Tarot Card for Tuesday ~ Avoid the Temptation of Shiny Objects!

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Don’t get distracted! You are on track, doing well, so don’t give up now. Distractions abound, but keep your eye on the prize and keep trucking.

The Seven of Feathers (aka Seven of Swords) warns that you aren’t at the stage where you should let your guard down and start slacking off!

Do you have “shiny object syndrome”? Do you find yourself getting pulled away from your work very easily? For example, you are busy writing an epic blog post when suddenly you think “Dancing with the Stars is on”, then you start watching it and before you know it you’ve spent all night watching TV.

Procrastination disguises itself in shiny objects – don’t fall victim to its sparkly ploys! Keep focused. The shiny things can wait. They will always be there, trust me!

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Tarot Card for Monday ~ The Chariot

the chariot
The Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Monday’s Tarot card, The Chariot, is all about getting your shit together and making a plan!

Today is a good day to write down your goals and make an action plan. You’ve got the energy, but without direction it will just fizzle.

Where do you want to go? What direction do you want to take? What will your next step be? Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers.

Remember, you don’t have to figure out your next 20 steps – just the next step. Don’t overwhelm yourself by thinking you have to figure it all out right now. You don’t!

But you do need to get your wheels greased up and your glasses cleaned so you can move forward with ease and clarity.

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Veronica’s take on the 3 of Swords

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

3 of swords (2)
Housewives Tarot

Love, loss and betrayals of the heart! These are thing things the Three of Swords is made of. But don’t fret! All is not lost.

If you discover your lover is having an affair, you have two choices: cry into your oatmeal and listen to Taylor Swift songs as you load up your wagon and head to splitsville.


You could have a threesome!

Your welcome.

Really, its that simple. I could also have said “when life gives you lemons, make lemonaide”, but I thought you’d appreciate the x-rated version 😉

If things aren’t going your way, ask yourself how you can have some delicious fun with it. Trust me, behind every failure, infidelity or disaster is a hot, steamy encounter just waiting to happen!

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Set Yourself Free! Tarot Card for Thursday…

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Today’s Tarot card is Goat: Shadow God of Liberation (aka The Devil). Ask yourself if you are truly free. How do you define “freedom” anyway?

You may be powerfully drawn to that which glitters and sparkles, but beware that these things may not bring you the freedom you crave…only further enslavement.

Perhaps you are telling yourself that if you buy this thing or take this drug or have sex with this person then everything will be better and you will be happier. But nothing brings true happiness like true freedom!

A big wardrobe, new cars and fancy gym memberships are nice, but not having to go to a job you despise is even better! The only thing worth desiring is freedom – everything else is just mere distraction from the fact that you are not as free as you need to be.

So take stock of your desires and pay attention to where you put your energy and then ask yourself: am I breaking my chains or building my prison?

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Two of Swords ~ Decision Time!

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

A decision is upon you, but what do you choose? That is the dilemma. You feel you must close off your heart in order to choose rationally, but then you just feel totally confused.

The Two of Feathers, aka Two of Swords urges you to not take this so seriously. This is not as important as you think. So relax!

The more you think about this and try to solve the problem with your mind, the more confused you will be. You may not be able to solve this one with thinking, so try not thinking about it and see what happens.

Often, a solution will present itself with just a little time and a whole lot less thinking!

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Write! ~ Angel Card for Tuesday

creative writing
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Bust out your pen and paper and start scrawling! Today is all about creative writing – expressing yourself with written words and getting your thoughts down on paper.

You don’t have to make a big thing of it. Just spend ten minutes today writing as much as you can. Set a timer and go to town.

You have important ideas that need to be out there. You may have sensed a calling or urge to write, but keep putting it off. The time is now – don’t delay, pick up your pen and fly at it.

Words are powerful and written words even more so. Let your mind go free and write like crazy. Wait a few weeks before reading what you wrote – you will be surprised at the great writing that emerges from you!

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Nine of Pentacles ~ Be a Queen!

9 of pents
Morgan-Greer Tarot

Today you are attracting wealth and luxury like a magnet! The Nine of Pentacles reminds you that when you enjoy luxury, you attract it.

Be sensual – eat fruit slowly, lie in bed at extra ten minutes, enjoy a hot bath and a glass of wine. If you want more deliciousness in your life you must remember to take full advantage of the tasty experiences you have at your disposal.

When you do this, you feel like a Queen (or King)! Others will pick up on it and wonder what on earth has happened to you.

Today is NOT a day to moan about crappy finances and expenses – do that tomorrow. Today is about living in the moment and feeling fantastic!

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How to Get Magical Messages from your Tarot Cards

If your like me, you’ve done plenty of Tarot readings like this:

Shuffle the cards and think of your questions. Draw one or more cards. Look at the cards and think um hmmm, now I get it! OR you think what on earth does this mean? and you look up the meaning in your book.

Sometimes you get great insights and sometimes you don’t. But is this experience magical? Is it thrilling? Do you feel like you have left this reality and ventured into another mysterious world to gain wisdom, clarity and understanding? Probably not!

So how do I make the magic happen? I hear you ask. Let me give you all the dirty details…

Lets talk meditation.

Wait! Don’t go!

buddhaIf your eyes are glassing over and you are beginning to feel like a ADHD kid amped up on sugar at my mere mention of “meditation”, hold tight. I used to feel this way too – in fact, I still feel this way when I first sit down to meditate.

But once I calm my chitter-chatter mind and experience true meditation, I realize how freeing it is and how its like having a mini vacation no matter where I am.

