Search Results for: challenge

Strength – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 9 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into Strength to explore how gentleness (the maiden) can relate to wildness (Lion) and how we can face our fears and meet our challenges with gentleness, respect and compassion.

Grab your Tarot journal and pen, pour yourself a cup of tea and settle in….

Keywords:Β power from within, fortitude, perseverance, gentleness, respect, compassion, taming

Symbols: Lion (a challenge), infinity loop, mountain, maiden (softness), maiden looking into lions eyes (facing one’s fears and challenges)

Dark side: Not honouring your own boundaries and letting others walk all over you, identifying your soft side as β€œweak”, not understanding where your true power and strength comes from.

1) Inner Power

Strength represents the power that comes from within as opposed to power gained through outer circumstances or physical strength. A fortitude of the soul. Those who possess this inner power exude a quiet confidence and authority and show respect and compassion toward self and others. These people are calmly rooted in their values and sense of themselves and are not easily manipulated or intimidated.

How does one cultivate this kind of inner strength? By facing one’s fears and loving and respecting others and self.

Journalling Questions:

β™₯ What fears have you not yet faced? Which one’s are you ready to face?

β™₯ How can you face your fears AND be gentle and kind to yourself?

β™₯ Who do you know that possesses this β€œinner power”? How do you know they have it? How do they treat others?

2) Gentleness (Respect & Compassion)

Strength is about taking a soft, subtle and gentle approach to a challenge. It’s not about forcing your will or whipping anyone or anything into shape. Gentleness is often how we show respect and caring to self and others and Strength recognizes and respects the divine spark in all life – all people, animals, plants and nature.

Strength honours her adversaries and challenges and sees them as opportunities to cultivate more compassion and understanding.

Journalling Questions:

β™₯ How can you cultivate more respect and compassion for self? For others?

β™₯ Where in your life are you being harsh, forceful and ungentle? How can you soften your approach?

3) Boundaries

Sometimes we equate boundaries with being cold, distant and unloving, but Strength knows how to be assertive, stand up for herself and maintain her boundaries yet remain loving, compassionate and respectful. Strength creates her boundaries as a way to honour and respect herself and others.

If self respect and inner power are lacking, setting and maintaining boundaries can be difficult. Strength advises us to set our boundaries from a place of honouring (ourselves and others), as a way to help us be more compassionate and loving.

Journalling Questions:

β™₯ How do you feel about setting boundaries?

β™₯ How good are you at maintaining boundaries?

The Wisdom of Strength

True strength is unassuming. True strength comes from within and it has nothing to do with throwing your weight around or maintaining control over others. Strength is all about mastering the art of taking a soft, gentle and kind approach to challenges. You radiate strength when you have respect and compassion for self and others, are able to face your fears and maintain flexible boundaries.

Let me know in the comments below…Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about Strength? Or about yourself?

β™₯ Join me next week as I dive into The Hermit and reveal the secrets of the most introverted Tarot card in the deck!

Strength – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

Chrissie M AND Susie

Congratulations to Chrissie and Susie ! I look forward to having you in my class πŸ™‚

A big huge warm hug to everyone who entered β™₯ I read each and every comment and I was truly impressed by the variety of responses and the wisdom, beauty and insight that came through with so many interpretations.

Choosing just two winners is always difficult for me. I short list the responses that stand out to me, then I short list my short list until I’ve whittled it down to just two. There were MANY on my short list!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to tune into these cards and share your insights – you are all wonderful Tarot readers full of light, creativity and love β™₯


Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, with classes starting on Nov 10th.

I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So I’m offering two free scholarships for two lucky Tarot students!

If you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship for my upcoming course onΒ  Intuitive Tarot Reading, here’s how to qualify….


1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for you about the week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the β€œbook meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!

3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.
(*Again, please keep it to ONE SENTENCE PER CARD – I plan on reading each and every post and if everyone writes a novel it makes it hard for me!)

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, Nov 1st @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening!!!

Good luck & have fun πŸ™‚

Cards below are (from left to right): Strength, Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit
Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course! Read More Β»

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

Reeta (who posted on 2021/03/12 at 4:08 pm)
Natalia Segal (who posted on 2021/03/12 at 6:32 pm)

Congratulations Reeta and Natalia! I look forward to having you in my class πŸ™‚

A big huge thank you to everyone who entered β™₯ It took me all evening to read each and every post (I’m writing this at 12:32 am) and honestly I was blown away by all the beautiful interpretations and creative responses.

