Eight of Cups – Ditch the Mundane! (Monday)

8 cups tarot card
Tarot of Mermaids by Lo Scarabeo

Today you are searching for deeper meaning. The Eight of Cups shows that you are no longer content to dwell on the surface of things and shiny, superficial stuff holds no temptation for you anymore.

You may have an urge to leave something behind, reject an offer, or go off in search of a new adventure.

As you adjust to this new side of yourself, understand that you have raised your standards considerably! What may have satisfied you before now bores you to tears.

Mundane chit chat holds no interest for you – so instigate those deep conversations and don’t be afraid to be controversial. If having a safe, stable job once felt just right for you, be prepared for it to feel all wrong. This is good! You are evolving and as you take risks and let go of the old way of thinking, your life will feel richer and more alive than ever before!

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My Adventures in Interactive Tarot Reading

This is part 3 of my 3-part series about “Interactive” Tarot reading (aka “lazy Tarot reading”). Interactive Tarot reading is when you get the person you are reading for to interpret the Tarot card themselves. If you missed the previous two posts, here they are:

Part 1: Interactive Tarot Reading: An Ultra-juicy Reading Method!
Part 2: 5 Reasons to Try Interactive Tarot Reading TODAY!

Today I want to tell you all about my personal experiences with this reading method.

My Experience:

I first began dabbling with Interactive Tarot Reading about a year ago. I had read about this method of reading in various Tarot books over the years, but I had always dismissed it as being a bit of a cop-out.

Then one day I was doing a reading for a woman who was just exhausting the crap out of me. Nothing I said seemed to make sense to her and she kept asking questions that were very difficult to answer. I began to feel drowsy and had to force myself to stay awake and keep slogging through the reading.

Then, out of sheer exasperation, I asked her “well, what do you see in this card?”

To my surprise, she said something incredibly insightful. Unfortunately I have a mind like a net trap (as opposed to a steel trap) and I have no memory of what she actually said. Bad storytelling, I know! But her observation made a light switch on in my head and suddenly the reading began to make sense – for both me and her.

I kept at it for a bit and asked her stuff like “and what do you think that means? And how do you feel this relates to this”, etc, etc.

In the end she was delighted with her reading and I had my sanity back.

But for a while I only used this interactive technique when I was struggling through a reading. Then one evening several months ago, I decided to get brave while I was giving readings at a Tarot party.

Tarot parties can be exhausting because when you’re reading for several people in a row, back to back, it can feel like a marathon for your intuition and Tarot reading skills. Anyhow, I really wanted to test out this “interactive” method with a wide variety of people, since I was certain that not everyone was going to be impressed with it.

Deep down I had this fear that as soon as I asked for my client’s input, they would freak out and roar “but your the Tarot reader, you tell ME!” And what if they thought I was slacking off or cheating?

So I started off slowly….I would give my interpretation first, then I would ask “what stands out to you in this card?”

What happened was this:  people lit up when I asked for their input. They suddenly became like celebrities being interviewed about their next big film and I was like Barbara Walters or Larry King, except younger and hotter.

Their insights and observations led me to ask deeper questions and here’s a little secret I discovered….

Deep questions = exhilarating answers = crazy-hot readings!

superstar!The best part of all was that instead of feeling like a total slacker, I ended up feeling like a Tarot reading superstar! Why? Because my intuition was actually enhanced by reading in this way. Since Interactive Tarot Reading eliminates the usual performance anxiety, I could relax and let my intuition surface naturally.

Plus, people had more aha! moments than ever before.  In a Tarot, the aha! moment is like the orgasm of the reading – its the whole reason you consult the cards in the first place and a reading doesn’t really feel complete until an aha! or two has occurred.

So far, I have found that Interactive Tarot Reading is the best way to produce aha! moments.


My tips for getting started with Interactive Tarot Reading:

Tip #1: Don’t feel you have to go all out with this method – you can stick to your usual way of reading, and every now and then ask the client what they see in the card.