I can be in a Wal-Mart listening to my in-laws talk about Cancer, but  feel like I’m on a beach in Hawaii being rubbed down by a hot surfer with six pack abs.

And I know what I am about to say is a bit taboo, but meditation is a delightful form of escapism. Almost as good as reading paranormal erotica while you tuck into a pan of brownies! Yum!

So lately I have been combining my love of meditation with my love of Tarot by exploring Biddy Tarot’s new e-course Soul Meditations (more on this in a sec!).


Where the magic is

But why does meditating with your Tarot cards make for a ‘magical’ experience? I hear you ask. Well, here’s my take on it…

When you meditate, you relax and let go, giving fear and “logical thought” a chance to evaporate. This makes way for your intuitive, creative and spiritual side to come in and get the party started.

It’s like your inner Richard Dawkins/boring math teacher self takes a shit break while your inner Yoko Ono swans into the room and breaks open the pop and chips. Hallelujah!

Of course, we all study our Tarot cards diligently and read books and stuff, which helps establish an intellectual relationship with the cards. This is very necessary. But it is meditating with the cards that lets you experience them in a personal and spiritual way.


Try This!

touch-cardsStep 1: Choose a card that fascinates you and spend a few moments gazing at it. Now get comfy and close your eyes. Spend a few minutes just breathing and relaxing until you feel sufficiently calm.

Step 2: Visualize the card getting huge and then stepping into it. Look around. What do you notice? Where is your attention drawn? See if you can chat it up with whoever is hanging around. Ask nosy questions. Discover the secrets this card has to offer!

Step 3: Open your eyes and bust out your journal. Jot down what you experienced and spend some time just contemplating. You are guaranteed to get some pretty magical messages from your cards this way.


Tarot Meditation made easy!

Okay, so getting back to Biddy Tarot’s Soul Meditations. Full disclosure: I am an affiliate for this program, which means that if you purchase this program through my links I will get a commission. However, I only promote stuff I know is totally awesome and top notch.

Okay, now that I got that out of the way – this e-course is a trip and a half! The program focuses completely on the Major Arcana and has a 20 minute guided meditation for each Major Arcana card, as well as a detailed guidebook. The guidebook is fabulous and has the meanings and description of each card and questions for reflection, which are like journaling/playsheets that you can do after the meditation.

There is also a “heart-centered practice” for each card, which is an exercise to help you live the energy of each card. For example, the heart-centered practice for The Fool is to choose one thing on your “bucket list” and make it happen. Fun stuff!

The meditations are powerful. As you listen, you are coaxed into a state of deep relaxation (in my case, sleep) and then you are guided to imagine entering the Tarot card and exploring it.

Last night I did the meditation for The Hermit. I was pretty tired so I just fell asleep instantly. I am not sure how long I slept for – probably only a few minutes – but when I started waking up, it was at the part in the meditation where I was being guided to step into the card. The experience was a bit bizarre – I could feel my body lying on the couch, yet I was also on this dark mountaintop with The Hermit. It was kind of like waking up in the middle of a dream and realizing your in a dream but choosing to just stay in it and look around. It was wild!

So to sum it up, I am having some good times with the Soul Meditations program 🙂 And if this sounds like your cup of tea, you can sample one of the meditations for free (just click the above link and scroll down about halfway). Then you will know what I mean!

As you dive deeper and deeper into Tarot via meditation and journalling, you are also exploring your self at a soul level, like The Hermit wandering into the wild darkness, glowing lantern held high. I hope your travels are as interesting and revealing as mine have been 🙂


Over to you…

Have you ever meditated with your Tarot cards before? Did you try my little exercise? If so, what was it like? Let me know your thoughts in the reply section below…

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Striving for Balance? Don’t Bother! ~ Tarot Card for Friday

fridays with veronicaVeronica is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She spends her time penning smut, sipping martinis, and planning her next seduction. Let us read what she has to say about the Six of Pentacles…

six of pentacles
New Palladini Tarot

Today we have the Six of Pentacles (again!) and it appears that “balance” is what it’s all about. But don’t be fooled. Striving for balance is overrated.

Contrary to popular belief, imbalance is the natural state of affairs. Think of a pair of testicles. One must always hang lower than the other, lest they be squished together during the act of walking (moving forward).

And this is how you need to start thinking of your life – like a pair of testicles. Stop striving for perfect balance.

You hear a lot about “balance” these days – about eating a balanced diet, about living a balanced life, balance, balance, balance! And its all bullshit.

Striving for perfect balance is useless and, in my humble opinion, totally unnatural. But here’s the funny thing – if you just do what you feel, eventually things even out and balance themselves.

For example, yesterday I spent an entire day lying on my couch, reading Scandalous Liaisons by Sylvia Day, eating peanut butter-cornflake squares and drinking syrupy, German white wine.

But today I am just humming along with my work like a skanky ferrari, getting shit done, eating my greens and doing yoga.

So stop striving and just go with the fucking flow already!

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Six of Pentacles ~ Share and Collaborate

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Today is all about sharing and conferring with others. The Six of Fossils (aka Six of Pentacles) reminds you that you don’t have to do it all alone!

What groups are you a part of? This can be online communities, your co-workers, social groups, sports teams, whatever – just remember that you have many groups that you can consult with if you need help, advice, ideas or just support.

Someone may unexpectedly help you today in a really big way, or you may feel called to lend a helping hand to a friend or stranger. Sharing, helping others and collaboration will feel very natural and easy for you right now!


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