Choosing just two winners was tough. Very tough! Thank you everyone for taking the time to be creative and share your thoughts on these cards – you are all beautiful Tarot readers full of wisdom and love β™₯


Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course Reading Tarot for Others, with classes starting on March 31st.

I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So I’m offering two free scholarships for two lucky Tarot students!

If you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship to my upcoming course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Reading Tarot for Others, here’s how to qualify….


1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for you about the week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the β€œbook meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!

3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.
(*Again, please keep it to ONE SENTENCE PER CARD – I plan on reading each and every post and if everyone writes a novel it makes it hard for me!)

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Tuesday, March 16 @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Tuesday evening!!!

Good luck & have fun πŸ™‚

Cards below are (from left to right): Knight of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Hanged Man.

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course! Read More Β»

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!

Emma (who posted on
September 5, 2020 at 5:58 pm)
Sue O (who posted on September 6, 2020 at 4:12 am)

Congratulations Emma and Sue! I look forward to having you in my class πŸ™‚

A big huge thank you to everyone who entered β™₯ It took me all evening to read each and every post and I have to say…I am impressed. So many of these entries were really, really good and choosing a winner was not an easy task. Thank you everyone for taking the time to be creative and share your thoughts on these cards – you are all bright and shining Tarot stars πŸ™‚



I realize that times are tough right now and not everyone can afford to take my 4-week Tarot course (even if they really, really want to!).

I decided to offer a free scholarship for one student….and then a very generous student of mine (who wishes to remain anonymous) offered to pay the tuition for one lucky person – so now there are TWO scholarships available!

So…if you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship to my upcoming course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading, here’s how to qualify….


1) You must actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Have a look at the 3 cards below – they have advice for you about the week ahead. Using ONE SENTENCE PER CARD (yes, I know that’s hard!), what do you think that advice/message is?

*Please feel free to get creative here. Have fun with this! Be as serious or playful as you like. Your interpretations may or may not match the “book meanings” of the cards – that’s okay!

3) Post your interpretation in the comment section below.

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, Sept 7th @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening!!!

Good luck & have fun πŸ™‚

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba

Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course! Read More Β»

7 Tarot Activities to do on a Rainy (or Quarantined) Day!

Quarantined? Practising “social distancing”? Already watched all the crap on Netflix? Don’t worry! I’ve got your back.

The bright side of a mini apocalypse is having more time to devote to your Tarot studies. So don’t stress! Instead, bust out your Tarot deck and let’s get to it…

I’ve rounded up my 7 favorite Tarot exercises that will help you pass the time AND transform you into a better Tarot reader!

7 Tarot Tips for Learning Tarot Card Meanings

This one is good for Tarot beginners but more experienced Tarot readers will find some helpful tidbits, too.

Here I share my favorite techniques for learning the Tarot card meanings – techniques that will help you engage with the cards and stop relying on Tarot books or boring memorization!

Read the full article HERE or watch the video below…


20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight!

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

If you’re tired of asking your Tarot cards the same old tired questions, here’s a list of some fresh stuff to ask.

There’s also some good info on what to do when you get a “good” Tarot card in a “negative” card position or vice versa.

Read the full article HERE

8 Questions Your Tarot Cards Have for YOU!

A mediocre Tarot reader asks her deck questions. A sensational Tarot reader lets her deck ask her the questions! Confused yet? Then read the full article and/or watch this video…


Understanding Court Cards (by focusing on the negative)

hanson-roberts tarot
Hanson-Roberts Tarot


We all know the Court Cards can be a challenge. They’re kind of boring, nothings happening in them and they all look the same. But I discovered a funny way to get to know them (and remember them!) and I think you might just like it…

Read the full post HERE




Tarot Exercise: Sister Cards!

Have you ever noticed that some cards in the Tarot are kind of similar? Like the Two of Cups and The Lovers? Or The Emperor and the King of Swords?

I call these similar cards sister cards and in this post I tell you what it means when a pair like this shows up in your reading and how studying the “sister cards” can help you deepen your understanding of Tarot.

