Five of Pentacles ~ Start Telling a New Story!

5 of fossils
Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Feel like the weight of the world is crushing you? Or perhaps just the heavy load of all your responsibilities are bringing you down? Tell a different story!

If you find yourself lamenting to your friends about how hard things are, realize that this only creates more of what your complaining about. Especially if you actually feel worse afterwards.

Try re-writing your “script”. Here’s an example: The other day I said to a friend “nothing is working out the way I want it to and it is really disappointing.”

I felt much worse after saying that.

What I am going to say from now on is: “While things aren’t unfolding the way I had hoped, I know that everything is unfolding in the order and time it is meant to. I am excited to see where this leads.”

The second response is just as true as the first response, but it has a positive feel to it and makes me feel empowered instead of a helpless victim of life.

Do you have a negative “script” or story that you keep telling yourself and others? How can you re-write it so it feels good?

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The Heirophant ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday!

Fenestra Tarot

No, you don’t need a degree! Part of you thinks that if some authoritative “governing body” issues you a certificate then you will have permission to do what you really want to. That’s just not true.

Do you feel tempted to keep signing up for courses and programs? There is nothing wrong with being a life long learner, but do it out of sheer interest and not out of a sense of lack.

You already have everything you need to succeed.

What is needed is presence. If you can be present in all you do, and give things your full attention, you will contribute to this world in profound ways.


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Do Some Research!

do some research
Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue

Start your week off by delving into things! This card says “you need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding.”

If you need to make a decision, do your homework and get informed. Don’t forget about Google! Information is easily found these days, so take advantage of this fact.

Today is the perfect day to lock yourself in a room with all your books and read, read, read just for the joy of it.

Whether you like trashy novels, history books, biographies, true crime or metaphysical books, your in the mood to absorb knowledge like a sponge – so do it!!!

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Friday’s with Veronica ~ The Tower

My apologies for posting this late! I had this scheduled to post and somehow, my site didn’t post it automatically! Arrrgh! Better late than never 😉

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is a writer of smut, maker of cocktails and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil, evil twin. When not reading Tarot she can be found lounging poolside in her neighbors yard (when they aren’t home) and lamenting the depressing lack of hot, young man-meat in her town. Let’s see what dreadful advice she has for you today…

the tower (2)
The Housewives Tarot

Ah, The Tower! This particular version gives me the shudders, not because its The Tower, but because it reminds me of the horrors of jellied salad. Thank god no one makes that anymore!

Lately you’ve been thinking “gee, I really want to shake things up a bit and turn this craptastic world on its head!” but then you stop yourself and think “no, it would never work. The System is too strong.”

I have news for you – that which appears all solid and strong is not. In fact, it’s like jellied salad. If everything is still, it looks solid, but when you move around, it wobbles and your realize its just jelly and can be easily dismantled. So move around. Don’t just stand still. Shimmy and shake, prance and dance.

So I ask you, crazy banana that you are, how can you break the mould today? How can you make things wobble and shake? Tell me in the comments below!!!

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Cat (High Priestess) ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

The Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Today’s Tarot card is Cat, Knower of Secrets, aka the High Priestess. It is time to go within and listen to your inner voice – the voice of your intuition.

Shut out all distractions for at least 20 min today and see what your higher self has to say. It may surprise you!

Also, you may notice that others are rushing to confide in you, asking you to keep their secrets. If this is the case, listen without judgement, but do not offer any advice.

Today is a day of inaction, solitude, rest and introspection – this is what is needed to bring out your true sense of wisdom and spiritual connection.

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Ace of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday!

ace of pents
Morgan-Greer Tarot

Today you will get some clarity on what you truly want. Perhaps you have been struggling to create a clear path in your mind of where you want to go.

Don’t get me wrong – there will always be some fog, but today you have the opportunity to make a breakthrough!

The Ace of Pentacles suggests that you are finally merging your values, vision and passion together in a way that will give you a strong sense of purpose and direction.

Some activities you might try today: writing down you goals and dreams, planning the next steps, do some journalling around what could be “blocking” you on your path and how you can release them. Or, simply just holding a positive vision of what you would like to create.

Today is full of the energy of fresh starts, new beginnings and a whole new way of seeing the world!

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Four of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

four of cups
Anna K Tarot

Are you feeling a little bit “meh” about life today? The Four of Cups suggests that, despite being offered many opportunities, you just aren’t feeling the razzle-dazzle!

Part of you feels that life should be more than this. The repetitive banality of daily life is getting to you and you want a way out. Fear not!

The big thing I get from this card is that no one is going to show up and hand you passion, excitement and meaning on a silver platter. You have to find it yourself.

Do something out of the ordinary today, even if its small. Pick up a book you wouldn’t normally read, go for a walk in a different neighborhood or sign up for that class you’ve been thinking about.

This should be enough to shift your energies so you once again feel the excitement that life has to offer 🙂

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Be Yourself! ~ Oracle Card for Monday

be yourselfToday’s message is Be Yourself. This card says “This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power.”

You probably haven’t really been encouraged to “be yourself” very much. Sure, people say it all the time – “just be yourself!” as if its the easiest thing in the world to go against a lifetime of training and conditioning that encourages the opposite.

How many times have you wanted to say something, but kept quiet for fear of upsetting someone or rocking the boat?

