how to read tarot cards

Interactive Tarot Reading: An Ultra-Juicy Reading Method!

I am so excited to tell you all about “Interactive Tarot Card Reading” and how its totally changing how I look at doing readings. In my humble opinion, this reading method is the Bees Knees. Not everyone will agree. Some will say “that sucks” or “that’s cheating.” You be the judge!

This is part one of what will be a three part series of blog posts all about this edgy, creative and daring way of reading the cards. So hold onto your hat!


What is Interactive Tarot Reading?

When you give an “Interactive” Tarot Reading, you will ask your client lots of open-ended questions and get them involved in the reading as much as possible. In a way, you are kind of coaching them on how to read for themselves.

Interactive Tarot reading works best when you are reading in-person, but it can also be done via Skype or telephone. It can be done when you are reading for yourself or another person.

Here’s an example of how an Interactive Tarot Reading might go down:

Let’s say you get The High Priestess. Before you rattle off the meaning, you may ask your client “what do you notice first when you look at this card?”

high priestess tarot card meaning
Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Client: the ocean in the background

Reader: and what does the ocean represent to you?

Client: fear! I am terrified of the ocean. I always worry about what might be lurking beneath and it always seems so deep and so vast and so dangerous. And I never learned to swim.

Reader: Is there any area of your life where you feel fearful and over your head?

Client: Yes! My relationship with my boyfriend. In fact, they way I feel about the ocean parallels how I feel about commitment. The deeper I get in my romantic relationship, the more panicky and unstable I feel. In the past I have ended relationships because of this.

Reader: Interesting! When you look at the woman on this card, what comes to mind?

Client: She seems really calm and powerful, like the fear that I just mentioned would never plague her. She seems above it all.

Reader: Have you ever risen above your fears?

Client: Lots of times! Just last Summer I conquered my fear of flying and got on a plane to Hawaii.

Reader: That’s amazing! How did you do it?

Client: I listened to a self-hypnosis meditation before boarding the plane and I used positive affirmations for weeks leading up to my vacation.

Reader: Have you tried using affirmations for your relationship fears?

Client: No, that has never occurred to me. What a fabulous idea! I am going to give that a try. Wow, your brilliant!

At this point in the reading, the you may opt to tell your client the meaning of The High Priestess and then interpret it in the light of the information she has just given you. For example:

Reader: The High Priestess often symbolizes an awakening of psychic energies and an initiation into working with the “mysteries” – including the subconscious mind, which is what you were doing with your affirmations and self-hypnosis! It feels like now is a great time to claim the role of High Priestess in your own life, particularly in relation to managing your fears. Whenever you feel afraid or out of your depths, it can be helpful to picture this image of the High Priestess sitting there all calm and powerful and ask “what would she do in this situation?”

So, as you can see, and interactive Tarot reading is all about bringing out the innate wisdom of your client and then adding your two cents as well.

As I mentioned earlier, you can also do an Interactive Tarot reading on yourself. Take your time pondering each card, ask yourself questions and go outside the box by letting go of the mainstream Tarot meanings. I teach you how to do this in my free audio tutorial, so if you haven’t listened to it yet, do it!

So why bother reading this way? What are the big benefits? I am going to give you 5 smokin’ hot reasons next week in part 2! So stay tuned!

Read Part 2: Five Reasons Why You Should Try Interactive Tarot Reading


In the meantime, I want to hear your thoughts on this – have you ever dabbled in Interactive Tarot Reading? Can you think of any pitfalls of this type of reading style? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Interactive Tarot Reading: An Ultra-Juicy Reading Method! Read More »

Knight of Cups: Bust out Your Paintbrush and Pack Your Bags! (Friday)

knight of cups tarot card
Robin Wood Tarot

Its time to get artsy fartsy! The Knight of Cups is all about following your heart and honoring your inner creative.

Get your feet wet and do something arty – go to a dance class, make a collage out of magazine clippings or, if your really crazy, paint a mural on your bedroom wall. Don’t be afraid of making a mess today.