This is what I did at the Tarot Party. When I felt there was a lull in the reading and I wasn’t sure where to go next, I would ask “what stands out to you in this card?”

As you get more comfortable with this style of reading, you can incorporate it more and more.


Tip #2: Don’t deprive your client of your own insights – just because your client sees a card one way and you see it differently, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share your insights.

Think of Interactive Tarot Reading as a collaboration of your intuition and your clients’ intuition.


Tip #3: Don’t forget the “traditional” card meaning! – while its best to put the traditional meaning aside at first, it can be helpful to come back to it near the end of the reading, after your client has fully engaged with the card on a deep level.

The traditional Tarot card meaning can often help make sense of the intuitive insights that were gained throughout the reading. Think of this part of the reading as tying up any loose ends.


My list of possible questions to ask when giving an Interactive Tarot Reading:

  • What color do you notice first?
  • What stands out to you in this card?
  • How do you feel when you look at this card?
  • What would that figure in the card say to you if it could speak?
  • What do you think the figures on this card are doing?
  • What does that symbol mean to you?
  • How does this card reflect your own situation?
  • Which figure on this card represents you? (this works best for cards with multiple figures)
  • What advice would you give to the figure in this card? (This works well when the card depicts some kind of misery like the 5 of Cups or The Tower)
  • Is there anything you find disturbing/fascinating/mysterious about this card?

Now that you have all the tools to go off and run with this technique, give it a try! Notice what works, what doesn’t and then feel free to mosey on back to this page and share your experiences.

In the comments below, tell me if you have ever tried reading interactively, or if you have ever had an interactive Tarot reading? What did you think? Can you see any pitfalls to this method of reading? Do think this could be the new frontier for Tarot reading?

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Four of Pents – Don’t Hoard Your Goodies!

fridays with veronicaVeronica is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She spends her days eating bon bons, writing smut, and prowling around the neighborhood for younger men. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

four of pentacles
Housewives Tarot

Are you saving the fine china for “guests”? Are your lamp shades covered in plastic? Do you have protective coverings on your car seats? Well, knock it off! That’s totally lame!

The Four of Pentacles suggests you just may be hoarding the best parts of yourself for later. But there is no later! There is only NOW!

Of course, you are feeling all delicate about really busting loose and putting yourself out there. Just look at the face of that woman/cabinet. She is thinking “oh no, not the good china! It may get chipped or broken.”

Don’t be such a wimp. You have shiny, awesome things inside you – not literally, but metaphorically. Unless you’ve been eating jewelery. So share the best parts of yourself with others and don’t hold back.

And while your at it, take the plastic off your lampshades because it makes your living room look like Sears!

Four of Pents – Don’t Hoard Your Goodies! Read More »

The Hermit – Embrace Emptiness (Thursday)

the hermit tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is The Hermit. One of my faves! This card tells you that its time to go within and tune out all the drama and excitement of the outside world.

You may notice a big zero on this card right under where the Hermit is standing. The message I get from this today is that it is time to contemplate emptiness.

If you pay close attention you will see that you often run and hide from emptiness – always doing things to “fill the void” – such as “keeping busy”, snacking, watching movies and shows you don’t even care about – all to avoid the gnawing emptiness within.

Today, make friends with that emptiness. Instead of reading the morning paper while you eat breakfast, just eat without trying to distract yourself. Instead of automatically turning on the radio when you get in your car, drive in silence…..and see what emerges from that silence.


The Hermit – Embrace Emptiness (Thursday) Read More »

Justice! Look Beneath the Surface (Wednesday)

justice tarot
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Wednesday’s Tarot card is Justice and she comes to tell you that everything is equal, balanced and fair, even if it doesn’t seem that way right now.

Don’t concern yourself with “getting even” if someone has pissed you off or wronged you – just get on with your day, even if that feels difficult.

You may feel extra challenged today when it comes to imposing your will on others – you may either be tempted to boss someone around or you might feel as though someone else is trying to do this to you.