Read the full post HERE and/or watch the video below…


The Daily Tarot Girl’s Essential Tarot Spread Collection

I’m so excited to share my special, handcrafted collection of Tarot spreads!

This Tarot spread collection has spreads for special occasions like birthdays, Christmas and Valentines and weird stuff like a special spread for cat lovers. Plus, there’s even Tarot spreads that you will actually want to try, trust me πŸ˜‰

View and download my Essential Tarot Spread Collection right HERE.


3 Ways to do a Reading Without Tarot Cards

No Tarot deck? No problem! Just because you don’t have your cards on you, doesn’t mean you can’t do a reading.

In this post, I show you how to use your environment, nearby books and your own drawings/doodles as tools for self discovery.

So grab a notebook and a pen and let’s get crackin’!

Read this post HERE.



Thanks for reading!

From my heart to yours, I wish you calmness and good health during this unsettled time.


7 Tarot Activities to do on a Rainy (or Quarantined) Day! Read More Β»

How to Read a Tarot Card (Using Dream Interpretation Techniques)

Last week I had the weirdest dream. I was trying to buy some booze at a liquor store and the cashier, who happened to be Jake Gyllenhaal, asked to see my ID.

But when I reached into my wallet for my driver’s license, it was gone! I panicked. I felt dizzy with anxiety over the fact that I had lost my identity.

I tried explaining to Jake Gyllenhall that I probably just misplaced my ID and it wasn’t a big deal but he called his supervisor over and she said that it WAS a big deal and they wouldn’t sell me the alcohol.

I felt powerless and sick to my stomach.

There’s a few weird elements in this dream. #1 I’m not much of a drinker, #2 I’m too old to get asked for ID and #3 I’m not even into Jake Gyllenhaal, so why is he popping up in my dreams as a miserly cashier?

Since the dream make absolutely no fucking sense to me, I decided to put my dream interpretation techniques to work!

I usually do these four steps when interpreting a dream:

  1. Theme – what was the overall theme of the dream?
  2. Feeling – what emotions did I experience?
  3. Symbols – what were the main symbols in the dream?
  4. Action – what was I mostly doing in the dream?

The theme of the dream was losing my identity. The main feeling I had was panic and anxiety. The action I was taking was trying to convince the people in the dream to give me what I wanted. And the main symbols in the dream were the lost driver’s license, liquor and Jake Gyllenhaal.

The symbols are intriguing – while my driver’s license helps me prove who I am, liquor can help me forget who I am. I still have no idea how Jake Gyllenhaal fits into any of this.

Then I tried to take what I’d learned about this dream and apply it to my real life…

Was I struggling to find my identity? In what areas of my life was I feeling panicky and anxious? Did I feel I had to convince others to give me what I wanted?

This led to hours of fascinating self reflection and journaling! Thank god I don’t have kids or a real job, so I can just sit around all day pondering this shit.

Just as these dream interpretation techniques can help you plumb the sordid depths of your psyche, they can also help you decode a Tarot card.

Okay, now let’s apply these same four questions to a Tarot reading situation!

Let’s say you’re doing a daily one card draw. You ask “what do I need to know right now?” and draw the Knight of Wands from the Everyday Witch Tarot.

Everyday Witch Tarot
  • What’s the overall theme of this card?
  • What feeling do you get when you look at it?
  • What action (if any) is taking place?
  • What are the main symbols?

If you want to practice, I’ll let you answer the above questions on your own. To see my answers, keep reading!

So I’m going to start with the symbols, because that’s the easiest bit. I see the fire breathing dragon, the mountain and the magic wand as the main symbols. You may have picked different ones and that’s totally fine.

I think the mountain and dragon symbolize a challenge or a goal. The magic wand symbolizes your own power and ability to direct your will and energy.

I feel excited and energized when I look at this card, but also antsy, like when you drink too much coffee and then have to sit for twenty minutes in the waiting room of your waxing salon, reading People magazine while you nervously anticipate getting your pubes ripped out.

The action that seems to be unfolding is that this knight is going on a quest to vanquish the dragon.

The overall theme of this card is tackling a big goal or challenge.

So now for the tricky part! How do all these elements apply to your life? What is the advice or suggestions offered by this card?

When I consider this card and what’s going on in my life right now, there are a few possible messages:

  • Now is the time to tackle that BIG roadblock or fear
  • Having a specific goal to work towards right now will be helpful for you
  • What do you consider to be your biggest challenges right now?

