Guess what? YOU are psychic! How do I know? Well, because everyone is… one degree or another.
Like hearing or eyesight, we all have a “sixth sense” which is our intuition, or our “gut instincts”.
Some of us are more in touch with it than others and some of us may be more naturally intuitive. But we are all intuitive/psychic.
I know this is kind of like saying “everyone’s special in their own way”, but stay with me…
We are all capable of moving our bodies (unless your completely paralyzed) and yet only a few of us will become Olympic athletes. Some of us exercise regularly for health reasons, some of us sit on the couch all day watching Vampire Diaries and some of us may train relentlessly for a particular sport.

Psychic ability is the same kind of thing. We all have it but what we choose to do with it is up to us.
However, some of us just have more of a natural inclination or interest in psychic stuff. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you have what I call a “psychic personality.” Read on to see if this is you…
Part 1: How psychic are you?
1) You’re at a crowded festival and find yourself fantasizing about:
a) Leaving early so you can curl up on your couch with a good book
b) Hoping up on stage for an impromptu performance. You LOVE being the center of attention!
c) You’re not fantasizing about anything. You’re just enjoying blending into the crowd, people watching and soaking it all in.
2) The phone rings and you know it’s your old high school boyfriend because:
a) You just have this “feeling” it’s him
b) You just ran into him yesterday and he said he’d call you today. Plus, you have caller ID.
c) You’ve been having tons of weird dreams about him lately
3) When you meet someone for the first time, you usually:
a) Get a pretty good sense of who they are as a person – your first impressions are rarely wrong
b) Notice the brands of clothing they’re wearing and the yellow stains on their teeth
c) Get a sudden image of them 20 years into the future – CEO of a financial institution, balding with a gut and getting a lap dance from an underage stripper while their wife stays at home with their two children.
4) You’re on vacation and the resort your staying at is offering 3 different workshops. The one that appeals most to you is:
a) Communicating with your Higher Self
b) Surfing
c) Painting from the Soul
Okay, great! Your done the first section on the quiz. Look at your answers – if you chose mostly a’s and c’s, you have what I call a “psychic personality” – you tend to be more introverted than extraverted, are fairly in touch with your intuition and feel drawn to learn more about it.
If you chose mostly b’s, you probably couldn’t care less about “intuition” or “psychic senses” and have no idea why you are even doing this lame quiz! Your psychic ability is more latent. You may chose to work with it later in life or not at all – and that’s okay.
Part 2: Can you trust your intuition?
1) You’ve made plans to go for a picnic with a friend. You get a strong feeling the day before that you should postpone the picnic and stay home instead. So of course you:
a) Dismiss this as silly paranoia and stick to your original plans – there is no logical reason why you shouldn’t go on the picnic!
b) Listen to your gut feeling and reschedule the picnic for next week
2) You have to choose between two fabulous job offers – waitressing at the Playboy mansion or being a human rights lawyer. How do you decide?
a) Draw up a list of pros and cons for each job and then phone your best friend and ask for her advice
b) Do some journalling, take lots of long walks, meditate and ask your higher self for guidance

3) You meet a really hot guy (or girl) through an online dating site. You get bad vibes right away, despite their good looks and charming personality. Do you:
a) Get mad at yourself and think “for heaven’s sake, this person has been nothing but nice to me, I’m such a terrible person for feeling this way”. Plus your really bored and lonely, and nobody’s perfect, right?
b) Enjoy some polite conversation but keep your distance, don’t give out any personal information and decline a second date. Sure they’re hot, but you don’t want to end up in pieces in their freezer!
Okay, tally up your answers.
If you got mostly a’s, this shows that you have strong intuition yet you don’t trust it. This is a common frustration for many “psychic personalities” and it renders your intuition almost useless.
The good news is, there’s plenty of things you can do to overcome this. Here are some helpful resources to check out:
How to Develop Your Intuition: Tips and Techniques
Interview with Dr.Cara Gubbins on Intuition
If you got mostly b’s, congratulations! Not only are you in-touch with your intuition, but you also trust it and are willing to act on it. That’s no small feat! You have the potential to be an Olypmic level psychic!
The Psychic Personality
Over the years, I have noticed that those who are very connected to their intuition tend to have common personality traits. See below for my list. Of course, not every intuitive is going to have all of these traits, but these are just the one’s that I keep noticing.
♥ Avoids crowds but loves people-watching
♥ Prefers a quieter atmosphere most of the time
♥ Loves reading and collecting books
♥ Seems to need more sleep than the average person
♥ Is drawn to paranormal and new age topics like ghosts, astral travel, psychic development, energy healing, past lives, hypnosis, shamanism, etc….
♥ Prefers deep, intimate conversation to polite small talk
♥ Enjoys alone time
♥ Avoids violent movies and The News
What do you think?
In the comments below, please share your thoughts on this topic – can you relate to this list of characteristics? Are you an intuitive introvert? Or a psychic extravert? I would love to hear your take on this!