Focus on seeing the underlying theme of the situation. For example, if your friend is acting a bit manipulative, try to see what is going on underneath all of that – perhaps she is trying to control things because her life feels out of control. This will help you be compassionate and not take the behavior personally.

Justice! Look Beneath the Surface (Wednesday) Read More »

Eight of Swords – See Your Problems as a Game (Tuesday)

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

The Eight of Swords comes today to remind you of why you create “problems” in your life.

From the perspective of your Higher Self, you create problems so you can learn to heal and create change for yourself. In other words, your problems and challenges exist to help you become skilled at creating peace and joy for yourself.

Think of your “problems” as a game and get creative thinking of different ways you might shift things. The woman in this card is here by her own accord – no one put her there and no one will rescue her – it is up to her to untie herself and lift her blindfold.

Once you see your problems as something that is self created, you are free to have fun with them – this sounds a bit “out there”, I know! But looking at your life in this way can create a sense of peace and freedom.

Eight of Swords – See Your Problems as a Game (Tuesday) Read More »

Freedom – Open your arms to Conscious Manifestation! (Monday)

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s card is Freedom, from the Life Purpose Oracle Cards. The message is “you’re free to do what you choose.” Sometimes you forget this, but today its time to remember!

You have unlimited options at your fingertips. Some days this is obvious, but other times you may feel limited or stuck. Any limitations are self imposed and only an illusion – even though they may feel very real for you.

Today is about embracing the fact that you really do create your own reality and you are free to shape your life the way you choose. Spend time today consciously manifesting – write down what you want to welcome into your life, what you are ready to release and what direction you would like to move in.

You can review your list every day or every week – but keep it in your conscious awareness. In the comments below, tell me what you want to welcome into your world right now!


Freedom – Open your arms to Conscious Manifestation! (Monday) Read More »

Queen of Swords: Give Your Life the Snip-Snip (Friday)

friday's with veronica

My evil, Tarot reading twin Veronica is commandeering Friday’s on my blog. I am giving her her very own day! Each Friday she will deliver a reading chalk full of horrid advice and inappropriate suggestions. I strongly advise you to take everything she says with a grain of salt…

queen of swords
The Housewives Tarot

The Queen of Swords in this Housewive’s Tarot is a terror with a pair of garden shears who goes around carelessly castrating roses – particularly those with men’s faces on them?!

This Queen doesn’t stand of any B.S. If your not up to snuff, she gives you the snip snip…and she does it with a smile.

Be this Queen today and gleefully cut back what isn’t working in your life.

Job pissing you off?…..phone in sick.

Friend who won’t shut up about her problems?…..hang up on her.

Cable company sends you a notice that they will be increasing your rates again? Phone them and cancel your cable. F**k em. Play hardball.

Think about what you can do without – for me its TV, a cell phone, junk food and newspapers – and cut those things out of your life for a while and see what happens. You aren’t depriving yourself – you’re cutting yourself free.

Tell me in the comments below…what useless crap will you be deep sixing today?

Queen of Swords: Give Your Life the Snip-Snip (Friday) Read More »

Pick Your Battles…Then Enjoy Them to the Fullest! (Thursday)

five of rods
New Palladini Tarot
The Five of Rods is the Tarot card of the day and its all about conflict, minor battles and competitiveness. Fur is going to fly!

You may find yourself thinking “why can’t we all just get along?” or “wouldn’t it be nice if we all could live in peace?”

Indeed, it would be very nice…and boring. Did it ever occur that perhaps you create your own dramas to keep yourself entertained, even if its stressful?

The wisdom of this card is that differences of opinion and wills are inevitable, but you don’t need to go around engaging in this kind of crap 24-7.

Pick your battles wisely, but then engage in them fully. Its okay to enjoy an argument every now and then. Just don’t take it all too seriously.

Pick Your Battles…Then Enjoy Them to the Fullest! (Thursday) Read More »