Some things to keep in mind…

The symbols you notice and the feelings you have when you gaze at this card will depend on what’s going on in your psyche right now. This is why no two people will read this card in the exact same way.

Also, if you look at this card in a few weeks, you might see different stuff and therefore come up with a whole different message. For example, I sometimes see adventure and excitement when I look at this card, but today all I got was goals, goals, goals!

What I love about interpreting a Tarot card like a dream is that it lets you go beyond the book meaning of a card. You can go deeper into a card this way and the messages feel more personal and custom made to fit your life.

Okay, so I didn’t tell you about the second and more scandalous part of my Jake Gyllenhaal dream…

After refusing to sell me alcohol, Jake Gyllenhaal approached me in the park behind the liquor store. I was sulking at a picnic table. He leaned down and filthily whispered “come back to my place and we can do all the drugs and have all the sex.”

Can you believe it?!

Sadly, I was horrified and disgusted by his lurid offer and said “no way!”


I guess even Unconscious Me is an uptight prissy pants.

In the comments below, tell me your most recent weird dream…because I’m creepy/nosy like that πŸ˜‰

How to Read a Tarot Card (Using Dream Interpretation Techniques) Read More Β»

7 Tarot Reading Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Contrary to what many free loving, hippy Tarot readers will tell you, there IS a wrong way to read Tarot!

I know, because I’ve done it. Countless times.

When you’re Tarot readings feel shallow, confusing, unhelpful and unsatisfying, it’s not because you didn’t sage hard enough or that you ate too much dairy and it clogged up your aura.

It’s probably because you’re making one (or more!) of these seriously shitty mistakes….

Mistake #1 – Reading too frequently on the same topic

So you’ve been having a fling with a hot 23 year old named Ben. After a night of passion and confessing your love for his chiseled Crossfit bod, he suddenly ghosts you!

Wondering why you haven’t heard from him, you do a reading and ask “why hasn’t Ben texted me?”

But you don’t like the cards that come up, so you make yourself a hot chocolate and look at naked pictures of Orlando Bloom on the internet. But an hour later you bust out your cards again and you ask “why hasn’t Ben texted me?”

I used to do this kind of crap ALL THE TIME. And it would usually happen when I was all in a tizzy over some problem.

Why should you avoid doing this? I think it cheapens the readings and leads to confusing and shallow experiences with your cards. If you don’t love the cards you got, re-doing the reading can go two ways. Either you’ll get similar cards again, which will further frustrate you or you will get totally different cards which will make you doubt the validity of the whole Tarot reading experience.

But I know you – when you’re thirsty for info, you’ll stop at nothing to get it! So here are two sneaky workarounds for this type of situation:

Workaround #1: If you feel unsatisfied with a reading, it’s okay to keep probing. In fact, probe away! But ask different questions. So instead of continually asking “why hasn’t Ben texted me?” every single day, try going deeper with “what do I need to know about this relationship?” orΒ  “what action do I need to take?”

Workaround #2: Instead of reading on the issue itself, do a reading for yourself that will help you feel the way you want to feel. Ask yourself “how do I want to feel in this situation?” Once you’ve figured that out (and yes, it can take a while), then get your cards out and ask “what do I need to do to feel _______?”

I explain this technique in more depth in my article on how to read for yourself when you’re feeling emotional, so you might want to check it out!

Mistake #2 – Treating your Tarot deck like Google

We all Google random, stupid questions from time to time, like where can I buy Chakra tuning forks? Why is my BF repulsed by my high sex drive? Can you wax nipple hair? or How can I fill this dark chasm of loneliness inside my soul?

This is all fine and good but when you start asking your Tarot deck stuff like this, it never ends well. Except for the last question though – that one’s actually pretty deep.

Think of your Tarot deck as a mystical oracle of divine wisdom….or a really good friend. Either way, the more you respect your deck and treat it right, the more helpful and satisfying your readings will be.

But if you pull a card for every inane question that pops into your head, well, it’s just going to piss your deck off!

Remember this: the energy you put into your readings is reflected back to you. If you come at your deck with a frivolous and impatient energy, you’re cards will feed it back to you in the form of a confusing and unsatisfying reading.