So “just being yourself” isn’t always easy. Sometimes it requires real courage. But in the end, its way more fun and in some ways can be the easiest option, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time.

So say what you mean today. Do what you feel and let your desires and ideas show the way. Don’t try to be someone else, don’t try to squeeze yourself into a “role” and don’t try to make yourself more acceptable to others. It’s time to really bust out and be authentic!

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How to Deal with Tarot Haters!

Do you love Tarot? Do your friends and family think your nuts? Your not alone….

Lately I have heard from many people who enjoy Tarot reading and other metaphysical things, but struggle with the fact that their friends and family do not share their enthusiasm. This inspired me to tell you all about my 4 methods for dealing with this issue with humor, sass and zen-like tranquility.

First of all, I often totally forget that most people aren’t  really into Tarot or other new-agey topics like crystals, angels, meditation, past lives and Reiki. Most days I walk around inside a happy, sunshiny bubble, totally oblivious to the negativity and limited views held by some.

So it comes as a jarring shock when I meet someone new and I chirp “I’m a Tarot reader!” and they look at me like I just said “I eat babies”.

This Summer I was having a conversation with someone I had only known five minutes. When I told him that I read Tarot cards, he said with genuine awe “oh cool! So you just make stuff up and take people’s money!” He seemed pretty impressed.

So as you can imagine, it was hard to burst his bubble by admitting that actually, no, that’s not what I do! As I explained that I truly believe Tarot works and is not a bunch of crap, I noticed a certain look come over him. I knew the look well. It was that oh, jeez, what a flake look.

I bet you know the look I mean 😉

Experiencing negative reactions from strangers is one thing. But it is entirely different when it’s your close friends and family…

I once had a relative tell me at a Christmas dinner that “Satan works through Tarot cards and if you mess around with that stuff, SATAN WILL GET YOU!” *sigh*

celestiteOne of my dearest friends once exclaimed “people who are into crystals are total assholes!” (this was before she had been to my place and seen the plethora of crystals lining my bookshelves and coffee table!)

And for many years, I would hide my angel card decks and spiritual books when people came to visit. I didn’t want them thinking I was a New Age flake. But eventually I stopped caring.

So as you can see, not everyone in my life thinks that what I do is totally awesome. Crazy, I know!

So what do you do when your friends and family can’t stand your “woo-woo” side?

Tip #1: Don’t get defensive

cat-hissingResist the urge to defend Tarot (or any other woo-woo topic) or convince them into seeing things your way. Instead, explain how much fun you have with Tarot and why you like it. You don’t need to say why you think its legit.

For example, when my relative warned me about falling into Satan’s grasp (too late!), I could have replied, “I have been reading Tarot for years and my experience has been very positive. I have so much fun studying the cards and giving readings and it has really helped me through some difficult times.”

When people see how much joy Tarot brings you, they will rethink their stance on it. This may not be obvious to you, but trust me, the gears in their mind are shifting!


Tip #2: Don’t get your panties in a bunch!

pantiesFriends, family and total strangers judge you as a New Age wing-nut? So what!

Try not to judge them in return as “ignorant”. Because you aren’t better than them. In fact, you may actually be more close-minded. For example, I have lumped everyone who enjoys team sports, video games, weddings, babies, fast food and ice cream into the “people I just can’t relate to” category. And that’s a lot of people! Almost everyone.

So we all make silly judgements about each other to one degree or another. This means you need not take it personally when it feels like someone is judging you. Let it go.


Tip #3: Use humor!

Seeing the funny side of all this can be a wonderful way to shift the energy and feel more connected with those around you.

When my good friend said “people who like crystals are assholes,” I simply said “fuck you! I love crystals!” Then we laughed and laughed and all was well.

Next time someone says something obnoxious like “I don’t believe in psychic phenomena because it’s not scientific,” simply shout “SCIENCE!” a la Thomas Dolby’s 1982 hit She Blinded Me With Science. That always goes over well!


Tip #4: Get comfortable with not being accepted

I know, I know, we want people to like us and agree with us. It just feels good. So when the opposite happens, it kind of sucks. But here is a liberating secret I want to share with you…

The more comfortable you are with being “unacceptable”, the more free you will be!

Me…offending people!

Here’s a quick story about me. I used to bellydance in restaurants. Every once in a while someone in the audience would be visibly offended. They might shoot dirty, disapproving looks my way or shake their head in disgust. It was lame.

Before I began dancing in public, this was my greatest fear – that I may in fact offend someone.

But prior to dancing professionally, I confronted this fear. I repeatedly imagined dancing for a roomful of horrified spectators and feeling totally at ease with it.

Then, when it actually happened that someone didn’t like my dancing – well, it just didn’t bother me. I focused my attention elsewhere and got on with the show!

And that’s what you need to do – focus your attention elsewhere and get on with the show. It’s okay that some people don’t get your interest in Tarot. Its also okay that some people might think you are total whack job for being into metaphysical things.

When you can imagine the whole world judging you as a crazy, metaphysical loon and then thinking “hmmm…you know what? I’m totally okay with it,” then peace and freedom will be yours for the taking!

I want to hear from you!

Is there anyone in your life that disapproves of your interest in Tarot and metaphysics? How did you deal with it? Tell me all about it in the reply section below 🙂

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