tarot meanings

Veronica’s financial advice (The Four of Pentacles)

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

4 of coins
Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffi

Are you tired of spending your hard earned money on totally boring things like insurance, taxes, RRSPs and toothpaste?

The Four of Coins nymph is here to suggest that you start spending your cash on the things that matter – lavish dinners, theater tickets, Turkish towels and gigolos!

That is what money was made for! Not all this boring shit that seems to consume 100% of your income. Good God!

Some people think the Four of Coins (aka Four of Pentacles) is about being cheap or feeling the need to pinch pennies. But it’s not!

Its about feeling pissed off that you have to spend so much money on totally pointless stuff that brings you absolutely no pleasure whatsoever. Like spending tons of money on a modest, unsexy car….so you can drive to work everyday.

So this weekend, blow your dough on something totally delicious. Something totally extravagant. Something totally….hedonistic!

In the comments below, tell me what one awesome thing you are going to spend your money on this weekend….and please don’t say “penny slots” or Doritos. Fuck!

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Trouble learning the Tarot Card Meanings? Try this!

Here is a question that I often get asked:

Q: I am having trouble learning the Tarot card meanings. It’s a boring process and I can never remember the meanings. Do I really need to learn them? Or can I just learn to read “intuitively”?

A: Reading Tarot “intuitively” without first learning the structure of Tarot and the card meanings is kind of like visiting a foreign country without learning the language.

Sure you will be able to get by with charades style communication and drawing pictures, but things won’t be smooth and you will feel like a total moron! Even learning a few key words and phrases can make a world of difference.

This is what I have found to be true….

1. Tarot is like a language – its a way for you to communicate with spirit and with your Inner Self.

2. Sometimes there is real value in tossing the “traditional” Tarot meanings aside to explore the cards more deeply and engage my intuition as I interact with the card figures, symbols, etc.


3. The traditional card meaning always acts as a trigger or a doorway into my inner, intuitive landscape.


So while you don’t need to learn the Tarot card meanings in order to get guidance from your Tarot cards, your readings will take on a richer, more grounded quality when you do.

But if learning the Tarot card meanings feels boring to you, I suggest you vamp up the way you study your Tarot cards.

One of the techniques I love to teach is the “creating a story/character” approach.

Here’s how it works:

Step one: Choose a Tarot card that features a person.

Any court card will work good for this, as will Major arcana cards like The Magician or The Empress.

For this exercise I am going to be working with the Knight of Pentacles from the Crystal Visions Tarot.

knight of pents
Crystal Visions Tarot

Step two: Consider the traditional meaning of this card.

The Crystal Visions companion book describes the Knight of Pentacles as being “cautious, thoughtful and hardworking” with an “all work and no play” attitude.

Step three: flesh out the character by imagining other details and quirks.

I bet this Knight is the kind of guy who loves to read non-fiction and will spout off “facts” about things at dinner parties.

I suspect he’s also rather boring between the sheets.

But I also think he would make a mean apple pie and is particularly talented when it comes to making curries and casseroles and stuff like that. Yum!

Step four: Imagine a backstory & create a history for your character.

When I imagine the Knight of Pentacles as a real person, I see him working in a “safe”, repetitive job – like a factory or office.

His home life growing up was average and uninteresting, but then he met the love of his life and suddenly everything changed. He had never been happier.

But he was slow in proposing to her and she ended up running off with a rich playboy on a yacht in the Bahamas. That was years ago, but his heart still aches, so he wears a thick layer of emotional armor….etc, etc…I could go on all day.

What’s the point of all this? you may be wondering…

When we craft our own stories about the Tarot cards, we are adding our own creative spice to our studies.

Not only will you now have an easier time remembering the meaning of The Knight of Pentacles, or whatever card you chose to do this exercise with, but you will feel like you know this dude and he’s no longer a stranger on a Tarot card.

In the comments below, tell me….

What card did you pick for this exercise and what sordid personality quirks did you uncover? I can’t wait to read your response 🙂

Trouble learning the Tarot Card Meanings? Try this! Read More »

The REAL meaning of the Ten of Wands…

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

10 of rods
Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Ah yes! The Ten of Rods (aka Ten of Wands) – a warning for you to plug your ears to the siren call of wanting more.

