tarot meanings

The Emperor – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 5 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The Emperor – perhaps one of the most misunderstood figures in the Tarot. Everyone thinks he’s a stuffed shirt, but he’s actually quite the rebel!

Have your pen and notebook handy, grab yourself a drinky-poo and get comfy….


Father archetype, authority, sovereignty, power & control, stubborn, maverick, rebel, trailblazer.


Ram’s heads (Aries- aggression, war), Throne, long beard (wisdom, experience)

The dark side of The Emperor

Being overly stubborn, inflexible and rigid. Wanting power and control over others, to compensate for feeling powerless and out of control on the inside.

1. Sovereignty

The Emperor, in his highest, most positive expression, has complete power and authority over himself. He lives by his own value system and set of rules – always doing things his way. Forging his own path, he becomes a trailblazer and some may even see him as a bit of a rebel.

Journalling questions:

♥ Where in your life have you been a bit of a rebel?

♥ How comfortable are you with self governance? Are you always looking for a set of rules or a formula for doing things?

♥ What values and rules do you use to “self-govern”?

2. Stubborness

There’s a time and place to be stubborn and dig in your heels, but sometimes this can be a fault if you’re totally inflexible all the time. The wise Emperor knows when to be stubborn and when to be flexible. The unwise Emperor derives his sense of self from maintaining a “my way or the highway” attitude at all times, closing himself off from people, experiences and growth.

Journalling questions:

♥ How stubborn are you? How has it served you?

♥ How has it stunted you? (Think of an example of when you were stubborn and later regretted it).

3. Power & Control

The Emperor is all about stability, power and control. A wise and healthy Emperor is a master of himself who practices self control and cultivates inner power. A dysfunctional Emperor lacks self control and inner power and so he seeks power and control over others, becoming an oppressive dictator who is obsessed with draconian laws and mandates.

Journalling questions:

♥ What is your relationship with power and control like?

♥ When you are put in a position of authority, how do you feel?

♥ When someone else is in the position of authority, how do you react?

The Wisdom of The Emperor

The Emperor advises you to turn your desire for power and control toward development of your self, not the control of others. If you notice yourself wanting to change or control others, it’s time to check in with yourself and observe how you’re using your own power.

The wise Emperor tells you that when you focus on developing the power within, as opposed to power over others, you become empowered and sovereign. This makes you capable of walking your own path, charting your own course and being a wayshower to others – becoming a powerful figure in your own right!

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about The Emperor? Or about yourself? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into The Hierophant – stuffy and uptight on the outside, but a fascinating wealth of knowledge on the inside!

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The Best Way to Learn the Tarot Card Meanings

The following post and video is inspired by Andy Matzner’s book Tarot for Transformation.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret – a juicy Tarot secret that will help you truly understand your cards and make your readings POP!

But first, some boring backstory….

I first discovered Tarot when I was young and impatient and I immediately set about trying to learn and memorize all 78 Tarot cards.

A typical Tarot beginner move!

Not to brag or anything, but I kind of succeeded. Within a fairly short amount of time, I had a surface level grasp of what most Tarot cards represented. But I was a shitty reader and I still didn’t understand what Tarot was really all about.

Fast forward to now. I’m slowly working through Tarot for Transformation: Using the Major Arcana to Discover Your Best Self and Create a Life Worth Living by Andy Matzner.

It’s a deliciously slow process, like eating a box of chocolate caramels while stoned.

This slow process, which I’ll describe in a hot minute, allows me to stay with a card way longer than I normally would – to really climb inside it and roll around in it. And at the same time, to climb deep inside myself (which sounds a bit creepy, now that I think about it).

The more I get to know each card, the more I realize that the cards are simply there to help me get to know myself. Mind blown!

So what exactly IS this juicy Tarot secret I speak of? And how do you apply it to your readings?

The secret is this: each Tarot card is alive within you – it’s like a map of your soul. Once you understand how the themes of each card play out within you, you begin to develop a personal relationship with the Tarot. And once you come to know the Tarot intimately (seeing your self in the cards and the cards in you), the cards will open up to you and reveal their mysteries.

I’m going to take you on a little journey – we’re going to dive into The High Priestess together. Or rather, we’re going to dive into ourselves to find our inner High Priestess! Woo hoo!

