Eight of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Eight of Pentacles is the Tarot card for today and it is all about hard work! (zzzzzz) But more than just about hard work – its about making sure that if you are working hard you are working toward something that has meaning for you.

Today is all about buckling down, getting focused and being truly productive. The reward from this intense dedication is in the work itself – putting your energy into creating something worthwhile.

You are making enormous headway right now, but you won’t realize it until later on down the road. There is a time for dreaming, planning, action and celebration and right now you are in the action/creation stage of things. Its a great place to be!

Just make sure that your goal has personal value to you and that you take regular breaks to renew your creative energy – its easy to get caught up in “getting things done” without seeing the big picture.

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What Does Your Favorite Tarot Card Say About You?

We all have a favorite Tarot card. Mine is The Star, with The Hermit being a close second. Believe it or not, your favorite Tarot card says a lot about you and where you are right now on your life path.

druidcraft tarot the starIf you don’t automatically know what your favorite Tarot card is, take a moment to go through your Tarot deck and choose the card you feel most drawn to. Do it now, before you read the rest of this article!

Okay, now that you have your favorite Tarot card in front of you, I want to reveal the five “keys” that will unlock the secrets (about you!) hidden in this card. Does that sound ultra-dramatic or what?!

Key #1: Color
What color is most prominent in your favorite Tarot card?
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Prosperity ~ Oracle Card for Friday!

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Happy Friday! Today’s oracle card is Abundantia ~ Prosperity from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Her message is “the universe is pouring its abundance out to you. Be open to receiving.”

Regardless of how abundant you are right now, you have the ability to strongly align with this energy and steer yourself in the direction of true prosperity. You can do this by feeling abundant and noticing abundance in your day to day life.

Shift yourself into this beautiful abundant energy by focusing your attention on the things in your life that you truly enjoy. Keep a “joy journal” and write down all the wonderful things that happen each day.

Getting into alignment with your prosperity consciousness will assure that you are open to receiving the energy of abundance. The universe is smiling on you today – opportunities and offerings are all around you today, so take care to notice them!

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Five of Flames ~ Tarot Card for Thursday!

sirian starseed tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

Today’s Tarot card is Five of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. This card comes as a reminder that there is power in numbers and when a group comes together with a mission and clear vision, miracles can happen!

If you find yourself a part of a group today – either a group of coworkers, family or friends – be prepared for some differences of opinion and minor squabbles. But know that once you all find a common goal or purpose, those differences will melt away.

Get in touch with what is really, truly important to you in this situation. Find a way to express it to those around you and invite them all to do the same. Once you all find that common ground, the energy of the group will build momentum and powerful shifts can be achieved.



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Ten of Stones ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

wildwood tarot
Wildwood Tarot

The Ten of Stones (aka Ten of Pentacles) is the Tarot card I drew this morning and it speaks of the important role that your home environment plays in feeding your spirit and creative energy.

When your home is a comforting place of respite, it acts as a recharge station for your soul, leaving you feeling safe, inspired and excited about the work you do in the world.

Don’t overlook the power of your living environment! If the energy of your home is flowing nicely, this will trickle into all areas of your life. So take a few moments to evaluate your home life.

When you are at home do you feel calm, happy, safe? Or do you feel stressed, tired and depressed? Sometimes just making a few small changes (like clearing clutter) can make a world of difference!

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Air Princess ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday!

mystic tarot
The Mystic Tarot by Caroline Smith & Mystic Meg

Today’s Tarot card is the Air Princess, also known as Page of Swords, from the Mystic Tarot. You have been gifted with intellect and mental ability – but remember to use it and not let it use you!

If you feel scattered today, its possible that your thoughts are the culprit. Don’t make any big decisions unless you feel totally certain and confident. And remember to breathe! – the power of the breath (air) is your greatest ally during times of mental confusion.

Spend some time today just breathing. Taking deep breaths throughout the day will help calm and energize your mind, as well as prevent your thoughts from spinning out of control.

I feel the Air Princess Tarot card relates strongly to yesterday’s card, the 8 of Cups, in that clearing clutter (in this case, mental clutter) is the theme of this week!

Come to the Decide to Shine 2013 Twitter party tonight for a chance to win one of my 2013 Tarot Workbooks, as well as many other awesome prizes.

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Eight of Cups Tarot Card for Monday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Eight of Cups is today’s Tarot card and it comes with the message of moving on and seeking greater fulfillment. You know what you need to let go of and as you do so, this will help create space for new energy and abundance.

I get a strong sense that this card is related to clearing clutter! If you are feeling bogged down by stacks of paper and other clutter in your living and work space, take an hour or more to clear things out.

Sometimes its hard to let go of things – you might have an emotional attachment to the “junk” that is kicking around your life. So for each item of “clutter” ask yourself how much pleasure you get from it. This will help determine what needs to go and what can stay.

Look into Feng Shui and creating sacred space this week. Once you have let go of all the useless junk you have been holding onto, you will be amazed at how light and free you feel….like you can take on the world!

Join me for a Twitter party tomorrow night (Tuesday) for a chance to my 2013 Tarot Workbook!!!!


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Angel Card Reading for the Upcoming Week

This week I drew an angel card to represent the areas of love/relationships, manifestation/creativity and spiritual guidance to provide some insight into the energies of the upcoming week….it looks like we’ve got some nice surprises in store 🙂

For a chance to win one of my 2013 Tarot Workbooks, come join me for the Decide to Shine 2013 Twitter party on Tuesday night! Hope to see you there!

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Strength ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

The Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

Happy Friday! Today’s Tarot card is Strength from the fabulous, shiny new Sirian Starseed Tarot. The message today is a powerful one, just like the image on the card. Living your passion takes strength and willingness to align with your rebel spirit.

When you decide to “follow your bliss” and live your passion, it might not always be easy – a certain kind of fierceness is required. Others may not totally support your vision, you may have to make some financial sacrifices to do what is important to you and there will be times when you want to give up….

When you feel that way dig deep and reach for your inner Tiger or Tigress. Touch the flame of awareness that burns bright in the center of your soul and know that you are capable of things way beyond your wildest dreams!

Check out my latest review of the Sirian Starseed Tarot.

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Decisions ~ Oracle Reading for Thursday

self care cards
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

It’s time to make some decisions! The message on the back of this card says “Honor your top priorities. If it’s not an absolute yes, then it’s a no.”

You may feel like you’ve arrived at a turning point where things are suddenly very clear to you. Outside events have forced you to consider making some changes and now it is time to decide what to let go of, what to embrace, when to say no and when to say yes.

Hold your highest priorities close as you make these decisions and focus on moving toward what feels good to you.

At the end of the day, its your authenticity and ability to trust your gut that will bring you peace and comfort.

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