how to read tarot cards

King of Pentacles: Declare Your Place in the World! (Wednesday)

king of pentacles tarot card
Wildwood Tarot

The King of Stones (aka King of Pentacles) is represented by the mighty wolf in the Wildwood Tarot.

His message is this: declare your rightful place in the world and make your mark like you mean it.

Strong, wild and howling, this wolf isn’t trying to find his true calling as he is already howling it. You may think you still need to find yourself, but really you just need to declare yourself!

Another meaning I get is that today is a good day to be mature, strong and affirm your boundaries. Act like the leader of the pack even if your just a lone wolf.

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Tarot Reading for the Week Ahead!

I used my Dream Enchantress Tarot for this reading and I have to say I am really liking this deck. I think I may write a review of it. I have had it a while so that “honeymoon” period is over and it is turning out to be a solid deck, not just for readings but for creative writing experiments and Tarot meditations.

Okay, enough about that and onto the reading. So what kind of excitement does this upcoming week have in store? Quite a bit, I should think…

Have a good week 🙂

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6 Ways to Choose a Tarot Card

Pick a card, any card!

But is there a “right” way to choose a Tarot card?

No – but there are many different ways to choose one! In my video below, I demonstrate my 6 favorite ways to choose a Tarot card:

*Tip: Always use your left hand when choosing a Tarot card, as that is your intuitive hand.

1) Fall-away Method:
Hold the deck in your left hand and tilt to one side. Part of the deck will fall away, revealing a gap – choose the top card!

2) Cut Method:
Simply cut the deck using your left hand. This is the easiest (and most boring!) way to choose a card.

3) Doreen Virtue’s Method:
Shuffle the cards until you feel its time to stop. Choose the top card. This is all well and good unless you are OCD like me and can never stop shuffling.

4) Card Hand Method:
Fan the cards out like you are playing a mean game of poker, except that the cards should be facing out so you can’t see them (maybe I should have called this one the drunk poker method).

5) Fan-out Method:
Fan cards out on a table, Magician style. Either choose the card your eye is most drawn to, or float your hand over the cards and stop when you feel tingles in your palm.

6) Pop-up Method:
This one’s hard to explain in words – so watch the video (its right at the end).

*A note about “jumpers”: If a card jumps out of the deck when you are shuffling, you must choose that card, or at least leave it out and make sure to include it in the reading. These cards are extra-special!

So tell me (in the comments below)…which method do you like to use? Or, is there a really cool method that I’ve completely overlooked?

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When the SAME Tarot card keeps showing up….this is what it means…

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the SAME Tarot card will just keep showing up in your readings? Perhaps this card even appears when doing a Tarot reading for someone else.

What does this mean?!

I have noticed that with nearly every Tarot or Oracle deck I have, there is a particular card unique to that deck that I will pull repeatedly. For example, with my Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle card deck, I almost always get the “Ready, Set, Go!” card. It was happening so frequently that I actually looked the card over to see if there were any sticky bits or something that was causing me to choose it again and again. But there was nothing.

four of swords
Four of Swords from the Robin Wood Tarot

There was a time a couple years ago when I kept getting the Four of Swords Tarot card in my readings. To me, the Four of Swords is about meditation, rest and going within. It didn’t make sense to me at the time since I felt I had a perfect balance between action and rest. And yet the Four of Swords kept coming up. Even today, I am not really sure why that card kept coming up for me.

So what does it mean when you keep getting the same card in all your readings?

I feel that repeat appearances (lets call them encore cards) are your spirit guides, higher self, angels or The Universe trying to get a message to you. If you keep getting the same card it means you haven’t properly heard or understood the message.

Here is my 3 step process for de-coding the meaning of these encore cards:

Step One: Be open to the card meaning something slightly different from its traditional meaning. Really pay attention to the symbols in the card, what these symbols mean to you and how the card makes you feel.

Step Two: If the card suggests a particular action (for example, the Four of Swords suggests meditation), try taking that action and see what happens.

Step Three: If you still keep seeing this card after taking action, close your eyes and ask your guides or higher self what message they are trying to send you via this card. Be open to any guidance, impressions or feelings you receive.

However, sometimes encore cards are not an urgent message but a reminder that your spirit guides are always with you. This is especially true if you keep getting a positive card (like The Star or The Sun) when you are going through a rough time.


When I read with my Angel Therapy oracle deck, I always, without fail, pull the card that says “you are profoundly clairvoyant”. I think this is kind of funny because I don’t always see myself as profoundly clairvoyant – perhaps moderately, but not profoundly! I have decided this is just my spirit guides confirming that I am on the right path and to keep working on my psychic abilities, even when I doubt myself.

So what card, or cards, keep coming up for you lately? And what is your theory on repeat cards?
I would love to hear all about it in the comments below!


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Learn the Tarot Court Cards Once and For All!

I have a confession….for years I never really felt all that confident with the Court Cards.  When they came up in my own readings, I would feel mildly annoyed and when they came up during a reading I was doing for someone else, I would inwardly curse.


crystal visions tarot
The Queen of Wands from the Crystal Visions Tarot

Because the Court Cards are tricky! They aren’t like the other cards. They are more subtle, more secretive and less obvious than many of the Major and Minor Arcana cards.

