Tarot Reading for April 4 – 10

I’ve got lots to tell you about! First, I’ll be live on my YouTube channel on Sunday, April 3 @ 12 noon PDT, doing one card readings and chatting Tarot with you! Come hang out with me and maybe get a mini reading 🙂

Also, if you missed it, I’m doing a scholarship contest over the weekend for my 4 week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Reading Tarot for Others…check it out HERE.

Now onto the reading….

Youtube live Tarot Party
Scholarship contest


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Win a Free Scholarship for my Tarot Course!


Marcos Paulo AND Robin

Congratulations to Marcos and Robin ! I look forward to having you in my class 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who entered ♥ I read through each and every comment and it was tricky picking just two winners. I really loved the unique spreads some of you came up with, but also really loved the simple, straightforward spreads.

Thank you again for taking the time to get creative and share your spread creation here – may you all find inspiration, joy and warmth on your Tarot journeys!



Registration just opened for my 4-week Tarot course The Daily Tarot Girl’s Guide to Reading Tarot for Others, with classes starting on April 13th.

I realize that not everyone is in a financial position to take my course, even if they really, really want to. So I’m offering two free scholarships for two lucky Tarot students!

If you’d like to enter to win a free scholarship for my upcoming course on  Reading Tarot for Others, here’s how to qualify….


1) Make sure you actually want to take my course. So if you’re not familiar with it, take a peek over here and make sure it’s your cup of tea!

2) Read the following “Tarot reading scenario” and then design a Tarot spread that you could use for this reading. *Please note: you don’t actually have to do the reading, I just want to see the Tarot spread!

Tarot Reading Scenario:

You’re giving a Tarot reading to a 40 year old woman named Miranda – a friend of a friend that you don’t know very well. Miranda is a part time art teacher who is in the process of getting divorced. She has two young children with her ex, whom she shares custody with.

She recently got on the Tinder and is having a blast with wild, random hook ups and sexy texting. But she’s recently met someone who she thinks has relationship potential and is curious if it could turn into something more serious.

Also, she’s thinking about quitting her job and going back to school to train for something totally different and wants to know if now is the right time to make that change. She’s also been feeling really scattered and unfocused and would like to know how to feel more grounded.

3) Design a Tarot spread (using 3 – 7 cards) that you could use in this situation. This one’s a bit tricky because there are multiple questions/issues to address. **Again, I don’t want to see a reading, I just want to see the Tarot spread!

The deadline for entering this challenge/contest is Monday, April 4th @ 12 noon PDT. I will post an update to this blog post, announcing the winners on Monday evening.

Be creative and have fun – I can’t wait to see what Tarot spread you come up with!!! ♥

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The Devil – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 16 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into The Devil – one of the most intense (and horny!) cards in the Major Arcana!

Grab a notebook, pen and a hot bevy and settle in…

Keywords: addiction, unhelpful habits, stuck in a pattern, oppression,  being tempted, tricked or manipulated into giving your power away without realizing it (examples: drug addiction, credit card debt, pyramid schemes, cults).

The Devil represents the opposite of enlightenment – remaining unconscious and in the dark, believing that only the material realm matters and that spirit doesn’t exist.


Horns = horny, animal/primal desires
Torch pointed downwards (opposite of enlightenment)
Darkness = being unenlightened, only that which is seen exists
Chains = oppression
Tails made of fire and grapes
The Devil is #15 (5 + 1 = 6 =The Lovers) – this card features the same couple

Light Side: You’re ready for more freedom! You’re ready to see the unhelpful patterns and habits because you’re ready to change and be more free.

1) Addictions

The Devil is all about addictions and unhelpful habits and patterns which bring us comfort and fulfill a need, yet keep us stuck and rob us of freedom.

Journalling Questions:

♥ What are you addicted to? What unhelpful habits do you cling to?

♥ What primal need or desire does your addiction fulfill?

♥ Which habits/addictions are you ready to break free from?

2) Surrendering your power (selling your soul)

The Devil tempts and seduces us into handing over our power/soul in exchange for success in the material world like money, security, sex, fame and accolades. Often these things just turn out to be illusions and not worth the trade.

If The Devil can convince us that only the physical world is real, then we’ll undervalue our own soul. When he asks for it in exchange for something material like monetary success, we’ll be tricked into thinking it’s a good deal.

Journalling Questions:

♥ What are you giving your power away to?

♥ What are you trading your freedom for?

♥ How are you sacrificing the spiritual in return for the material?

3) Longing for freedom

The Devil only shows up when we’re ready for more freedom – we’re ready to look our addictions and unhelpful patterns in the eye and ask “am I really as stuck as I think I am? Is this really all there is?”

