The Moon ~ Tarot Card Reading for Friday!

mystic tarot
The Mystic Tarot by Caroline Smith & Mystic Meg

There is plenty going on behind the scenes today, as The Moon indicates important activity happening outside of your awareness. Your unconscious mind has a hand in creating your reality and that is what this card is referring to.

The beliefs, fears and mental “scripts” that you are not aware of can pop up as re-ocurring themes in your dreams and repetitive relationship issues. So pay attention to these today – as now is the time for you to access this “hidden” info.

As you shine the light of conscious awareness on the more “hidden” aspects of your life, not only will current blocks melt away, but you will have an easier time being fully aware and present in your waking life.

The Moon also represents patterns and cycles in your life – these hold the key to self discovery and understanding. What do you keep doing over and over? What do you keep thinking over and over? What situations do you continually find yourself in? Knowledge is power!!!

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Page of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Thursday!

Hanson-Roberts Tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Page of Rods (or Page of Wands in most Tarot decks), which is all about hearing your true calling. The voice of your soul will be a little louder than normal today and your courage to take action will also be enhanced.

When the voice of your soul speaks to you, pay close attention and decide how it is you would like to answer that call! You may be inspired today to finally take action on a dream that you have been nurturing for years… 

Your spirit is an adventure seeker, even if you don’t really fit that description. You may crave comfort, safety and routine, but your soul/spirit craves experience, learning and newness. You will feel called today to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Go for it!



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3 of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

wildwood tarot
Wildwood Tarot

The Three of Swords Tarot card is the card of the day and it comes to remind us that letting go of hurt and resentment, whether from the past or present, is what will positively shift our spirits today.

The strongest message I get with this card is that when past hurt is not resolved or released, it re-manifests itself in our present lives. The players may be different, but the feelings are the same.

Any present betrayals of the heart are here to help you heal the past events as well as the current ones.

You may also get some clarity around your relationships today, as the Three of Arrows (aka Three of Swords) is all about seeing the heart of a relationship with a steady, focused gaze. Remember to treat yourself with the same kindness and gentleness that you show to others today 🙂




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13 Changing ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

mystic tarot
The Mystic Tarot by Caroline Smith & Mystic Meg

Tuesday’s Tarot card is number 13 – Changing, also known as the Death card in most Tarot decks. You are in a time of transition right now – beautifully moving from an introverted, meditative state into a more outgoing, sunshiny way of life.

As you outgrow certain things, you will find yourself blossoming into your full potential – this is a time of movement from Winter to Spring for the Soul – a time of transition, change and growth.

You may feel the urge today to do something a little out of character – something very brave and bold – something that will help others and let you truly shine your light.

You have so much to offer and the more fearless you are about putting yourself “out there”, the more you will be able to inspire and support others along their path, even if you aren’t aware of it at the time!


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Seeker of Chalices ~ Tarot Card for Monday

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot

The Seeker of Chalices is the card for today. Its time to come out of your shell! Don’t hold back any longer – follow your heart and let your inspiration and creative yearning guide you.

I feel like this card speaks specifically to those wanting to express their connection to spirit in an artistic way. Like channeling through painting or writing, or even studying the psychic arts as a way to help others.

You may feel like your emotions are running strong today and you aren’t sure what to do with them. Channel your emotions into your creativity today!

Feeling emotional is almost like visiting another dimension – you have access to ideas, perspectives and visions that you wouldn’t normally have. Your creative and emotional potential is high today – the challenge is learning how to use it!


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How to Make Your Own Tarot Journal… and Ignite Your Passion for Tarot!

You may have noticed that many “How to Read Tarot” books recommend keeping a Tarot Journal. And you may be thinking Why Bother?!

I thought this too, when I was first learning how to read Tarot cards. A few times I started a Tarot Journal, then forgot about it. Sound familiar?

I used to think the whole process of keeping a Tarot Journal was boring, slow and pointlessly time consuming! I felt same way about regular journaling, too.

But when I discovered the work of SARK and Leonie Dawson, my idea of journaling changed dramatically. While simply writing about myself on a blank page bored me to tears, I noticed that when I had a specific question or topic to write about, journaling was a blast!

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The Great Wheel ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

The Great Wheel is today’s Tarot card and it signifies a completion of some sort. It’s time to celebrate what you have achieved and begin looking forward to a fresh start.

Today you have an enhanced ability to renew yourself and reinvent your life. That sounds pretty big – I know! What you visualize today could end up coming to fruition by months end – so focus your attention on what you do want, not what you don’t want.

You may feel as though there is a lot of excitement building around you and ideas, opportunities and interesting people are coming at you from all directions! The key to dealing with this increased energy is to stay centered – breathe and observe, but don’t get sucked into the craziness!


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Eight of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

paulina tarot card meanings
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot Card is from the Paulina Tarot and it is the Eight of Swords – a card that holds the secrets to our personal empowerment and freedom!

This is interesting, because this same card came up in my weekly video Tarot reading (except I was using the Mystic Tarot, so the card is called 8 of Air). So the message here is extra important.

The eight of swords is all about opening your eyes to what is holding you back in life and finding a way to release or transmute these limitations.

I get two strong messages with this card. The first is that busy-ness and overwhelm is one major block to living a full life and this can be overcome by changing how you organize and prioritize your day to day tasks.

The second thing is that you are the only person who can rescue yourself from your own “blocks” – so don’t waste time waiting around for a hero to show up and make everything great. You have the power, resources and support to heal and rise above that which holds you back. You are the knight in shining armor you’ve been waiting for!


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Three of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Three of Cups and the message is clear: come together with others to help foster creativity, connections, support and inspiration!

When work and problem solving takes on a playful, relaxed attitude, magic happens.

Put your heads together with friends and colleagues and see what kind of ideas you come up with. Maybe even enjoy a glass of wine while your at it 🙂

Remember to celebrate all your successes – even the little ones that are easy to overlook. There are countless ways to do this, such as taking a nice, hot bath, buying yourself a new oracle card deck, making cookies or treating yourself to a night at the movies.

The more you celebrate your successes, the more frequently success will show up for you!
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Higher Self ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

sirian starseed tarot cardToday I shuffled my Sirian Starseed Tarot deck and out jumped Higher Self (aka The High Priestess). This card’s message is that it is time to consult your Higher Self on an issue. Don’t delay! This will bring you a kind of clarity and comfort that you won’t find anywhere else.

Take a few minutes to quiet your mind and go within. Imagine there is an eternal, kind and wise being residing within you – ask this being any questions you may have and then wait patiently for a response. Write down any impressions, messages or feelings you get.

Also, pay special attention to your dreams right now, as your Higher Self will try to relay messages to you through symbols and emotions in your dreams. You might even want to ask your Higher Self to contact you during your dreams before going to sleep tonight.

Today is also a good day for discovering a new spiritual practice, book, website or CD that will help you get in closer contact with your Higher Self. Similarly, you may meet someone, such as a spiritual teacher or a friend who tells you about a class, that further propels you on your spiritual path.

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