Best of 2015: My top 10 Tarot Blog Posts!
As 2015 comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on everything that sucked about this past year (I can’t help it! I just do stuff like that!). But you know what didn’t suck in 2015? The 10 Tarot blog posts below…..
I’ve sifted through all my Tarot blog posts over the past year to find the ones I think you’ll enjoy the most, because even if you’ve been reading my Tarot blog religiously, I know you probably missed a couple!
Quiz: How Psychic Are You?
Take my saucy quiz and find out just how psychic you really are!
Warning: this is a fun one and will make you realize how much you miss those Seventeen magazine quizzes!
Read it here
My Top 10 Tarot Decks
It was hard to come up with this list, believe me! Leaving some decks off this list made me feel like I was abandoning my less loved unsettling sensation, indeed. Beware! This list may induce an Amazon deck ordering frenzy...
See my list
How to Read the Same Tarot Card in Different Decks
If you've ever wondered if the meanings of the Tarot cards change depending on what kind of Tarot deck you're using, here is your answer!
20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight!
Well, the title says it all so I won't natter on about it, but this was one of my absolute faves! Bust out your Tarot journal before doing this one, 'cause you're gonna need it!
The Most Rebellious Way to Read Tarot....EVER!
Since you're an "outside the box" kind of person, why would you read Tarot any differently? Here's a Tarot exercise that will appeal to the rebel in you....
Read it!
Tarot Game!
Looking for a way to rope your friends and family into a card game? Here it is! Put your Tarot cards to good use in this fun, fresh Tarot game that EVERYONE can play...
The Tarot Court Cards in Bed
Here's a fun little series that managed to offend a handful of readers. Will it offend you? There's only one way to find it!
I promise you'll never look at Court Cards the same way again.

Why the Court Cards are so Darn Hard to Read
Here's another post about those pesky Court Cards....but this one isn't quite as dirty as the one above (at least I don't think it is). There's even a free worksheet that you can print out and go to town on!
Why the Court Cards are so darn hard to read (and what you can do about it)
Tarot Card Combinations Exercise!
Here's a fun one to try with your Tarot cards. Please ignore my reference to my Tarot book being out in June - I lied. I'm still writing that sucker!
How to Connect with Your Tarot Deck...Part 2
If you got a new Tarot (or Oracle) deck for Christmas, you absolutely MUST try this exercise with it! It will totally change the way you relate to your a really, really good way.
Best of 2015: My top 10 Tarot Blog Posts! Read More »