A Pivotal Point on Your Journey ~ Death (Tuesday)

death tarot card
Anna K Tarot

Death beckons you today, urging you to give something up, to let go and enter a new phase of your life.

Some endings are easy and you have no problem saying good riddance!, but some endings are difficult and you want to hold on forever and ever.

Whichever type of “ending” you are dealing with right now, know that it is appropriate for this stage on your path – its a juncture that you must cross if you want to keep going.

This angel of death seems to be saying “its okay, don’t be afraid” as he urges you forward. Whatever it is that you are releasing right now, its a pivotal part of your journey.

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Eat Your Veggies and Take a Nap! ~ Angel Card for Monday

Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Put your health first and foremost today – particularly where eating and stress reduction is concerned.

If you are struggling with eating healthy foods, plan your meals ahead of time and be prepared. Buy fresh veggies and fruit to have on hand and chuck out any crap food – like store-bought cookies – you may have lurking in your cupboards.

Reduce stress today by noticing your breathing at various times throughout the day. Even if its just for a minute – this is enough to bring your stress levels down dramatically!

When you let yourself get stressed, you disconnect from divine guidance and “the flow” of life – so do something nice for yourself today that will help you get into that healthy zen state.

*Just a quick note – I am going on a “media vacation” for 4 whole days (so excited!!!), so I will not be responding to any comments here on my blog until Thursday.

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Drive off a Cliff! ~ The Lovers (Friday)

friday's with veronicaVeronica Noir is a writer of smut, maker of cocktails and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil, evil twin. When not reading Tarot she can be found lounging poolside in her neighbors yard (when they aren’t home) and lamenting the depressing lack of hot, young man-meat in her town. Let’s see what dreadful advice she has for you today…

the lovers
Housewives Tarot

The Lovers! Such an exciting, sexy card to get on a Friday.

How passionate is your life? An how interesting are the people in it? Is it so passionate and interesting that you may drive off a cliff without noticing simply because the conversation is so fascinating?

No? Well, why the f*ck not?!

This rendition of The Lovers is supposed to serve as a warning – get too caught up in the heart pounding excitement of life and you will end up plunging head first off a cliff and into the ocean, only to be eaten by hungry sharks with a hankering for human thigh meat.

Well, that’s just silly! Don’t fall for that crapolla.

This weekend, make a commitment to start living a passionate life. Only do things that are so freaking fascinating that you have absolutely no clue what’s going on around you. Not sure how? Here’s my 3-step process:

1) Stop wasting precious time making small talk with boring people (avoid talking about the weather, health issues and people’s kids or grandchildren – that shit is grade A boring)

2) Make a bunch of boring rules for yourself (such as no sex on the first date, no drinking before 4pm and no fried food), then break them all in one night.

3) Do at least one thing on your “bucket list” every weekend – without panties.

In the comments below, tell me one thing that’s on your bucket list that you are going to do next…..and I will hold you to it!

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Take the Touchy-Feely Approach ~ Knight of Cups (Thursday)

knight of cupss
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

The Knight of Cups come galloping into your life today to remind you to look at things through the artsy-fartsy, touchy-feely lens.

Be open to the idea that your problems will solve themselves – or that solutions can come about in unexpected ways. You don’t have to have everything all figured out just yet – even though you really want to!

This Knight is a Romantic and he knows there is more to life than the same old, same old – beneath his icy blue armor lies a burning, beating heart. Similarly, you are yearning for something more and today this yearning may reach fever pitch.

Express your feelings to someone you trust and be bold and brave when it comes to pursuing something that others may scoff at. And remember….take the artsy-fartsy approach today.

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The Beginning of Something Exciting ~ Ace of Pentacles (Wednesday)

ace of pentacles
Anna K Tarot

Today you will discover buried treasure – either within yourself or in your back garden.

The Ace of Pentacles is about making new discoveries and the new beginnings that sprout up as a result. So ponder this tidbit: what new piece of information did I uncover about myself today?

You’ve been digging a long time – searching your soul for “the answers” or something. But what will you do once you’ve found it? Of course that depends on what you find….but the discovery is not far off!

Get ready for your life to take off in a new direction – a direction that feels happy, whole and in alignment with who you are.

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Believe in Yourself! ~ Angel Card for Tuesday

indigo angle oracle cards
Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Angel card says Believe in Yourself. You are your own best supporter and cheerleader. Others can encourage you and believe in you, but it doesn’t really matter all that much if you don’t believe in yourself!

You are at a time in your life now where it is extremely important for you to be on your own side. Stop second guessing yourself and nip your critical voice in the bud – or at least learn to laugh at it 🙂

You are the engine of your life and body – think of your body as a car and your spirit as the engine that gets you to where you want to go. If you have a bunch of self-defeating negative beliefs, this only mucks up the engine, leaving you broken down on an unfamiliar country road.

Okay, maybe that analogy doesn’t really make much sense – but you know what I mean! Believe in yourself already!

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Two of Flames ~ Tarot Card for Monday

two of flames
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alyssa Bartha

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. The message is clear – it is time for you to contemplate your next big move!

Now is the time for you to gaze into the not-to-distant  future and envision the life you would like to have. Begin planning out the steps you can do now in order to steer yourself in the direction you want to go in.