Don’t think of your Tarot deck as a tool for getting answers – think of it as a tool for self exploration.

Sometimes readers want their deck to do all the heavy lifting, but it never works like that. Once you ask a question and draw a card, don’t expect instant crystal clarity! You may need to do some contemplating, some soul searching and some creative thinking to figure out what message your cards have for you.


Mistake #3 – Not setting an intention for the reading (or having a murky question)

I’ve lost count of all the times I’ve sat down to do a reading for myself with an overly vague question. It usually happens when I have a desire for clarity and comfort but I’m not entirely sure what the issue is and I’m too lazy to figure it out before drawing cards.


This is a big mistake because it usually leads to a murky and confusing reading. You’re Tarot cards crave direction and the clearer you are about why you’re doing this reading, the better your reading will be.

Before doing a Tarot reading, ask yourself this: what do I want to get out of this reading?

Do you want fresh ideas? Clarity? A new perspective? Comfort? Peace? Secret smutty info?

This will set the tone and help you create an intention for the reading. This makes all the difference!!!


Mistake #4 – Not sitting with a card long enough

These days everyone’s in a big fucking hurry all the time. I actually know a guy who listens to self-help podcasts on fast forward so the voices sound like chipmunks and he can get all the self-help he needs in half the time. I know, right? He needs help.

And so do you….if you are the type of Tarot reader who spends only a few seconds contemplating a card before zipping on to the next one, that is!

One of the biggest sins committed by Tarot readers everywhere (including me) is that we assume we already know what a tarot card means without truly diving into it.

We’re in such a big rush to draw our conclusions and hurry on to the next thing that we don’t take the time to just sit with a card and let it reveal it’s secrets to us. This is a big mistake!

Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake

The other day I asked my Tarot deck “what do I need to focus on right now?” and I got The High Priestess. I immediately thought oh, right. I need to focus on developing my intuition and paying attention to my dreams.

But then I sat with The High Priestess for a little longer and just gazed at her and when I did this I noticed that behind her were stacks of books and in front of her was a crystal ball that she was meditating with. The card seemed to be saying turn your back on books (aka other peoples ideas) and focus on your own experience (aka intuition). I also noticed that the cat on the card was pawing playfully at a bag of runes – this detail seemed to be conveying that I should be playful about exploring my psychic side and not take it too seriously.

When you sit with a card for a little while, specific nuggets of advice and wisdom reveal themselves!

Mistake #5 – Not turning inward

Or…immediately looking a card up in your Tarot book or online.

Most of us are so used to turning to some outside authority for answers – a book, the internet or another person – that turning inward can feel almost unnatural and unsettling.

In fact, I’m willing to bet both my left AND right ovaries that the entire success of the entertainment industry is dependent upon our rampant avoidance of our inner selves, serving as the perfect distraction. Why traverse the universe within when you could kill a couple hours watching Bachelor in Paradise?

God, I could ramble on and on….

But back to Tarot! Within every Tarot card is an opportunity to turn inward. Think of a Tarot card as a portal or doorway into your inner universe – an invitation from your soul to plumb its starry depths!

For example, let’s say you’re pissed at your live-in boyfriend because he leaves his B.O. laden t-shirts and socks draped over your red velvet chaise lounger. So you ask your Tarot cards “how can I get my boyfriend to pick up after himself?”

Universal Waite Tarot, published by US Games

Then you pull the Seven of Swords, which at first makes no fucking sense. The Seven of Swords is about deceit, being sneaky and abandoning the group.

So you consider these things and you look at the imagery – a man tiptoeing away from a tent village, clutching a bunch of swords – and you dive inward!

Where in your life are you tip toeing? What do you feel you need to be sneaky about? What do you long to get away from? What does this card remind you of?

And now the answers are obvious. You’ve been tip-toeing around your BF’s messiness because you want to avoid seeming like a bitch. You’re being sneaky because you want to influence him to pick up his mess without having to confront him directly. And of course you want to escape from this caretaker role, always cleaning up after him. It all makes sense! These are the things you must overcome if you want things to change.

But what if you’d just looked this Tarot card up in a book? You may have gotten a few ideas but the experience wouldn’t have been as personal or meaningful.


Mistake #6 – Forgetting to “make a plan” after the reading

Pop question: what do you do once you’ve finished a reading? Take notes? Record your reading somewhere? Forget about it?

