daily tarot card

An Empty Mind is a Happy Mind! (Thursday)

four of swords tarot card
Robin Wood Tarot

An empty mind is a welcoming receptacle for genius and inspiration! That is the message of today’s Four of Swords.

If you find yourself struggling to think straight, get things done or come up with good ideas, its because the chitter chatter in your head won’t shut up.

Try meditating today and think of your meditation time as a vacation for your brain. Try going ten seconds without thinking a single thing. Then try twenty seconds, etc, etc, until you have worked up to a whole minute.

You don’t have to think harder to figure things out, you have the think less – or not at all.

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Eight of Cups – Ditch the Mundane! (Monday)

8 cups tarot card
Tarot of Mermaids by Lo Scarabeo

Today you are searching for deeper meaning. The Eight of Cups shows that you are no longer content to dwell on the surface of things and shiny, superficial stuff holds no temptation for you anymore.

You may have an urge to leave something behind, reject an offer, or go off in search of a new adventure.

As you adjust to this new side of yourself, understand that you have raised your standards considerably! What may have satisfied you before now bores you to tears.

Mundane chit chat holds no interest for you – so instigate those deep conversations and don’t be afraid to be controversial. If having a safe, stable job once felt just right for you, be prepared for it to feel all wrong. This is good! You are evolving and as you take risks and let go of the old way of thinking, your life will feel richer and more alive than ever before!

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The Hermit – Embrace Emptiness (Thursday)

the hermit tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is The Hermit. One of my faves! This card tells you that its time to go within and tune out all the drama and excitement of the outside world.

You may notice a big zero on this card right under where the Hermit is standing. The message I get from this today is that it is time to contemplate emptiness.

If you pay close attention you will see that you often run and hide from emptiness – always doing things to “fill the void” – such as “keeping busy”, snacking, watching movies and shows you don’t even care about – all to avoid the gnawing emptiness within.

Today, make friends with that emptiness. Instead of reading the morning paper while you eat breakfast, just eat without trying to distract yourself. Instead of automatically turning on the radio when you get in your car, drive in silence…..and see what emerges from that silence.


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Justice! Look Beneath the Surface (Wednesday)

justice tarot
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Wednesday’s Tarot card is Justice and she comes to tell you that everything is equal, balanced and fair, even if it doesn’t seem that way right now.

Don’t concern yourself with “getting even” if someone has pissed you off or wronged you – just get on with your day, even if that feels difficult.

You may feel extra challenged today when it comes to imposing your will on others – you may either be tempted to boss someone around or you might feel as though someone else is trying to do this to you.

Focus on seeing the underlying theme of the situation. For example, if your friend is acting a bit manipulative, try to see what is going on underneath all of that – perhaps she is trying to control things because her life feels out of control. This will help you be compassionate and not take the behavior personally.

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Eight of Swords – See Your Problems as a Game (Tuesday)

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

The Eight of Swords comes today to remind you of why you create “problems” in your life.

From the perspective of your Higher Self, you create problems so you can learn to heal and create change for yourself. In other words, your problems and challenges exist to help you become skilled at creating peace and joy for yourself.

Think of your “problems” as a game and get creative thinking of different ways you might shift things. The woman in this card is here by her own accord – no one put her there and no one will rescue her – it is up to her to untie herself and lift her blindfold.

Once you see your problems as something that is self created, you are free to have fun with them – this sounds a bit “out there”, I know! But looking at your life in this way can create a sense of peace and freedom.

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Queen of Swords: Give Your Life the Snip-Snip (Friday)

friday's with veronica

My evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica is commandeering Friday’s on my blog. I am giving her her very own day! Each Friday she will deliver a reading chalk full of horrid advice and inappropriate suggestions. I strongly advise you to take everything she says with a grain of salt…

queen of swords
The Housewives Tarot

The Queen of Swords in this Housewive’s Tarot is a terror with a pair of garden shears who goes around carelessly castrating roses – particularly those with men’s faces on them?!

This Queen doesn’t stand of any B.S. If your not up to snuff, she gives you the snip snip…and she does it with a smile.

Be this Queen today and gleefully cut back what isn’t working in your life.

Job pissing you off?…..phone in sick.

Friend who won’t shut up about her problems?…..hang up on her.

Cable company sends you a notice that they will be increasing your rates again? Phone them and cancel your cable. F**k em. Play hardball.

Think about what you can do without – for me its TV, a cell phone, junk food and newspapers – and cut those things out of your life for a while and see what happens. You aren’t depriving yourself – you’re cutting yourself free.

Tell me in the comments below…what useless crap will you be deep sixing today?

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Honour Your Voice and Speak Your Truth! (Wednesday)

9 of swords fairytale tarot
The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahony

Don’t give up your voice! Today’s card is the Nine of Swords from the Fairytale Tarot and The Little Mermaid is the story associated with it.

The Nine of Swords often represents regret and The Little Mermaid is about trading your voice for something (in this case, legs). If you hold back and don’t speak your truth because you think keeping silent will get you something you want, you will regret it.

No one can silence you – but you can willingly silence yourself. Don’t do it! At least, not today, anyway. Sometimes silence is best, but if it makes you feel powerless, then speak up loud and proud.

Your silence won’t have the placating effect you are hoping for anyway, so might as well speak your truth!

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Body over Mind ~ The Two of Pentacles

two of pentacles tarot card
Cosmic Tarot

Today’s card the Two of Pentacles is all about following your heart, treading carefully and balancing your life.

You may find yourself juggling more than one responsibility today and it can be tempting to jump into your head and try to figure things out and organize yourself. But don’t do that!

Instead, let your heart and intuition guide you so you can remain in the zone throughout the day. Don’t think about your next step – feel it and then just do it. Be in your body, not your head. Do whatever it takes to get there – get a massage, do some yoga, eat a good meal or do some meditation.

Are you balancing two important things at once? Do you feel more of a need to ground and center yourself? Feel free to share in the comments below!

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10 of Wands ~ You Are Not Your Responsibilities (Friday)

10 wands
Tarot of Mermaids

The Ten of Wands has come today to tell you to stop identifying so much with your responsibilities and “busy-ness” – they don’t make you who you are.

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed, but fear that dropping a few responsibilities will make you a lesser person? Or that you won’t be as important if lots of people aren’t relying on you?

If so, you might be missing the point. This scantily clad mermaid has her back turned on the chest of coins, in favor of gazing off onto the horizon – probably wondering when her big break is coming.

The message here is that joy and satisfaction don’t come from lots of doing and striving, but from noticing what you already have and simply just being in the moment. Now if only I could take my own advice ;)…

If you feel this reading applies to you, feel free to share in the comments below.

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Four of Pentacles – Stop Keeping Your Greatness to Yourself! (Thursday)

The following reading is by Veronica Noir…

4 pentacles
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

What are you holding onto so tightly? The Four of Pentacles is here to say loosen your grip already and don’t be so stingy, you cheapskate!

This isn’t so much about money as it is about talent and unique gifts. If you hoard your skills and amazing-ness and don’t share it with the world out of fear, then what the f*ck are you here for?

You are not here to follow orders or do what everyone else is doing, so do some deep diving and figure out what it is you are afraid of exactly?

When you think about speaking your truth, doing what you want and expressing your talents, what fears pop up for you? Write them down and ponder the shit out of them! They are what stand between you and a life of passion and fireworks.

Today’s reading is a guest post by the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin Veronica Noir – lover of Tarot, cats and men in their early 20’s. Veronica spends her days sipping Vanilla-Raspberry Rooibos tea, writing erotic fiction and creating subversive artwork.

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