The Two of Flames is all about soul searching, so take the time to rest, contemplate and dream. Once you are clear on what you truly want (and not what you think you should want or what other people in your life think you should want), then you are free to take inspired action!

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What’s the Difference Between Tarot & Oracle Cards?

So you’ve heard of Tarot cards (obviously!) and you’ve probably also heard of Oracle cards. Are they the same thing? Or are they totally different? And which is better?

This is a question I get asked all the time. And it’s not always easy to explain. But let me do my best…

Oracle cards and Tarot cards are similar in that they are both used for the same purpose – doing readings, exploring oneself and divining the future.

The two differ in their structure

A Tarot deck follows a particular formula. An Oracle deck is more free-form.

harlequin-novelA Tarot deck is similar to a Harlequin Romance novel. There’s a formula and structure to it. Certain things have to be present.

For example, the traditional Harlequin novel always features a virginal heroine. The hero she falls in love with is always rich and oh so manly – he is usually either a cowboy, billionaire or tycoon. Never a school teacher, chef or janitor. Can you imagine the novel on the left being called Between the Gas Station Attendant’s Sheets? Didn’t think so! But I digress…

Like a steamy Harlequin, A Tarot deck must follow a particular structure. There is always five suits – the four minor arcana suits and the major arcana.

A Tarot deck has 5 suits…

The minor arcana consists of cups, swords, wands and pentacles. This can vary depending on the deck as some decks get crafty with renaming the minors. There might be coins instead of pentacles or bows instead of wands. But essentially, the gist of each suit is the same.

A Tarot deck has 22 major arcana cards numbered 0 through 21. For a complete list of all the major arcana cards, go here. Some decks will have an extra card that is unique to that deck. For example, the Crystal Visions Tarot has an extra card called “The Unknown Card”, making it a 79-card deck, instead of the standard 78 cards.

Just as some decks will rename the four minor arcana suits, the major arcana cards can also be renamed. In my Druidcraft Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune is called The Wheel and The Devil is called Cernunnos. But the general meaning of the card stays the same.

Don’t let alternate card names get your panties in a twist…

I know this concept is really confusing, but think back to the Harlequin novels. Underneath all the details of a steamy bodice-ripper – like character names, job titles and location – lies a storyline that is pretty much identical from novel to novel.

One romance novel’s heroine may be called Chastity Dewstorm, while a different novel’s heroine is named Vanessa Lovejoy. But they both fall in love with a high status male by the novel’s end, despite their breathy protests and desperate mews.

Another element that all Tarot decks share is that there are four court cards – King, Queen, Knight and Page – for each minor arcana suit. So there are 16 court cards in total. Again, some decks get creative with the names and might have prince and princess instead of Knight and Page, but the meanings of the cards do not change.

Now onto Oracle cards!

Oracle cards can be anything – there are no rules that must be followed. If a Tarot deck is like a Harlequin, then an Oracle deck is like a novel that just happens to have romantic elements in it. Perhaps there are even some Harlequin-type aspects to it, but it does not follow any set formula to a tee. Maybe that’s not the best analogy….

Okay, think of Tarot cards and Oracle cards as being non-identical twins (like me and my slutty other-half Veronica!). The Tarot deck is prim, proper and follows the rules. She wants to marry, have children and pay her taxes.

The Oracle deck is the rebel who makes her own rules, traveling wherever the wind takes her, spending time in communes and ashrams, embarking on sexual escapades and making pottery while high.

This is NOT to say that Oracle cards are more interesting than Tarot cards, only that they are not bound by any rules.

An Oracle deck can have any number of cards in it. Most of them tend to be less cards than a Tarot deck, but some can have more. Some Oracle cards will have phrases on it – something that is rare for a Tarot deck – but some decks might only have images and no words.

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Most Oracle decks have Tarot-inspired cards in them. So if you get to know your Tarot cards really well, you will spot some similarities in your Oracle decks.

Angel cards are a popular form of Oracle cards – these are basically Oracle cards with an angelic theme. Most Angel cards have uplifting phrases written on them, making them easy to use for beginners and gentle enough to use on those days when everything’s total shit.

So which is better? Tarot or Oracle cards?

This totally depends on you! Learning Tarot requires more time and energy, while Oracle cards are easy to read right off the bat for most people since the meanings are usually written on the cards.

Some people find Tarot cards intimidating and “scary” with their dramatic images of crumbling towers and scythe wielding skeletons. In that case, its best to start with a gentle Oracle or Angel card deck.

So why bother learning Tarot at all?

Tarot has a depth to it that Oracle cards often lack. Reading Tarot is more challenging, forcing you to flex your intuitive muscles.

Think learning Tarot requires tons of boring memorization? Think again! And check out my 7 Tips for Learning Tarot Card Meanings.

Going back to the romance novel analogy, Tarot cards are like a leather bound copy of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, while Oracle/Angel decks are like a Harlequin paperback with a glistening cowboy on the cover. Yes, it’s comforting and it’s boatloads of fun, but don’t neglect the classics!

Now that I have thoroughly confused you by saying Tarot is like a Harlequin, I mean no, its like a romantic classic, I would love to hear your thoughts…

Which do you prefer? Tarot or Oracle cards? Or do you like both? Share your opinions in the comments below!

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