Two of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Cups from the beautiful Paulina Tarot. The Two of Cups is all about making connections with others, coming together for a common cause and enjoying partnerships – romantic, business and otherwise!

You may talk with someone today who shares your vision or who shares your passion for a particular hobby. Partnering with this person on a project could be exciting and beneficial for you.

You could also find that your romantic relationship is entering an easy, delightful phase. As you celebrate all your successes with your partner, you will start to notice the support and unconditional love that is radiating from him/her.

Today, choose to honor and celebrate your relationships – whether they are romantic partnerships, friendships, partnerships with colleagues – even the friendship you have with your pet. All of this will allow you to live more deeply within the heart – the first step to living fearlessly!

If you are in a relationship, try out my new Love Tarot Card Spread….

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Happy New Year!

What kind of a year will you create for yourself in 2013? I feel like this is the year to really take advantage of the higher energies surrounding us, live with intention and love and truly connect with our hearts and with each other. In the comments section below, tell me what your intentions for 2013 are! How will this year be different for you?

Here is my 2013 Tarot Forecast Reading…..

Start 2013 off right with my new 2013 Tarot Workbook!

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The High Priestess ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

high priestess tarot card meaningFriday’s Tarot card is The High Priestess and she is here to tell you to listen to your intuition today! Pay attention to the dreams you had last night and the ones you may have tonight.

Just as you have the ability to manifest what you need, you also have the ability to know what is really going on in your life. But first you need to get quiet so you can hear the whisperings of your inner voice.

Take some time today, even if its only a couple minutes, to sit alone in silence and focus completely on your breath. Sometimes, messages from our higher selves come in the form of physical sensations, so notice what physical feelings arise when you meditate. Instead of avoiding the feeling, go into it and ask it if it has a message for you. You will be surprised by how much insight you can get from doing this!

Today’s Affirmation: The voice of my inner wisdom is crystal clear today

This will be my last daily Tarot reading until Jan 2nd, 2013. I have decided to take a vacation from daily readings to allow myself extra time to relax over the holidays – but also to give myself more time to create more content for this website – like more Tarot spreads, tarot card meanings, stuff like that! I will also be doing free Tarot readings on my Facebook page throughout December – so come on over and “like” my page to get updates on the next reading time!

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Nine of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

fenestra tarot cards
Fenestra Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Nine of Wands from the Fenestra Tarot. Its message is all about challenging your beliefs – particularly those stemming from past negative experiences.

If you find yourself preparing for failure or expecting the worse even when everything is actually going quite well, it might be time to examine some of your core beliefs – particularly your beliefs around success. Past hurts or betrayals can put you “on guard”, but don’t let the past shape your present or future. It doesn’t have to!

So if you are feeling uneasy for any reason today, ask yourself what thought or belief is lying behind that uneasiness. Is that thought stemming from a past experience? If so, find a way to release that past event so that you can move forward with fearlessness. There is absolutely no need to worry or take a doom and gloom approach today – your success should be celebrated and not feared!

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Queen of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday!

fenestra tarot
Fenestra Tarot

Wednesday’s Tarot card is the majestic Queen of Pentacles and she appears to us on a very special day – 12.12.12! Today is the last time in our lives that a day/month/year will have the same number. The Queen’s message is clear – work on grounding yourself,staying centered, building your confidence and maintaining your physical health.

If you have been worrying about money lately, you may have some insights and shifts around this area today. Your confidence issues and money issues go hand in hand – so if you are struggling with money, working on your confidence will help in a big way.

Physical health is also tied to money and confidence issues – its all connected! Support your body and energy by eating fresh, whole foods, drinking lots of water and getting the exercise and rest your body craves. When your physical systems are humming along, its easier to focus on things that are important to you.


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The Hermit ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

paulina tarot the hermit
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Hermit is today’s Tarot card, which suggests that now is the time to go inward to find answers. If possible, set aside some time today to rest, relax, meditate and journal.

It may seem like there are many distractions in your life – people, chores and other things that seem to demand your attention. So remember that you do not have to wait for these things to recede in order to go within. You can go within at any time, no matter what is happening.

Notice the energy and light that resides within you – its easiest to notice it in your hands first, and sometimes your head and face. Put your attention on where you feel this life-energy the strongest and then feel it getting bigger and spreading out over your whole body. Feel yourself glowing from the inside out.

As you radiate this glowing energy, know that you are in a higher state of consciousness – if you ask your higher self for guidance right now, you will be amazed at what you receive!

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Ace of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Monday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card appears today to celebrate a new beginning in your life. This card is confirmation that you are on the right path, moving along nicely and your future vision couldn’t be any clearer at this point.

Things are finally falling into place for you and this will help you establish a sense of confidence in the future and the direction you are taking. Ground your vision and dreams in reality by recording your ideas in a journal and taking small steps towards them each and every day.

Your enthusiastic energy will inspire others today but beware! – those who are unstable and highly  emotional may be drawn to you since being in your presence makes them feel supported and balanced. If this feels okay for you, radiate calmness so that others may develop a feeling of trust in life. But if this feels unpleasant to you, use your intuition to set boundaries and create an environment that nourishes you. Just because you have your shit together, it doesn’t mean you have to be a support system for those who do not!

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Oracle Card Reading for Friday!

Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Wolf (Instinct) is today’s oracle card and it’s message is to trust your own instincts, even if ignoring them may seem easier in the short term.

You have an innate ability to know exactly where to go, what to do and how to do it. Even though you often forget to use your instinctual abilities, you still have them! You may experience this today as a feeling of excitement, or tiredness when someone suggests an idea to you.

Sometimes its hard to trust your instincts if you have a strong feeling that you should feel or act a certain way. You may fear offending someone if you go with your instincts, but realize that this is only a social fear and your instincts really do know the best path for you. Its safe for you to trust them.

Get in touch with your instincts by meditating in nature (or just imagining yourself in nature while you meditate), and asking your instincts to reveal themselves and bring you guidance. I did this the other day and was amazed at the insights I got, as well as all the creative ideas that came flooding in! Make sure you keep a notebook and pen handy for afterwards.

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The Sun ~ Tarot Card for Thursday!

the sun tarot card
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Tarot card for Thursday is…..The Sun! This Tarot card is a good luck omen and shines positivity and joy on everything you do today. Don’t be afraid to approach things with a childlike interest as this will give you a totally new experience of life.

Look on the brighter side of things and make full use of your sense of humor today. Being able to laugh at life will help transmute any worries or struggles you are having. Look for joy today – don’t wait for it to find you!

Find ways to engage your “inner child” this week, such as painting, craft projects, singing in the shower, daydreaming and writing stories just for fun. Today is all about enjoying being alive – so laugh, play and relax!


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Seven of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

seven of cups tarot card
Fenestra Tarot

The Seven of Cups is here today to show you how you can stop feeling so scattered and daydreamy and start celebrating your creativity and ideas in a way that feels more productive!

If you feel like there are just too many ideas, opportunities, people and activities floating around in you life, take a breath. You don’t have to do it all at once. Now is the time to document all this extra energy and creativity so that you have something to draw on when your mood and mindset changes.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, take out a piece of paper and write down everything you feel you must do and all the ideas that have been coming to you. If you can break these up into categories, all the better. Just because a great idea has popped into you head, it doesn’t mean you have to give it your full attention – write it down and come back to it later.

If you aren’t sure what project you should focus on right now, take a few minutes to go within and ask your inner guide/higher self for advice – you will be amazed at how this can bring you instant clarity!

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