Exploring the Subconscious

mystic meg tarot
Mystic Meg Tarot

In Tarot for Transformation, Andy Matzner writes that The High Priestess is associated with water, intuition, repeating cycles of change, the moon, wisdom, the subconscious and many other things. Basically, all the cool stuff.

He asks: “how can we best move between the conscious and subconscious parts of ourselves?”

So let’s start there. How indeed?

I’ll let you go first. Have you found any methods or activities that help you tap into the partially hidden realms of your mind? Take a moment to ponder.

A few years ago I was hypnotized and while I was under hypnosis, the hypnotherapist asked my higher self to come forward and answer a list of questions that I’d prepared in advance. Holy moly! My higher self said all kinds of wild stuff! The session was recorded and when I listened back to it I was blown away by the wisdom, advice and insights that I got. Who knew?!

Dream Journalling, lucid dreaming, meditative journeying and various automatic writing exercises have also helped me tap into my subconscious and unearth my inner wisdom.

Often, when The High Priestess shows up in a reading, she’s telling you to go deeper. Don’t just be content to fuddle about with surface level stuff. Go deep. The answers are within you.

Honouring Your Intuition

In Tarot for Transformation, many different methods of tapping into your intuition are suggested, along with a list of journal questions like how do you know when your intuition is communicating with you? and Describe a time when listening to your intuition changed your life.

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake

So let’s go there. What is your relationship to your intuition like? Are you in the habit of ignoring it? Have you been making attempts to honour it or even explore it in a feet first, New Age Adventurer kind of way?

For years I tuned out my intuitive feelings like you would a pesky younger sibling. My intuition felt like an inconvenient distraction from logic, reason and the goals of the ego.

But as I got older and more desperate to find real meaning in my life, I began to re-discover my intuition. And look at me now! Blogging away about intuition like I know what I’m talking about! 😉

The High Priestess reminds us to acknowledge our intuition because the way we treat our intuition mirrors the kind of relationship we have with our soul (our deeper, expanded self). Honouring your intuition is a great way to show yourself some love and respect.

Cycles & Rhythms

Now let’s shift gears a bit and talk about the moon, cycles and natural rhythms, which are all in the realm of The High Priestess.

Just as we aren’t really encouraged (in our current society) to honour our intuition, we are actively discouraged in following our natural rhythms and cycles. Tampon ads are the perfect example of this.

Google image search “tampon ad” (go ahead, I’ll wait for you) and you’ll see an array of women playing tennis, doing gymnastics, climbing walls, doing back flips and playing soccer alongside phrases like “my period doesn’t slow me down!” and my personal favourite “Serena SHUTS OUT mother nature’s monthly gift” (a Tampax Pearl ad featuring Serena Williams). Cold and flu medication ads pull the same shit.

But is it wise to push your body when you’re on your period? Or trying to get over a cold? The High Priestess says NO! Work with your cycles, not against them. There will be times of high energy and times of low energy. There is a time to shine and take action and and a time to rest, recharge and go inward.

The Anna K Tarot

In Tarot for Transformation, there are a bunch of great journalling questions about this, like “how familiar are you with your own natural rhythms?” and “when do you typically feel most drained during the day? Most energized?”

A question I want to add is how can you better honour your natural energy cycles?

Take a moment now to ponder this. Journal about it if you want.

I’ve found it much, much easier to honour my energy cycles since I became self employed and started working from home. From ages 4 – 30ish, I was always on someone else’s schedule and feeling like I had to meet the energy demands that others placed on me. Since I became fully self employed, I’ve been in control of my own schedule and the type of work that I do, allowing me to work with my energy and cycles.

Of course there are plenty of ways to honour your cycles without quitting your day job! A really neat book on how to sync your diet and exercise to your menstrual cycle is Womancode by Alisa Vitti.

Learn about the moon phases and experiment with syncing up your activities so they correspond to the moon’s energy. For example, focus on manifestation and taking action on goals when the moon is waxing and releasing things when the moon is waning.

Is there a particular time of day when you’re most energetic? Or most creative? Plan your activities accordingly. It sounds ridiculously simple but we often overlook this sort of thing.

So now you know!