In romance, this Knight of Cups encourages you to wear your heart on your sleeve and just go for it. You may regret it later, but not as much as you will regret holding yourself back.

If you have the opportunity to travel or go on some kind of adventure this weekend, do it! It will help you charge full steam ahead toward a life that enchants and thrills you.


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Should You Let Others Touch Your Tarot Cards?

To touch or not to touch? That is the question!

I am often asked “is it okay for others to touch my Tarot cards?”
There is a belief that if someone else handles your cards, their energy will be absorbed by the deck and mess up the accuracy of future readings.

This is a legitimate concern and it is certainly possible. BUT…..

To be concerned that someone’s energy could mess up your cards is kind of like being worried that someone might get their germs on your doorknob. Yes, it happens, but that’s what Purrell is for!

So yes, when you let other’s get their grubby mits on your cards, you run the risk of them contaminating the deck – both energetically and germ-wise. But there are so many methods of clearing your deck, that this shouldn’t be a concern for you.

Some Zippy Ways to Cleanse Your Deck:

  • Simply shuffle it and intend that the shuffling is removing any unwanted energy
  • Place your cards on your windowsill over night on a Full Moon! Witchy!
  • Put a crystal, like clear quartz, on top of the deck for a few hours
  • Knock on your deck to break up and dispell any leftover energy
  • Waft burning sage over your cards (sage is a wonderful energy cleanser – its like the Purrell of the spirit realms)
burning sage
Burning Sage can cleanse your Tarot cards of negative or unwanted energies

Having said all that, some Tarot card readers just prefer to be the only one handling their cards and letting others touch their cards would be just plain wrong, like sharing underwear. And that’s okay too. Do what you feel most comfortable with.

Personally, if I am having my Tarot cards read, I like to choose my own cards and touch them as much as possible! This makes me feel like I am participating fully in my own reading and that the cards I end up with couldn’t be wrong since I chose them. And if someone tells me I can’t touch something, I feel like a five year old in an art gallery and I WANT TO TOUCH even more!

So here’s my two cents:

If you have been reading Tarot for years and never let anyone touch your cards and this is the way you like it – keep doing it that way. If it works, do it.

But if you are new to Tarot and are wondering whether or not you should let other’s touch your cards when your reading for them, RELAX! It’s totally fine for others to touch away. In fact, I feel like this enhances the authenticity of a reading. You just need to trust in the power of your intention to clear your Tarot deck of any unwanted energies afterwards.

It’s okay to let others touch away! (Cards shown: Druidcraft Tarot)

I am curious to hear what your take on this is! So let me know in the comments below how you feel about people touching your cards – are you okay with it? Or do you have a strict no-touch policy?

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The Moon ~ What Secrets Are You Keeping?

the moon tarot card
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Moon appears today to represent secrets and the role secrets play in your life. Sometimes you keep secrets and other times you simply choose not to reveal everything. But there is a part of you that remains hidden from others.

Ask yourself how you feel about secrets – does sharing them make you feel closer to another? Do is make you angry when others keep things from you? Does keeping them make you feel vulnerable (they may get discovered!) or powerful (you know something others don’t)?

Think of one secret that keep closely guarded (and tell me all about it in the comments below) – just kidding!!! But ask yourself how it feels to keep this secret – is it zapping your energy or does it give a stronger sense of self?

Today is the day to examine and perhaps even celebrate your hidden, secretive aspects.

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The Hermit ~ Be a Trailblazer (Wednesday)

hermit tarot card
The Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

The Hermit has appeared today because you feel a certain sense of aloneness in your life. Not necessarily lonely – but this feeling that you are having to walk this path alone and figure things out by yourself.

At times this exhilarates you and other times it saddens and frustrates you. But know that others have also walked this path before you (note the odd stone faces in the ground!) and while you cannot see them, their spirit is with you.

And know that others will walk your path after you and in this sense you are a trailblazer and a wayshower for the future. Which is really exciting!