If you’re like me, you probably just forget about it. I feel terrible saying this, but most of the time when I finish doing a reading for myself I think wow, that was really illuminating! and then immediately forget all about it.

But if you’re NOT like me, this is what you’d do: you’d take the advice and insights you gleaned from the reading and you’d make a plan to put that advice into action.

A few months ago I did a reading for myself where I asked how can I feel more inspired and creative in my work? I pulled a bunch of cards and each one had a brilliant suggestion for me.

The Three of Swords said confront your heartache! The Ace of Cups said do Reiki on yourself each day to get the energy moving! The Hierophant said sign up for that class you’ve been thinking about taking!

At this point I could have whipped out a pen and paper and started writing down action steps, such as 1. sign up for that class and 2. schedule in a Reiki session for myself each morning, etc.

Did I do this? NO! But if I had, who knows where it would have taken me and what transformations may have occurred as a result.


Mistake #7 – Not signing up for my 4 week Tarot course!

And this my friends, is the biggest mistake of all!

My upcoming four week course The Daily Tarot Girl’s guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading begins on Sept 18th – have you signed up yet?

This course is designed for beginner to intermediate Tarot students who want to read Tarot with more intuition, confidence and skill!

It’s a fresh, fun Tarot course that’s packed with videos, worksheets, challenges and more! There’s a private Facebook group where you get to meet fellow students, ask me questions and interact. I will also do a live Q&A session each week.

After you take my course, you will be able to…

  • Tap into your intuition the moment you turn over a Tarot card
  • Interpret a card with your own unique flair
  • Read a Tarot card in ANY context
  • Feel connected to your Tarot cards and to your own inner wisdom as you do a reading
  • Clearly see the message in a Tarot reading (well, most of the time!)
  • Have a personal bond with your Tarot deck so that doing readings is like having a convo with a good friend

UPDATE: Registration is now closed for this course, but will re-open again in Fall 2020 πŸ™‚

I want your opinion!

Can you relate to these Tarot mistakes? Or do you have a special Tarot mistake of your own that you’d like to share? I’d love to hear from you!!!

7 Tarot Reading Mistakes You’re Probably Making

How I Got Into Tarot (and why I went pro!)

I’m often asked “how did you get into Tarot?” Well, here’s the story…

I first discovered Tarot back in 2008, during a tumultuous and exciting time in my life. I had just up and quit my boring 9-5 office job and had no real plan. I was trying to find my own path and figure shit out.

Immediately after quitting my job I became powerfully drawn to all things metaphysical – filling my apartment with crystals, angel decks and singing bowls. I’ve since seen this happen to recently divorced women in their 40’s and 50’s but for me it happened in my 20’s after I’d divorced my job.

A friend of mine was learning Tarot and that got me thinking can just anyone learn to read Tarot?

I’d always thought Tarot readers were just born knowing how to read – like it was something that ran in their family. I didn’t realize that any basic Joe Blow could figure it out.

That’s when it suddenly dawned on me: Holy shit, I could learn Tarot!!!

I fantasized about busting out my Tarot deck at parties and impressing everyone with my mysterious skills and exotic flair. I would be so much more interesting, I thought.


My Tarot Journey…

I always love learning and I love a challenge, especially one that doesn’t challenge me too much. So I went lurking on Amazon and ended up buying three decks:

The Secret Tarot (an interesting, yet weird deck that was terrible to learn on) and mini versions of the Rider Waite and Thoth decks, along with a couple of Tarot books.

Being unemployed, free time was copious and I spent most of it diving into the endlessly complex and confusing world of Tarot. I gave myself hundreds of readings. I gave my friends and family readings – mostly pathetic, unimpressive ones, but still.

But what I really yearned to do was read Tarot for strangers! This was the epitome of Tarot achievement in my opinion. The idea filled me with both anticipation and slight terror.


What drew me to read Tarot for others…

Sad confession: most interactions I have with people are pretty shallow. I make safe small talk with grocery store cashiers and neighbors and when I get together with friends we usually chat about TV shows and other people’s sex lives. Fun stuff but not exactly deep! So the mere thought of sitting down with a complete stranger to hear their deepest concerns and big life questions filled me with longing. I wanted to have those kinds of interactions with people!