Now you know the secret to really, truly understanding your Tarot cards. Dive deep, take your time and don’t just explore each Tarot card and it’s symbols, but use your cards to explore your SELF. Use your cards to ask yourself questions and don’t be afraid to get nosy and personal (it’s just you, after all!)

If you liked this approach to exploring Tarot…

Make sure you check out Tarot for Transformation by Andy Matzner. It’s a big book with plenty of great info on each Major Arcana card, along with journalling questions, exercises and tips for diving deep. Your relationship to your cards (and your self) will never be the same!

Purchase on Amazon (my affiliate link)

Now tell me…

Did you learn anything new about The High Priestess (or your self) from doing this exercise? What was this exercise like for you? Feel free to share in the comments below 🙂

The Best Way to Learn the Tarot Card Meanings Read More »

Tarot Reading for Sept 26 – Oct 2

I am soooooo excited that October is just around the corner! This is one of my favorite months and this deck – the Housewives Tarot – is one of my favorite decks. I don’t use it super often, but when I do its always really sassy!

As always, you are cordially invited to share your own thoughts, ideas and interpretations in the comments below…..

Have a fantastic week!

Tarot Reading for Sept 26 – Oct 2 Read More »

Best of 2015: My top 10 Tarot Blog Posts!

As 2015 comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on everything that sucked about this past year (I can’t help it! I just do stuff like that!). But you know what didn’t suck in 2015? The 10 Tarot blog posts below…..

I’ve sifted through all my Tarot blog posts over the past year to find the ones I think you’ll enjoy the most, because even if you’ve been reading my Tarot blog religiously, I know you probably missed a couple!

Quiz: How Psychic Are You?

Take my saucy quiz and find out just how psychic you really are!

Warning: this is a fun one and will make you realize how much you miss those Seventeen magazine quizzes!

Read it here

Quiz: How Psychic Are You?


My Top 10 Tarot Decks

It was hard to come up with this list, believe me! Leaving some decks off this list made me feel like I was abandoning my less loved children...an unsettling sensation, indeed. Beware! This list may induce an Amazon deck ordering frenzy...

See my list

My Top 10 Tarot Decks


How to Read the Same Tarot Card in Different Decks

If you've ever wondered if the meanings of the Tarot cards change depending on what kind of Tarot deck you're using, here is your answer!

tarot video

How to Read the Same Tarot Card in Different Decks



20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight!

Well, the title says it all so I won't natter on about it, but this was one of my absolute faves! Bust out your Tarot journal before doing this one, 'cause you're gonna need it!

20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight



The Most Rebellious Way to Read Tarot....EVER!

Since you're an "outside the box" kind of person, why would you read Tarot any differently? Here's a Tarot exercise that will appeal to the rebel in you....

Read it!

The Most Rebellious Way to Read Tarot….EVER!



Tarot Game!

Looking for a way to rope your friends and family into a card game? Here it is! Put your Tarot cards to good use in this fun, fresh Tarot game that EVERYONE can play...

Tarot Game!



The Tarot Court Cards in Bed

Here's a fun little series that managed to offend a handful of readers. Will it offend you? There's only one way to find out.....read it!
I promise you'll never look at Court Cards the same way again.

Druidcraft Tarot

The Tarot Court Cards….In Bed! Part 4: The Kings


Why the Court Cards are so Darn Hard to Read

Here's another post about those pesky Court Cards....but this one isn't quite as dirty as the one above (at least I don't think it is). There's even a free worksheet that you can print out and go to town on!

Why the Court Cards are so darn hard to read (and what you can do about it)



Tarot Card Combinations Exercise!

Here's a fun one to try with your Tarot cards. Please ignore my reference to my Tarot book being out in June - I lied. I'm still writing that sucker!

Tarot Card Combinations Exercise!



How to Connect with Your Tarot Deck...Part 2

If you got a new Tarot (or Oracle) deck for Christmas, you absolutely MUST try this exercise with it! It will totally change the way you relate to your cards...in a really, really good way.

How to Connect with Your Tarot Deck….Part 2


Best of 2015: My top 10 Tarot Blog Posts! Read More »

Team Players are Creepy

VeronicaAfter a two week hedonistic vacation, my evil twin Veronica is back!

knight of cups

When someone says “I’m a team player!” I immediate mistrust them.