But the main message is that any sense of loneliness is an illusion – so don’t let it hold you back. Instead, keep moving forward even if you aren’t really sure where you are going. You only need to know the next two steps – not the next 2,000.

The Hermit ~ Be a Trailblazer (Wednesday) Read More »

Four of Cups ~ Adventures Await! (Tuesday)

four of cups
Cosmic Tarot

Sometimes luxury and comfort creates boredom. The dude in this card seems to have it all – a flask of wine, fresh fruit, leisure time and a low body fat percentage – and yet he is still unsatisfied!

Are you too comfortable with your life? Do things feel a bit too easy and predictable? Do you crave risk, excitement and the chance to break out of your comfort zone?

What you may not realize is that opportunity surrounds you. The blue guy moping on the river’s edge could jump on that horse and explore the mountains in the distance, yet he sits there lamenting like a bored teenager on Summer break.

What amazing adventures are you closing your eyes to? Today, look closely at your life and ask how you could make it more interesting? (Unless of course, its already too interesting for you to handle!)

In the comments below, tell me what adventures you secretly want to go on, or one thing you can do today to make your life more “jazzed up”?

Four of Cups ~ Adventures Await! (Tuesday) Read More »

Two of Swords ~ The Light at the End of the Tunnel! (Monday)

2 of swords
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Today you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. If you have been feeling confused, blah or conflicted about something, the end is in sight.

The Two of Swords is all about gathering your strengths and skills and moving forward in the direction that calls out to you. You may hesitate or doubt yourself, but ultimately you must go forward eventually!

Once you have made your decision you might ask yourself “can I really do this?” and you will never know until you try. But while this figure is holding two swords, he still manages to face the sun with open arms – so be willing to embrace what lies before you 🙂

Two of Swords ~ The Light at the End of the Tunnel! (Monday) Read More »

Ten of Pentacles: Smart Business Advice (Tuesday)

10 of pentacles
Fenestra Tarot

The Ten of Pentacles is here to remind you to be smart in your dealings with others.

You may want to be 100% open and honest, but know that there is a way to be “transparent” without revealing everything. Its okay to keep your cards close to your chest today.

If someone wants to do a business/services trade with you, only do so if you actually think you will benefit from it. Don’t just agree to a crappy deal because you want to seem nice.

This card often represents the realm of business and the “marketplace” – so if you have your own business and want to share it with my audience, you may do so right here.

Ten of Pentacles: Smart Business Advice (Tuesday) Read More »

The Moon: Mystery Unfolds (Thursday)

the moon tarot card
The Paulina Tarot

The Moon is so full of mystery, raw lust and unconscious power that at times it can be frightening to behold. It represents that part of yourself that is pure animal, wild and free.

Things are not as they seem today, but don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out. Unconscious motives are at play when it comes to relationships at work and at home and its wise to remember that people aren’t as civilized as they appear!

Be aware that what you desire and feel drawn to has to do with survival instincts more than anything else. Pay special attention to your dreams right now and write them down if you can remember them upon waking.

Question: When you look at this card, what are you drawn to first? What does that symbol mean to you? Post it in the comments below!

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Tuesday’s Oracle Card: Open the Door to your Psychic Self!

secret doorwayThe Secret Doorway oracle card, from the Wild Wisdom of the Faerie deck, is all about “Working with intuition, Second sight opening, Dimensional doorways.”

The stars and planets have aligned and now is the right time for you to really explore your natural-born intuitive gifts. No more excuses!

Sign up for that class or even start your own psychic group, if that idea appeals to you. You won’t realize how psychic you really are until you let go of your inhibitions and start practicing.

Here’s a fun psychic challenge to try: get a magazine and, with your eyes closed, open to a random page and place your hand over it. Attempt to “see” with the palm of your hand and record your observations. Then open your eyes and see if the image you saw in your mind was similar to what was on the page.

Tuesday’s Oracle Card: Open the Door to your Psychic Self! Read More »