Here’s a depressing equation:

feeling empty + wanting more = taking on lots of  responsibilities, roles, hobbies and friends to make your life more meaningful and important + realizing your still empty, but now your also exhausted = resentment x 100

I was always crappy at math, so the above equation may not make sense to you, but that’s not the point.

The point is, all your roles and duties will only weigh you down on the adventure of life!

Do you knowsomeone who is always informing you of all the different roles they play? For example, a friend who says shit like “I’m a wife, mother, sister, chef, girl guide leader, janitor, blah, blah, blah” and you all you can think is holy fuck, when do you have time to fap?

While the Urban Dictionary defines the term fap as “the onomatopoeic representation of masturbation”, I would like to extend that definition to include all activities that are pleasurable but ultimately serve no purpose – like watching Entertainment Tonight, googling hot celebrities, organizing your nail polish collection – stuff like that.

Make time to fap. A life without adequate fap time will only foster resentment.


On a different note.....the second episode of the Menage A Tarot podcast is up! Click here to listen 🙂

The REAL meaning of the Ten of Wands… Read More »


fridays with veronicaVeronica is my immoral other half. She is my wild and slutty evil twin/alter ego and when she isn’t travelling the world, doing nude yoga and slamming back martini’s, she’s dishing out Tarot wisdom for you right here…

the high priestess
Housewives Tarot

Today’s Tarot advice comes from The High Priestess.

She says “Shhhhhh….keep your secrets.”

This particularly applies to relationships of a romantic nature.

Certain marriage “experts” (cough, Dr. Phil, cough) will tell you that you must never keep secrets from your significant other and that true intimacy means sharing everything.

Yuck. No thanks.

If you want your life to have a certain robust, saucy flavour, you need to have some secrets.

So stop being so darn honest and “transparent” as the therapy-types like to say.

Don’t have any secrets? No problem! Create them. Take a young lover, start drinking in the daytime (if you don’t already) or stop wearing underpants.

You’ll be rocking that Mona Lisa smirk in no time!

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The Heirophant ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday!

Fenestra Tarot

No, you don’t need a degree! Part of you thinks that if some authoritative “governing body” issues you a certificate then you will have permission to do what you really want to. That’s just not true.

Do you feel tempted to keep signing up for courses and programs? There is nothing wrong with being a life long learner, but do it out of sheer interest and not out of a sense of lack.

You already have everything you need to succeed.

What is needed is presence. If you can be present in all you do, and give things your full attention, you will contribute to this world in profound ways.


The Heirophant ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday! Read More »

Six of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Monday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Six of Swords from the Crystal Visions Tarot deck. This card represents movement and making a passage of some kind. Since it is from the Swords Suit, it indicates that thoughts and mindset are the key issues here.

Are you wishing you were someplace else right now? Perhaps you wish that you were further along than you are or that things were clearer and more obvious. Rest assured you are moving forward, even if it isn’t 100% apparent yet.

Don’t get caught up in the whole “grass is greener on the other side” line of thinking, but do look to those you admire for inspiration and wisdom. If you are wanting to achieve something, observe those who have already walked that path – you will be amazed at what you can glean from doing this!

The main message I get from the Six of Swords is to be patient with yourself – you are shifting to a new way of thinking right now and all will be clear in time.

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Death Tarot Card ~ Tarot Reading for Friday

druidcraft tarot death card
Druidcraft Tarot by Will Worthington and Phillip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm

The Death Tarot card is here to let you know that its time you finally put something to rest. Whatever it is, it is important that you deal with it and don’t leave anything unresolved or it could haunt you later on.

Celebrate the ending, let go and then move onward. This could refer to anything that you need to let go of – an old habit, a repetitive worry or thought, a relationship, job, or even a feeling like anger, sadness or fear.

The Death Tarot card is all about fully letting go and this can only happen if you fully examine and resolve what you need to let go of. Don’t be tempted to sweep your feelings under the rug today – look them in the eye – face your fears and then release them for good!

Check out my Tarot spread: Embracing Change to help get a better idea of what you need to let go of.



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