Possibilities ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Thursday!

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot 

Possibilities abound when you get a bird’s eye view of your life! Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Wands (or 2 of Fire in the Osho Zen Tarot), and it represents taking a moment to assess your life and where you are going.

If you are able to step back and see the big picture and all the themes of your life, you will have an easier time knowing which direction to take from here. But if you are still stuck in the drama of everyday life, knowing what to do and where to go can be a struggle.

Once you are able to “rise above” any situation, withdrawing your emotional ties, you will be able to see the pros and cons without bias. The Two of Wands Tarot card suggest that you look at your life with this big picture perspective so you have a good idea of where you are going and where you would like to invest your energy next!

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Cut Your Cords! ~ Oracle Card for Wednesday

angel therapy oracle cards
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Oracle card is all about cutting your cords ~ it’s message is “Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns.”

Is there someone from your past who you are still energetically attached to? This could be anyone that you still have strong feelings for – both negative and positive. Or even someone you think about often, even though you haven’t been in contact for years. Do you feel that this is holding you back in any way?

The message of this Oracle card is that it is time to sever those energetic ties as this will free you up in ways you have never imagined. Think of it as releasing that person from your energy field and freeing yourself in the process. This is perhaps the most compassionate thing you can do for yourself.

There are numerous ways to do this, but the most simple is visualizing a cord that is plugged into your body (usually the solar plexus area) connecting you to this person. Imagine yourself unplugging this cord from your body and seeing the other person drift away, getting further and further away. Wish them well and celebrate your newfound lightness.

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Seven of Fire! ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Tuesday

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot 

Today’s Tarot card is Seven of Fire, from the Osho Zen Tarot. Don’t let the little things overwhelm you today and don’t let anyone put undue pressure on yo!

You’ve got lots on the go right now – activities, duties, ideas, plans, friends – but if you get clear on your mission and prioritize accordingly, things will fall into place and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

The main message of this Tarot card is that YOU are in control, not anybody else. It may not always feel like it, but you are the one who decides how you spend your time, where you put your energy and how you live your life.

If you try to be all things to all people today, you will lose out. But if you get calm, quiet and journey inward to uncover what you would like to share with the world today, the stress will melt away. You have something special to bring to the table today, and getting calm and focused will ensure that you can do this with ease!

Do you want to bring more abundance and prosperity to your life right now? Join me on November 28 (the full moon!) for a very special reading on this topic…


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Three of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Today is a good time to take a break, catch your breath and evaluate how far you’ve come and where you are going. The Three of Wands Tarot card suggests that you are on the right path, but its time to shed a little more light on where you are headed.

If you’ve been busy lately, take a day off to rest, meditate and contemplate things. Remind yourself why you do the work that you do and get clear on your vision and purpose. When you take the time to regularly inspire yourself, your work takes on a whole new energy and meaning!

The Three of Wands shows that you have come a long way and this gives you a better perspective on things. You know yourself better than you did five years ago and this self-knowledge can be used to discern what you want to invest your energy into and what you want to put on the back burner. Take comfort in the fact that you are no longer stumbling through the darkness because you are the one who holds the light.

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Tarot Tips from a Professional Tarot Reader

Greetings Everyone!
Have you always wondered what exactly makes an outstanding Tarot reader, or whether you need a special “gift” to read Tarot cards? Do you ever worry about your mind going blank when you’re giving a Tarot reading? Or do you wonder how you can truly tap into your intuition when your working with Tarot cards?

I answer all these questions and more in this Tarot interview. Because the video is quite long, I have listed the various questions below along with the time in the video that I answer them, so you can skip ahead to what interests you the most.

Click here to read more…


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Conditioning ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Friday

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

Today’s Tarot Card, “Conditioning” (The Devil in a Rider Waite deck) is one of the most fascinating cards in the Osho Zen Tarot deck! It is all about questioning our identity and realizing our true power and potential.

We are powerful, magnificent beings who have been conditioned through our society to believe we are weak, powerless and unimportant and that life will be easier if we go along with the herd (like sheep). When we awaken to this, we realize that these limits are self imposed by our beliefs about ourselves. It is time to step out of the false beliefs that bind us and into our true, empowered, radiant state of being.

Notice what small beliefs you have about yourself (such as what can I do? I’m just one person) and take the time to question them. Also, notice if you have any fears about becoming awakened and stepping into your true power. You might feel worried that you will be lonely and unable to relate to those around you or you may fear being shunned by your friends and family. Just noticing these fears and how they hold you back will allow them to disintegrate.

I am excited to announce my next Full Moon Reading will be on Nov 28, 7pm PST and will be on the topic of creating more prosperity and abundance in our lives. Click here for more info!

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Page of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

Robin Wood Tarot by Robin Wood

The Page of Cups Tarot card is all about finding inspiration in the present moment and using that inspiration to create something beautiful or express yourself to someone close.

Sometimes you will just be going about your day – walking down the street – when you see something very ordinary such as a flock of birds flying on formation across the sky or a leaf blowing in the breeze. Suddenly your heart is filled with such happiness and appreciation for all life that you feel overjoyed. This is the realm of the Page of Cups!

The Page of Cups comes to inspire you today to look at the world through the eyes of a child, to see the beauty and wonder in the mundane and ordinary and to use this sense of wonder to create your work in the world – whether it be your art, your communications with others or how you choose to express your feelings. You have an enhanced ability today to create from the heart and find inspiration in the everyday.


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Six of Cups Tarot Card for Wednesday

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

The Six of Cups is today’s Tarot card, bringing you the message that it is time to share your expertise and experience with someone else. Whether you are helping someone get through a difficult time, start a business or learn the ropes in a new job, your willingness to share your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

The Six of Cups Tarot card is all about reaching out and helping someone out of a sense of genuine friendliness. You may want to recall all of the people who have helped you over the years, inspired you and freely shared what they knew. Now its your turn to offer support and pass on what you have learned!

The Six of Cups can also indicate a desire to offer emotional support to a dear friend or even to receive emotional support yourself. The main message I get with this card is that it is time for you to let go of the belief that asking for help equals weakness. Once you do this, you will be able to enjoy giving support to others and asking for support when you need it.

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Oracle Reading for Tuesday ~ Inner Power

Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

Today is all about your Inner Power and how you choose to use it in your life. The Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog in this card acts as a guide, reminding you that you always have power in every life situation, but it is up to you to choose how you will use it.

In some situations you may find that you under-use your power, pretending to be weak so that you don’t intimidate others and other times you may over-use it, puffing up your power so others see you as an authority. The key is to strike a balance so that you are able to stand in your power without over or under using it. This is self-love in its purest, truest form.

Don’t buy into the idea that you are powerless – it simply isn’t true! Today, notice how you feel in relation to your inner power – are you afraid of it? Or do you freely express it? And remember that you always have the choice of how you want to exercise your power in the world.

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Eight of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Monday

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Eight of Cups, indicating that a life full of meaning and depth is more important to you than a life of comfort and ease (although the two are certainly not in conflict!)

You may find yourself in a comfy job that is secure but predictable – you find yourself wanting more out of life. Would you risk walking away from something decent, something you have worked hard for, to take a chance at finding a deeper level of fulfillment?

If you are sensing that something is missing in your life, don’t be afraid to take risks and do something out of the ordinary. You came to this planet to experience the excitement of life and to live every moment in the moment, so do things that make you feel alive!

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