a story…

Step One

First, go through your Tarot cards and pick out the card that seems to be saying “pick meeeeee!”

Or, if your feeling all emo, pick the card you despise the most.

Now ask yourself: what does this card remind me of? What part of my life is it referring to?

What is the feeling evoked by this card? When in your life did you feel that feeling most strongly?

If you feel like writing, you can record your thoughts in your Tarot Journal.

My Horror Story

The card I chose for this exercise was the Three of Swords. Not because I like this card, but because it evokes a very horrific memory for me…

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Three of Swords from the Robin Wood Tarot

It was 1995. I was at my high school Valentine’s Day dance, trying to work up the nerve to ask my “crush” to dance.

I had been obsessing over this particular boy and his deliciously hairless legs for an eternity (at least 4 weeks) and all I wanted was to press my body up against him for three solid minutes while TLC’s “Red Light Special” warbled in the background. I wasn’t asking for much.

“Do you want to dance?” I asked, very nonchalantly I might add. (I had been mentally rehearsing this moment for weeks!)

And he went “Pfffft”, rolling his eyes and awkwardly looking away. “I promised someone else a dance and now I’m looking for them.”

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My life came crashing down around me with the sudden, shocking, piercing realization that this boy with the shiny bowl cut hair did not like me back. HE DID NOT LIKE ME BACK!

I was forever jaded.

And that’s how you do it! Pick a card and then take a trip down memory lane. Now, if your own “memory lane” is pitch dark or bubbling with excrement, just skip straight to step two…

Step Two

Take things even further by asking: what aspect of my present life does this card symbolize?

Doing this simple task will make your Tarot card(s) relevant to your life NOW.

Personally, the Three of Swords sums up how I feel every time my date movie suggestions get shot down by my partner. Which is pretty much all the time.


Step Three

Now if you really want to take this Tarot exercise even further, do it for:

  • All the cards you can’t stand! (for me this is the Five of Swords and that cold bitch Justice)
  • The cards you really love
  • The cards that confuse the hell out of you!

 Have fun with this and tell me how it went in the comments below…

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Sexy times on the horizon! Six of Swords tells all…

fridays with veronicaVeronica is The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She is a whip cracking dominatrix by night and a professional napper by day. When she isn’t giving dreadful Tarot readings on this blog, you can find her spying on her neighbors, writing smutty stories and getting up to all kinds of mischief! Here’s her take on the Six of Swords

six of swords
New Palladini Tarot

This weekend is all about traveling to greener land.

Last week, you declared everything was total shit and now you are setting sail for less-shittier pastures. Congratulations!

You have a clearer picture on where your going, your making phone calls, taking notes, getting your act together. Good for you.

But the Six of Swords reminds me of something I once read in a self-help book I stole from my good twin Kate – wherever you go, you take yourself with you. 

You can change the scene and the players, but if you keep your head down and ignore your own role in the shit charade, then you are doomed to re-create the same drama wherever you are. You must shift your thoughts before you truly shift your reality. But lets not talk about that….

Lets talk about the golden boat your riding in (see card above) and those green virgin hills your about to plunder. Things are looking good! Sexy times are on the horizon…if only you’d look up! If only you’d look up!

In the comments below, tell me what kind of shift/change your making this week (god I love being nosy!)

Sexy times on the horizon! Six of Swords tells all… Read More »

Let Veronica slap some sense into you…

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

5 of cups enchantress
Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Cups, and boy oh boy is this mermaid PISSED!

This lady of the sea is knocking her cups this way and that shouting “well this is shit! This is shit! Don’t want this!”

Can you relate? I know I can!

Your life needs an overhaul. And guess what? It’s going to take more than the occasional yoga class or date night to vamp it up properly.

First of all, let me just say this: Of course your in a miserly state! People are dicks and life isn’t the cake walk that The Secret claimed it to be. I know, I know.

But you need to get a grip. Things aren’t so glum! The three cups at the bottom of the card represent three sneaky things you can do right now that will inject some orgasmicness into your veins…

No, not heroin. I was thinking salsa dancing lessons or something along those lines. But whatever you do, get out of your funk already. Because its totally boring.

Let Veronica slap some sense into you… Read More »

Tarot Card for Monday ~ Eight of Cups

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

The Eight of Shells (aka Eight of Cups), comes today to remind you that you may never feel you have enough. You many never feel like you have “arrived” – so don’t go striving for something that doesn’t exist!

Like the octopus, you want to touch many different things! You want to do a little of this, a little of that, all with the hope that something will satisfy that deep, inner craving….but for what? You aren’t sure.

The best thing you can do today is retract your tentacles from all the distractions of your life. Meditate in a quiet room and pretend you are at the bottom of the ocean, relaxing in the still, deep waters.

When you stop searching, you may just find what you’ve been looking for!

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Tarot Card for Monday ~ The Chariot

the chariot
The Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Monday’s Tarot card, The Chariot, is all about getting your shit together and making a plan!

Today is a good day to write down your goals and make an action plan. You’ve got the energy, but without direction it will just fizzle.

Where do you want to go? What direction do you want to take? What will your next step be? Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers.

Remember, you don’t have to figure out your next 20 steps – just the next step. Don’t overwhelm yourself by thinking you have to figure it all out right now. You don’t!

But you do need to get your wheels greased up and your glasses cleaned so you can move forward with ease and clarity.

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