Four of Coins ~ Zap Poverty Thinking! (Thursday)

Today’s Tarot card is the Four of Coins from the Fairytale Tarot and it is represented by the fairytale The Fisherman and his Wife (a story I loved as a child).
The story is about “poverty thinking” and feeling like you never have enough, no matter what your situation. It doesn’t matter if you live in a castle with trunks full of jewels, if you feel poor on the inside, you will never know true wealth.
So today is all about feeling abundant and wealthy. Feel as though you have more money than you need, feel what you think it feels like to have more time and energy than you know what to do with!
How you feel is more important than what you have. You can enjoy material riches only when you feel abundant on the inside, otherwise you will always be clamoring for more and never feel sated.
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