The High Priestess ~ Tarot Card for Monday

high priestess
Hanson Roberts Tarot

You are stepping into this week with full intuitive powers! Your openness to receiving higher guidance will have a delicious effect on things today and for the next several days, as your inner High Priestess has grown and become strong.

Now is a time to use your wisdom and discernment in a subtle, yet powerful way. No one is going to try to push you around today…and if they do? Watch out! Your inner High Priestess is not as passive and gentle as she appears 😉

Guard your privacy today and don’t feel like you have to reveal everything to everyone. You can be open and clear in your dealings with others without giving away too much about yourself. Keep personal details to yourself – no one needs to know all that stuff! If you feel tempted to give a convoluted explanation to someone today – stop yourself and keep it simple.

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When the SAME Tarot card keeps showing up….this is what it means…

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the SAME Tarot card will just keep showing up in your readings? Perhaps this card even appears when doing a Tarot reading for someone else.

What does this mean?!

I have noticed that with nearly every Tarot or Oracle deck I have, there is a particular card unique to that deck that I will pull repeatedly. For example, with my Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle card deck, I almost always get the “Ready, Set, Go!” card. It was happening so frequently that I actually looked the card over to see if there were any sticky bits or something that was causing me to choose it again and again. But there was nothing.

four of swords
Four of Swords from the Robin Wood Tarot

There was a time a couple years ago when I kept getting the Four of Swords Tarot card in my readings. To me, the Four of Swords is about meditation, rest and going within. It didn’t make sense to me at the time since I felt I had a perfect balance between action and rest. And yet the Four of Swords kept coming up. Even today, I am not really sure why that card kept coming up for me.

So what does it mean when you keep getting the same card in all your readings?

I feel that repeat appearances (lets call them encore cards) are your spirit guides, higher self, angels or The Universe trying to get a message to you. If you keep getting the same card it means you haven’t properly heard or understood the message.

Here is my 3 step process for de-coding the meaning of these encore cards:

Step One: Be open to the card meaning something slightly different from its traditional meaning. Really pay attention to the symbols in the card, what these symbols mean to you and how the card makes you feel.

Step Two: If the card suggests a particular action (for example, the Four of Swords suggests meditation), try taking that action and see what happens.

Step Three: If you still keep seeing this card after taking action, close your eyes and ask your guides or higher self what message they are trying to send you via this card. Be open to any guidance, impressions or feelings you receive.

However, sometimes encore cards are not an urgent message but a reminder that your spirit guides are always with you. This is especially true if you keep getting a positive card (like The Star or The Sun) when you are going through a rough time.


When I read with my Angel Therapy oracle deck, I always, without fail, pull the card that says “you are profoundly clairvoyant”. I think this is kind of funny because I don’t always see myself as profoundly clairvoyant – perhaps moderately, but not profoundly! I have decided this is just my spirit guides confirming that I am on the right path and to keep working on my psychic abilities, even when I doubt myself.

So what card, or cards, keep coming up for you lately? And what is your theory on repeat cards?
I would love to hear all about it in the comments below!


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Love ~ Oracle Card for Friday!

Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer

The oracle card for Friday is all about Love and Compassion. When you notice how you are surrounded by love, its easier to feel love, and then its easier to emanate love. So begin by noticing love wherever you find it.

Be open to how you recognize love in your everyday life. Do you notice the excited chirping of birds in the trees? The effortless beauty of an apple tree in blossom? The way the sun warms your skin? All of these things are divine expressions of love!

Focus on connecting to your heart today. Breathe into the heart and feel your mind sinking down your body and resting in your heart area – if you can keep your awareness there for more than a few seconds you will be amazed at how your perspective shifts.


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Eight of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

eight of wands
Robin Wood Tarot

Prepare for things to speed up suddenly – either today or later this week. The Eight of Wands suggests that things will be unfolding very quickly toward a positive outcome.

Important communication in the form of letters, emails, phone calls or texts will be finding their way to you today. You may get some exciting news!

Thoughts, intentions and dreams will manifest quickly at this time, so be extra diligent about the vibes you are sending out into the universe. Make sure your thoughts reflect what you want to create and that your emotions are peaceful and loving (for the most part, as nobody’s perfect!)

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Page of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

hanson roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Today’s Tarot card, the Page of Cups, is all about learning and being inspired. Let your intuition and creative yearning guide you toward learning something new today.