There is safety and predictability in our habits and addictions, even if they make us miserable, they are at least familiar. Yet….we long to be free!

Journalling Questions:

♥ How are you ready to be more free? What does more freedom look like to you?

♥ When you think about breaking free of a habit, do any fears come up?

♥ Is your desire for safety, comfort and routine greater than your desire to be free? Can you imagine yourself being safe AND free? Affirmation: I am Safe, I am Free

The wisdom of The Devil

The Devil asks “how are you deluding yourself? How have you been tricked? What unhelpful beliefs are you buying into?” And most importantly….. “how can you be more free?”

Inside of us exists a tendency to want to hand over our true power in exchange for a poor substitute for what we truly crave. Yet the intense desire for freedom also exists within us…which one will win out at the end of the day?

Let me know in the comments below…Did you learn anything new about The Devil? What surprised you most?

Join me next week as we dive into The Tower

You can find all my previous Tarot Meanings Deep Dives right here!

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Temperance – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 15 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into Temperance – a generally unsexy and unexciting card…or is it?!

Grab a notebook, pen and a cup of tea and settle in…

Keywords: Balance, moderation, healing, walking the middle path, avoid extremes & addictions, divine guidance

Angel = divine guidance
One foot in/out = balance & moderation
Two cups = balance (give/receive), renewing energy
Triangle inside square (on chest) = earth containing fire, grounding & balance
Circle on third eye = divine connection
Path = walking the middle path
Iris = Greek goddess who acted as a messenger between gods and humans
Water = emotions, mystical realms

Dark side: Temperance can feel like a bit of a wet blanket sometimes, always wanting to dampen the flames of intense passion and obsession. Practice self restraint! Don’t fall prey to the siren song of addictions! Blah, blah, blah…

1) Moderation (& Healing)

Temperance is all about walking the middle path, avoiding extremes and practising self restraint. This is the key to keeping things sustainable. Once you verge into intense and extreme territory, you run the risk of burning yourself out.

Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a work project or your diet and exercise plan, avoiding extremes and practising moderation is the secret to making things work for the long haul.

The path of moderation and self restraint is actually the most pleasurable path there is, believe it or not! Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing and overindulging in something tends to suck the pleasure out of it in the long run.

Moderation and balance will lead to healing. The body cannot heal itself if it’s out of balance. Bringing your body and life into balance will allow some things to heal almost effortlessly.

Journalling Questions:

♥ Where in your life are you NOT practising moderation?

♥ How can you cultivate more moderation in your life?

2) Balance

Temperance tells us that balance is the key to longevity, sustainability and pleasure! When things get out of balance, problems like illness, addictions and burn out can arise.

The balance between giving and receiving is particularly important here, as is the balance between being “grounded” and being able to dip your toe into the waters of emotion and feeling.

Our fiery passion (symbolized by the triangle) needs to be contained by earthy, groundedness (symbolized by the square that holds the triangle), so that it doesn’t get out of hand and cause destruction.

Journalling Questions:

♥ Where is your life unbalanced? Are you more often in offering mode (or receptive mode)? Are you too practical and grounded or too emotional and ungrounded?

♥ How can you create more balance in your life? How can you keep one foot on dry land and dip your other foot into the mystical waters?

3) Divine Guidance

Temperance tells us that divine guidance is always available to us and that practising moderation, cultivating balance and self restraint will bring us closer to the divine.

The yellow Iris flowers in this card symbolize the Greek goddess Iris who carried messages from gods to humans via rainbows. But Temperance isn’t just about getting divine guidance, it’s about using it in a practical, down to Earth way.

The foot that is submerged in water symbolizes the ability to dip one’s toe into the divine waters and the foot on dry land symbolizes the necessity to ground any spiritual wisdom you receive so that you can apply it to your day to day life.

Journalling Questions:

♥ How does divine guidance come to YOU? (ex: dreams, meditation, journalling, prayer, nature, through others, synchronicity, symbols)

♥ How can you open yourself even more to this divine connection?

Wisdom of Temperance

Temperance reminds us that if we keep one foot in the water (willing to dip our toe in and explore the mystical), but one foot on dry land, we’ll be able to get that divine guidance and actually use it in the real world as we move forward on our path.

Moderation and balance are the keys to a life of success, pleasure and divine connection.

Let me know in the comments below…How do YOU feel about the Temperance card?

Join me next week as we dive into The Devil

You can find all my previous Tarot Meanings Deep Dives right here!

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Tarot Reading for March 7 – 13

So I have a new foster kitty now – meet Rhea! In this video, she’s basically hiding on the ceiling. Very crafty of her. The foster kitty I introduced in last week’s video has returned to her old foster home since she wasn’t eating (or drinking!) at my place – turns out she just missed the cat at the other place, lol!

Have a good week!

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