My first reading-for-strangers gig happened after I’d been studying the Tarot for about two years. A friend of a friend was having a party and thought it would be fun to have me do readings in her basement. I wasn’t yet a “professional” reader so I did it for free, hoping this would keep people’s expectations low. It’ didn’t. But the night was an overall success, save for one woman getting all snippy with me because all the cards in her reading were positive and her life was so miserable (!)

A few months later, I lost my job (I’d since gotten a part-time job after leaving my old 9-5) and I was in need of cash. At that time I was doing several different things – teaching yoga, personal training, reiki and bellydancing and I boldly decided to add Tarot reading to the list.

At this point my husband joked that the people at Vistaprint were probably rolling around laughing every time I sent in a new order for business cards.

I told him to shut the f*ck up πŸ™‚


Why I went Pro…

The main reasons I decided to learn Tarot was because it intrigued me and I saw it as a potential way to help and connect with people. But the reason I decided to go pro and start charging for readings was simple – I needed some extra cash!

While reading Tarot is the crappiest way to get rich, it’s a pretty decent way to earn some money on the side.

I was struck by how rewarding giving readings was, but also how frustrating it could be. The weird questions I’d get asked and the ridiculously high expectations some people had would sometimes make professional Tarot reading an exhausting endeavor.

But most of my clients over the years have been wonderful and there’s something so special about being able to submerse yourself in someone else’s story for 30 minutes.

It continually amazes me how the cards reveal just what that person needs to hear in this moment and over the years I’ve grown to trust what the cards have to say.

*I’ll be sharing everything I know about reading Tarot for others in my upcoming 4-week course (classes start May 1st!)

Here’s another true confession. I’ve done this twice now and I’m not proud of it, but I think you’ll find it interesting…

I was doing a reading for someone (online, via email) and after I laid the cards out and flipped them over I thought this can’t be right! These cards are so off! So I scrapped the reading, saged my reading space and started over. I shuffled again and laid the cards out and guess what? The second reading was basically the same as the first.

This kind of thing happens all the time when I’m reading for myself – I don’t like the cards I get so I re-do the reading (I know, I know, you’re not supposed to do that!). But the second reading almost always says the same thing as the first one. So I now trust the cards that show up. Unless I really don’t like them πŸ˜‰

So now I want to know…

How did YOU get into Tarot? What drew you in? Tell me in the comments below!

How I Got Into Tarot (and why I went pro!) Read More Β»

What the Tarot Says About Your Age!

Last night I was lying in bed unable to fall asleep (typical!) and I started thinking about my age. I recently turned 37.

At first I thought I’m thirty seven already! Mygodwhathaveidonewithmylife?

Then I thought when I’m 80 I’ll look back and think it’s dumb that I worried about being an underachiever at age 37.

Then I thought I probably won’t make it to 80 because of chemicals and stuff.

Then I decided to stop thinking and just add up the numbers in my age because doing simple math in my head at 2am calms me down.

Housewives Tarot

So when I added up the numbers in my present age I got number 10. Then I started thinking about all the 10’s in Tarot – 10 of Pentacles (yay!), 10 of Swords (shit!), 10 of Cups (awww!), 10 of Wands (ugh!) and then finally the Wheel of Fortune.

My theory is that these cards predict the kind of experiences, opportunities and challenges that will present themselves in my 37th year.

How do I know this? Because when I added up last years age (36), I got number 9…. 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, 9 of Cups, 9 of Wands and The Hermit all accurately summed up my past year and the things I’ve experienced.

I won’t bore you with the details. You’re welcome! But it was enlightening and gave me something to ponder as I lay in bed.

So give it a go. Add up the numbers in your age and study the Tarot cards that correspond with that number. You should have one Major Arcana and four Minors.

Here’s a worksheet to get you started!

download worksheet

*If your age adds up to 10, like mine does (37 = 3 + 7 = 10) study all the 10's in your Tarot deck AND all the 1's. Because 10, when broken down, adds up to 1 - which means this year will be a big one for you! Not only will you be completing things (10 represents completion) but you'll be starting new things (as 1 represents new beginnings).

I want to know...what number does your age add up to? Do you see some parallels between the Tarot card of that number and your current life events? Share if you want to! πŸ™‚

What the Tarot Says About Your Age!