This card can represent engaging in artistic activities, learning about art or even learning about tapping into your intuition. But there is an excited, youthful energy with this card, reminding you that no matter how old you are, learning something new will bring you a sense of freshness and renewal.

This Page wears his heart on his sleeve (or his shoulder, in this card), suggesting that being expressive and open about your feelings will serve you well today.

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Into the Woods ~ Oracle Card for Tuesday!

into the woods
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Today’s oracle card Into the Woods says “stranger in a strange land, new experiences, feeling uncertain, transition zone.”

You may feel like you are a little lost today, or perhaps as if you are somewhere you don’t really belong. But this is just part of the transition you are going through right now. All part of the Transformation that was mentioned in yesterday’s reading.

If you find yourself proceeding with caution and hesitation, that’s okay. You don’t need to rush forward like a charging bull at this point. Tread lightly if you wish, but know that you are going in the right direction 🙂

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Death ~ Tarot Card for Monday

death tarot card
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Death card comes to us to remind us that each day we are reborn and a part of us dies and is left behind. We are never the same person today as we were yesterday and tomorrow we will be different yet again.

If you ever find yourself lamenting “nothing ever changes!”, think again – death/change is constant, which can feel both exhausting and liberating.

Another way to think of Death is as a transformation, which is nicely represented by all the butterflies in this card. Each day we have the opportunity to transform ourselves, a situation or our beliefs….so what do you want to transform today?


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Are Angel Cards Wimpy?

The other day I was perusing a Tarot forum and I came across a lot of negative comments regarding Angel Cards and Oracle decks that are totally positive and uplifting.

The problem that many of the forum commenters had was that all-positive decks do not accurately reflect the reality of life, which is a balance of light and dark.

angel tarot doreen virtueTo quote one commenter: “I’m not into the totally light and fluffy stuff. Life is both darkness and light–both are useful and both have their places. Denying one or the other is cutting oneself off from a whole realm of human existence.”

Another commenter was a bit harsher – unfortunately I couldn’t find the original quote, as the comment thread for this topic was huge – but he thought that Angel Cards appeal to people who don’t want to think and that these types of decks were dumbing people down.

While I LOVE gentle and uplifting decks with Angels and Fairies and cheery phrases, I thought these commenters had an interesting point.

Personally, I have quite a range of Tarot decks in my collection, although I have noticed I tend to gravitate toward the more uplifting decks, like the Crystal Visions Tarot.

Since I read with both “edgy” Tarot cards and Angel Oracle cards, I can honestly say that I don’t really find one to be superior to the other when it comes to getting insight and guidance. But I prefer the happy, sunshiny decks.

I do think that reading Oracle cards that have a full message written right on the card is way easier than reading Tarot cards that may just have a number and picture. But you know what? Who cares? There is enough things in life that are hard, doing readings doesn’t have to be struggle.

healing with the angels oracle cards
Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

I think people are attracted to all-positive decks like Fairy Oracle cards and Angel Tarot because there is enough disturbing shit in the world and people don’t necessarily want to feel disturbed when they turn over The Devil or Ten of Swords. And that’s okay!

Studying Tarot is wonderful if you want a challenge and there is real value in understanding the “scary” Tarot cards, simply because once you shine a light on them they are no longer scary (a topic for another blog post!). But if simply getting higher guidance and comfort is what you want, Angel cards do the job amazingly well.

Tarot and Oracle cards are simply cards with pictures and words on them. They are designed to trigger our intuition, imagination and creativity. Go with the method that works best for you.

What do YOU think? Do you prefer Tarot cards or gentle Oracle decks? Or both? And do you worry that the all-positive decks are turning people into morons? Are Fairy and Angel decks too fluffy or do they have their place?

Join this juicy discussion in the comment section below! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

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Feeling Safe ~ Oracle Card for Friday

feeling safe
Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Feeling Safe is the theme of today’s Oracle card, from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards. There is a difference between being safe and feeling safe. You can be safe, but still feel vulnerable.

Today’s card is here to say you are safe and now its time to focus on feeling at ease in your life. If you don’t actually feel unsafe, do you feel stressed in any way? Again, its possible to feel stressed out when nothing is actually wrong.

If you have spend many days on high alert – either at work, dealing with work-stress or at home – its now time to scale it down a bit. You don’t need to feel so keyed up anymore. You can relax now. Do some yoga, meditate and create an affirmation for yourself that immediately puts you in a state of ease.

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