Tarot Reading for Sept 19 – 25

For this week’s reading I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle….

Want to win a free scholarship to my upcoming Tarot course? Check out my Scholarship contest (deadline is Monday 12pm).

AND…don’t miss my next Live Tarot Party on my YouTube channel! I’ll be doing free, one card Tarot readings and answering all your questions about Tarot ♥

Have a good week!

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Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

UPDATE: The winners are….

Shelly Jablonski and Vern Lim

Congratulations to Shelly and Vern! I look forward to having you in my class 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who entered ♥ I read through each and every comment and you can imagine it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just two winners. I really loved so many of your responses and interpretations.

Thank you again for taking the time to participate in this exercise and share your Tarot insights with me, may you all find inspiration, joy and warmth on your Tarot journeys!



Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, with classes starting on October 5th.

I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So I’m offering two free scholarships for two lucky Tarot students!

If you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship for my upcoming course on  Intuitive Tarot Reading, here’s how to qualify….


1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for YOU about YOUR week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the “book meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!

3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.
(*Again, please keep it to ONE SENTENCE PER CARD – I plan on reading each and every post and if everyone writes a novel it makes it hard for me!)

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, Sept 19 @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening!!!

Good luck & have fun 🙂

Cards below are (from left to right): 7 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 10 of Cups
Deck: Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle

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Interview with Jenna Matlin

I had the pleasure of sitting down and talking Tarot with Jenna Matlin! Jenna has been reading Tarot since the 90’s and has written three Tarot books – Have Tarot, Will Party, Have Tarot, Will Travel and her newest book Will You Give Me A Reading? which comes out this November.

Join us as we chat about doing professional readings, handling tricky questions, self care for Tarot readers, and so much more…

Jenna’s Links:
Website: https://www.jennamatlin.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennamatlin/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChkaIjthLbRgTZNaqpcJzxw/featured
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/jennamatlin

Interview with Jenna Matlin Read More »

Tarot Reading for Sept 5 – 11

For this week’s reading, I’m reading outside, at night – you can hear the crickets, my trickling fountain and neighbourhood chatter. For some reason, my mic really picked up the hum of my fountain pump, so I apologize the loud background noise, hopefully it doesn’t detract too much from the reading.

And I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot for this reading…

Pssst! All my Tarot courses and e-books are 50% off right now…but only for a few more days! Check out my Tarot Shop for details.

Have a good week!

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Judgement – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 21 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into Judgement – a very misunderstood card which seems more serious and terrifying than it actually is. Trust me!

Grab a notebook, pen and a refreshing bevy and settle in…

Keywords: rebirth, new phase, reinventing self/life, rejuvenation, inner or higher calling, awakening

coffins = limitations, old life, old self
arms open wide = open and ready to embrace new experiences
angel with trumpet = higher calling, soul’s calling
red cross = victory flag (victory over death)

Light Side: time to reinvent yourself, listen to your inner calling and start a new chapter in your life. A time of discovery, growth and newfound freedom.

Dark Side: not being able to ignore your inner calling any longer! No turning back after you’ve “awakened”.

1) Rebirth

When Judgement appears, it’s time to reinvent yourself and take a new approach to life, perhaps starting a new phase or chapter. This might follow a big event like a divorce, a birth of a child, losing a loved one, a near death experience, a health crisis, new job or moving to a new place, but not always.

Journalling Questions:

♥ When was the last time to began a new chapter or reinvented yourself?

♥ If you could redesign your life (and self), what would you do differently?

♥ If you could reinvent ONE area of your life, what would it be?

2) Awakening

Judgement is all about the dawning of awareness as you wake up and rise from spiritual slumber, becoming more aware of who you really are and why you’re here.

As self awareness grows, you begin to awaken to your life’s true purpose and discover new parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed. Sometimes events like the end (or beginning) of a relationship, death or other life crises can instigate this waking up process, but not always.

Awakening can happen in many arenas such as the spiritual, sexual, creative, psychic, etc.

Journalling Questions:

♥ When did you last experience an awakening? It could be a sexual, spiritual or psychic awakening or a sudden awareness and clarity about your life’s purpose. Or something else entirely.

♥ How did that awakening change your life?

3) Inner / Higher Calling

At certain times we feel called or pulled in a certain direction – to take a particular path or to make certain changes and take specific actions. These can be big, like quitting your job, moving to a new location or having a child or they can be small, like signing up for a class, reaching out to a friend or picking up a particular book.

Hearing this calling involves getting still and quiet and listening to our intuition. It also involves trust, taking a leap of faith and taking action.

We are always guided throughout our lives, whether it’s your Higher Self, spirit guides, ancestors or God, it’s important to find a way to tune into this higher guidance so that you can live an inspired life!

Journalling Questions:

♥ When in your life have you felt a strong calling and followed it? What happened?

♥ What do you feel called to do right now? What direction is pulling you?

The Wisdom of Judgement

Judgement tells us to wake up and listen to our deep, inner calling. Shake the sleepiness and earthly distractions our of your head and pay attention to the soft, quiet voice of your soul which is always guiding you. Doing so will allow you to discover who you are and why you’re here and begin a new, inspired chapter of your life.

Let me know in the comments below… when was the last memorable “Judgement” phase of your life that allowed you to re-design and re-invent your life (or a part of your life)?

Join me next week as we dive into the very last Major Arcana card…The World!

You can find all my previous Tarot Meanings Deep Dives right here!

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