So while I had mastered all the other cards in the Tarot, after years of study, the Court Cards remained elusive to me. And they made me doubt my ability as a Tarot Reader.

So I decided to spend some quality time with my Court Cards and learn them once and for all. I read all about the Tarot Courts in all the books I had and I tried all the exercises. By the time I was done I felt I had “mastered” the Court Cards!

I want you to feel like you’ve mastered the Court Cards too, so I present to you my favorite Court Card learning exercises and fun techniques that helped me the most. Enjoy!….

Court Cards: Learn Them Once and For All!


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Two of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

hanson roberts two of cups
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Two of Cups is Friday’s Tarot card and it brings a message of coming together, meeting the right people and enjoying peaceful relationships.

You may meet someone today who shares your interests and zest for life – not necessarily a romantic partner, but someone who is a kindred spirit nonetheless.

You may also find yourself starting a new project with a business partner or coming together with a friend for a common purpose. Good communication, agreements and positive feelings abound with this card!

If you are in a relationship you may find that today goes particularly well, as romantic feelings are enhanced at this time. If you are quarreling with your partner, try to find three things you love about your partner and focus on those for today…and notice how this changes things.


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Page of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday!

page of swords paulina tarot
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Page of Swords from the Paulina Tarot is today’s card and he comes with a warning: don’t speak until you have thought things through.

If you are feeling particularly annoyed with someone, you may be tempted to write them a snippy email or give them a piece of your mind. Put some distance between the event that upset you and your response – give yourself time to calm down, collect your thoughts and evaluate your feelings.

The Page of Swords can also indicate feeling uncertain about something. If you feel this way, use the power of your pen to sift through your feelings. Write out all your concerns on paper (you can shred or burn the paper after if you are worried about others finding it). Once you have your thoughts down on paper, chances are they won’t be swirling about in your mind, making you all crazy!

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One Little Thing that will Transform Your Tarot Readings Forever

The other night I woke at 3am, full of anxiety about an issue that was on my mind. I felt full of uncertainty and I really just wanted answers, guidance and comfort. Whenever I feel sick to my stomach with worry, I reach for my Crystal Visions Tarot and my Angel cards.

But I knew that if I did a reading for myself in this state of confusion and fear, it would end up being a jumbled, nonsensical reading.

So I made an extra effort to ground myself and clear the energy in the room – clearing the decks for a great reading to take place.

Once sacred space and clear intention had been created, I felt so calm and grounded and ready to read the cards. The reading I did for myself was amazing – it was clear and accurate and left me feeling totally connected to my angels and guides, like they were right in the room with me! However, I know it would not have been so crystal clear and uplifting had I not taken the steps the I did before the reading.

Here is my personal formula for creating sacred space and clearing my energy:

Take a moment to chill out before a reading, no matter how stressed you are

1) Light some candles, turn down the lights and put on some relaxing music

2) Sage my aura – I do this by lighting a bundle of dried sage and wafting the smoke around me, with the intention of clearing my energy field of any fear or anxiety

3) Clear my reading space by wafting the sage smoke around my reading table
Sit calmly and “ground” my energy by taking slow, even breaths and visualizing any negative energy or worry draining out through my feet and into the floor. I make a conscious effort to connect my energy to the earth’s energy

4) Connect with my deck by holding it in my hands, closing my eyes and asking my Angels, spirit guides and higher self for help and guidance with my particular issue

5) Begin the reading with absolute trust that the cards that I choose are the ones I need to see at this time
I cannot tell you the countless times I have not taken these steps and instead did a rushed, panicky reading in a frantic attempt to get the answers I was looking for. It never worked out when I did it that way!

Creating sacred space makes your reading special and sends a message to the universe that you take this seriously – so expect to get outstanding results when you try this. Doing this one thing will change the quality of your readings in profound ways.

Perhaps you have your own ritual or steps for creating sacred space and clearing your energy before a reading? If you do, I would love to hear about them in the reply section below!!!


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Seven of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

robin wood tarot
Robin Wood Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Seven of Pentacles and the message here is very clear….be patient!

You’ve put a lot of time, money and energy into something and you aren’t getting the payback you had hoped for. Don’t fret – things are manifesting “beneath the soil”. Keep nurturing this dream or project and you will have beautiful results before you know it.

Think of yourself as the gardener of your life – your hopes, dreams, wishes and creativity need to be tended to regularly, treated with love and care and allowed to blossom on their own. Don’t try too hard, but be consistent in your efforts.

The main takeaway message is this: your hard work and dedication will pay off, so don’t quit right before you reach the finish line!

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What Does Your Favorite Tarot Card Say About You?

We all have a favorite Tarot card. Mine is The Star, with The Hermit being a close second. Believe it or not, your favorite Tarot card says a lot about you and where you are right now on your life path.

druidcraft tarot the starIf you don’t automatically know what your favorite Tarot card is, take a moment to go through your Tarot deck and choose the card you feel most drawn to. Do it now, before you read the rest of this article!

Okay, now that you have your favorite Tarot card in front of you, I want to reveal the five “keys” that will unlock the secrets (about you!) hidden in this card. Does that sound ultra-dramatic or what?!

Key #1: Color
What color is most prominent in your favorite Tarot card?
Continue reading…

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