Because “team player” is corporate slang for achieving success by climbing on the backs of others without them even knowing it! Ha!

And also because the term “team player” is just creepy. It makes me think of flourescent lighting, MJB coffee, crying in a public bathroom, and selling my soul for $12 and hour. Just an experience I once had.

What does all this have to do with the Knight of Cups? Let me tell you….

The Knight of Cups is not to be trusted. He’s a sneaky little bugger who will charm your panties off only to try to sell you Amway products or protein powder. Don’t fall into his sticky, sugary trap!

Others may present themselves to you in a highly appealing manner. Enjoy the show, but don’t get sucked in. It’s all a performance.

And for goodness sakes, don’t “invest” your money into anyone’s dreams or schemes (except your own) today.

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Queen of Cups: Empathy doesn’t equal dipshit

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

Queen of cups 2
Housewives Tarot

It’s okay to care about other people….

But don’t care about what they think of you.

Now reread that phrase because it’s important!

You can be a kind, caring, boring person AND go about your day without ever giving a flying fuck what other people think of you.

The Queen of Cups over here knows this shit. She knows it well.

She is compassionate, nurturing and really does care about people. But she sure as hell isn’t going to self-censor and pussy foot around town trying to be all P.C. and fit into the woodwork.

No. She lives her life her way and does it without feeling all guilty and shit.

Be like this Queen today and don’t make the mistake that you’ve probably been making all your life….telling yourself that you’re helping others by caring about what they think of you.

You’re not. You’re just failing to inspire them to live life on their own terms.

Queen of Cups: Empathy doesn’t equal dipshit Read More »

What is your self-talk sayin’? Veronica to the rescue…

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil twin/alter ego and she takes over my blog on Friday’s to impart her bitchy wisdom. When she isn’t Tarot reading, she’s seducing some buff young thing at the gym, penning sultry smut on her laptop and knocking back the martinis while laughing maniacally at some mediocre romantic comedy…

turning in
Osho Zen Tarot

Today it’s time to turn inward…..and tune out any obnoxious voices that distract you and make you feel like total shit.

As boring as it sounds, spend a few minutes meditating. And notice what voices show up.

This is what some people call “self talk”.

When I did this I heard all kinds of silly chitter chatter like “you really shouldn’t sleep in past 11am”, “eating chocolate hazelnut hedgehogs for dinner is immature”, “leave those young men alone” and “you should be saving for your retirement.”

Where were these voices coming from?! Who were these jerks?

If I was in a room with people who said things like that I would start chucking beer bottles.

So as you observe your inner voices, don’t judge…but ask yourself this: “if a person I knew said this to my face, would I want to shank them?”

If the answer is yes, then why on earth is it okay for you to say that shit to yourself?

It’s not! So laugh at your judgy self-talk like it’s the funniest joke in the whole world.

In the comments below, tell me what crappy self talk your going to laugh at today….

What is your self-talk sayin’? Veronica to the rescue… Read More »

Six of Wands ~ The dangers of being an overachieving jerk-off

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my alter ego – she says the things I have always longed to say and does the things I’ve always longed to do! When she isn’t whizzing around the world in her private jet full of boy toys, she’s yelling at crows (they are so loud at 5 am!) and sneering at what other people are buying in the grocery store. Here is her take on the Six of Wands…

6 of rods
Anna K Tarot

Do you remember that obnoxious scene in Titanic where Leo Dicaprio shouts “I’m the king of the world!” from the bow of the ship? And then dies later?

Well, that’s what this card reminds me of.

And do you know someone in your life who is an annoying overachiever? Some dick who runs marathons, buys “investment properties” and has a “career”?

I know, those people are everywhere!

Or heaven forbid, maybe YOU are an overachiever. It’s okay, there’s still hope for you.

The Six of Wands depicts the fleeting glee that arises when you “succeed” on society’s terms.

It’s all sunshine and silken red loincloths at first, but then you realize that being successful isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it demands a certain amount of those sinister traits called responsibility and maturity. Um, yuck. No thanks.

If your “success” brings you more unpleasantness – like more work, more busy-ness, less free time, etc – then you need to re-think what success really means for you.

My personal idea of success is long stretches of uninterrupted free time, anonymity, fancy bedding and not giving a shit about what others think of me.

What’s yours?

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